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    Training of mining locomotive drivers using simulators will increase the efficiency and intensity of training. Due to this, a decrease in financial and time expenditures for training a driver, an increase in the safety and productivity of his labour will be achieved. The number of errors in the work and damage to equipment, which are sometimes caused by the driver\u27s inexperience will be reduced. The mining train driver\u27s simulator is manufactured as an autonomous training tool with the trainee immersion in a virtual environment that is as close as possible to a real working environment and is a training complex consisting of hardware and software. The software simulates the operation of all locomotive systems, mining sidings infrastructure and an interactive 3D panorama of the environment. In the driver\u27s cabin of a mining locomotive, a real working environment is reproduced, control, alarm and indication elements of the locomotive, as well as other equipment of a real cabin necessary for performing all technological operations are located. Training complexes will never replace real experience in the workplace, but they can quickly increase the qualifications of trainees, develop in them the skills of acting in non-standard and emergency situations, which is extremely difficult in real work conditions.Osposobljavanje strojovođa rudarskih lokomotiva na simulatorima povećat će učinkovitost i intenzitet obuke. Zbog toga će doći do smanjenja financijskih i vremenskih troškova za obuku vozača, postići će se povećanje sigurnosti i produktivnosti njegova rada, smanjenje broja pogrešaka u radu i oštećenja opreme koji su ponekad uzrokovani neiskustvom vozača. Simulator vozača proizveden je kao autonomni alat za obuku, s polaznikom koji je postavljen u virtualno okruženje što sličnije stvarnomu radnom okruženju, i predstavlja kompleks za obuku koji se sastoji od hardvera i softvera. Softver simulira rad svih lokomotivskih sustava, pristupne infrastrukture rudnika i interaktivne 3D panorame okoliša. U kabini strojovođe rudničke lokomotive reproducira se stvarno radno okruženje, upravljački, alarmni i indikacijski elementi lokomotive te ostala oprema koja se nalazi u stvarnoj kabini i nužna je za izvođenje svih tehnoloških operacija