17 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Zeolite L. Tuning Size and Morphology

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    Summary.: A convenient synthesis of zeolite L is presented. The size of the crystals can be tuned between 30 and 6000 nm, spanning a volume range of seven orders of magnitude. The zeolite L crystals, which typically feature a cylindrical morphology, are synthesized with various aspect ratios ranging from elongated to disc-shaped. The importance of obtaining zeolite crystals with well-defined size and morphology is discussed in view of potential applications of zeolite L containing organic dye molecules as guest

    Olanzapine compared to quetiapine in adolescents with a first psychotic episode

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of olanzapine and quetiapine in adolescents with first episode psychosis. Method: Fifty adolescents (age 16 ± 1.25) with a first episode of psychosis were randomized to quetiapine or olanzapine in a 6-month open label study. Efficacy and side effect scales, as well as vital signs and laboratory data were recorded at baseline, 7, 15, 30, 90, and 180 days (end of study). Results: Out of the total sample included in the study, 32 patients completed the trial (quetiapine n = 16, olanzapine n = 16). Patients in both treatment groups had a significant reduction in all clinical scales with the exception of the negative scale of the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) for olanzapine and the general psychopathology scale of the PANSS for quetiapine. The only difference between treatment arms on the clinical scales was observed on the patients' strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) scale, with greater improvement for olanzapine. Patients on olanzapine gained 15.5 kg and patients on quetiapine gained 5.5 kg. Conclusion: Olanzapine and quetiapine reduced psychotic symptoms in this adolescent sample. Patients on olanzapine gained significantly more weight. Side effects with both drugs seemed to be more prevalent than those reported in adult studies

    Negative symptoms and sex differences in first episode schizophrenia: What's their role in the functional outcome? A longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Negative symptoms (NS) include asociality, avolition, anhedonia, alogia, and blunted affect and are linked to poor prognosis. It has been suggested that they reflect two different factors: diminished expression (EXP) (blunted affect and alogia) and amotivation/pleasure (MAP) (anhedonia, avolition, asociality). The aim of this article was to examine potential sex differences among first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients and analyze sex-related predictors of two NS symptoms factors (EXP and MAP) and functional outcome. Material and methods: Two hundred and twenty-three FES (71 females and 152 males) were included and evaluated at baseline, six-months and one-year. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine the effects of time and sex on NS and a multiple linear regression backward elimination was performed to predict NS factors (MAP-EXP) and functioning. Results: Females showed fewer NS (p = 0.031; Cohen's d = −0.312), especially those related to EXP (p = 0.024; Cohen's d = −0.326) rather than MAP (p = 0.086), than males. In both male and female group, worse premorbid adjustment and higher depressive symptoms made a significant contribution to the presence of higher deficits in EXP at one-year follow-up, while positive and depressive symptoms predicted alterations in MAP. Finally, in females, lower deficits in MAP and better premorbid adjustment predicted better functioning at one-year follow-up (R2 = 0.494; p < 0.001), while only higher deficits in MAP predicted worse functioning in males (R2 = 0.088; p = 0.012). Conclusions: Slightly sex differences have been found in this study. Our results lead us to consider that early interventions of NS, especially those focusing on motivation and pleasure symptoms, could improve functional outcomes

    Elikadura Jokabidearen Nahasteak eta autokontzeptu fisikoa nerabezaroan

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    El desarrollo de los TCA está muy asociado con el autoconcepto físico. Así, se ha comprobado que cuanto más pobre es la autopercepción de los adolescentes, más probabilidades tienen de mostrar síntomas de TCA. Pero esta relación no sólo se da en la población no clínica; se observa la misma pauta en adolescentes con TCA. Se comprueba que la actividad física es una buena forma de evitar dichos trastornos, pero únicamente si se practica menos de 3 días por semana.EJNen garapena oso lotuta dago autokontzeptu fisikoarekin, nerabeek zenbat eta auto-pertzeptzio eskasagoa eduki, orduan eta EJNen sintoma gehiago izateko aukera handiagoa dutela frogatu delako. Baina erlazio hori ez da bakarrik populazio ez-klinikoan ematen, EJN daukaten nerabeengan ere gauza bera ikusten da. Aktibitate fisikoa gaixotasun horiek sahiesteko modu ona dela baieztatzen da, baina bakarrik astean 3 egun baino gutxigotan praktikatzen bada.Le développement des TCA est étroitement associé à l'auto concept physique. Ainsi, il a été prouvé que plus l'auto perception des adolescents est faible, plus ils ont de probabilités de montrer des symptômes de TCA. Mais cette relation n'apparaît pas seulement dans la population non clinique; on observe les mêmes règles chez des adolescents avec TCA. On constate que l'activité physique est une bonne façon d'éviter ces troubles, mais uniquement si elle est pratiquée au moins 3 jours par semaines.The development of Food Conduct Disorder (FCD) is very much associated to one's own physical self-concept. Thus, it has been demonstrated that the poorer the self-perception of adolescents, the more probabilities of having FCD symptoms. But this relationship is present not only in the non-clinical population; it has also been observed in adolescents with FCD. Physical activity has been demonstrated to be a good way to avoid such ailments, but only if it is practices less than 3 days a week

    Synthesis of zeolite L : tuning size and morphology

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    Controlling Size and Morphology of Zeolite L

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    The synthesis of zeolite L crystals of high purity and well-defined morphology is described. Four procedures are detailed, leading to (a) large elongated cylindrical crystals, (b) medium-sized disc-shaped crystals, (c) nano-sized crystals, and (d) medium-sized cylindrical-shaped crystals