379 research outputs found

    Audible-to-Infrared Bridging

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    Home entertainment devices, such as televisions, stereos, and media players, have, traditionally, been equipped with remote controls so that a user might be able to activate or control the home entertainment device wirelessly. Many remote controls’ only wireless communication capabilities are tied to infrared (IR) signaling to control the entertainment device, and as such, are not equipped to respond to communications that might be received through other means. An IR bridge module is described that is capable of “bridging” communications between an entertainment device and another device that might be used as part of home automation, such as a voice-recognizing personal assistant. The IR bridge module receives a wi-fi or ethernet signal from the voice-recognizing personal assistant and, in response, transmits infrared signals to the entertainment device. The IR bridge module may operate in a training mode, during which it learns and maps infrared remote control commands to a voice command. The IR bridge module may also operate in an execution mode, during which it “bridges” active communication and commands between the voice-recognizing personal assistant and an entertainment device

    Smart Playing Cards

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    Technology can be used to enhance the experience of existing games including card games. One way this can be accomplished is through the use of near field communications to detect the state of playing cards and use the detected state of the cards to perform experience enhancing actions associated with their respective state. For example, the gameplay experience while playing cards can be enhanced in a variety of ways including keeping score of a game (e.g., a player’s cribbage score), providing special effects (e.g., visual effects or sound effects associated with a card game), and preventing cheating

    A Dynamic, Scalable Algorithm to Optimize the Allocation of Athletics Scholarships

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    When a high school student athlete makes the decision to swim collegiately, one of the leading factors in choosing a university is the amount of the scholarship award. These awards are determined by the equivalency category in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Divisions I and II and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Rules govern financial aid and the number of scholarships allowed by a member institution. The exact financial distribution among athletes, however, is mostly the coaches’ responsibility and there is scarcity in the literature on how these scholarships are distributed among athletes in a college/ university, which is why it’s important for Athletics Departments within these colleges and universities to have a model to help distribute the scholarship amounts in an optimal manner that promotes transparency and ethical leadership. This paper provides a model to aid coaches in the distribution of financial award/ scholarships in a women’s swimming in a major urban university; however, the model can be applied and adjusted for financial award distribution for any collegiate sport following any institute specific policies and preferences

    SMILE: smart monitoring intelligent learning engine. An ontology-based context-aware system for supporting patients subjected to severe emergencies

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    Remote healthcare has made a revolution in the healthcare domain. However, an important problem this field is facing is supporting patients who are subjected to severe emergencies (as heart attacks) to be both monitored and protected while being at home. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework with the main objectives of: 1) emergency handling through monitoring patients, detecting emergencies and insuring fast emergency responses; 2) preventing an emergency from happening in the first place through protecting patients by organising their lifestyles and habits. To achieve these objectives, we propose a layered middleware. Our context model combines two modelling methods: probabilistic modelling to capture uncertain information and ontology to ease knowledge sharing and reuse. In addition, our system uses a two-level reasoning approach (ontology-based reasoning and Bayesian-based reasoning) to manage both certain and uncertain contextual parameters in an adaptive manner. Bayesian network is learned from ontology. Moreover, to ensure a more sophisticated decision-making for service presentation, influence diagram and analytic hierarchy process are used along with regular probabilistic rules (confidence level) and basic semantic logic rules

    The Impact of Basel III Capital Regulation on Credit Risk: A Hybrid Model

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    This research examined the impact of Basel III capital regulation (BCR) on credit risk (CR) using a sample of 25 commercial banks in Lebanon over the period 2012–2017. BCR is measured using the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and the common equity tier one ratio (CET1 ratio), CR is measured using net provision for credit losses /total assets. To analyze the data, we constructed a hybrid model based on 3 statistical approaches. First, we modelled the dual impact of BCR and CR using probabilistic inference in the framework of Bayesian Belief Network formalism (BBN). Second, to highlight more about the correlation between BCR and CR, we used Spearman correlation test as a nonparametric approach. Third to study the simultaneous effect of CAR and CET1 ratio on CR we applied multivariate regression analysis. By analyzing the probabilistic inference for the first approach we concluded that there is an effect of BCR on CR especially for the high level of CET1 ratio, but when we investigated more if this effect is significant using the Spearman correlation test and the multivariate regression analysis, we concluded that there is no effect statistically significant of Basel III capital regulation (BCR) on credit risk (CR)

    Integer Representations of the Generalized Symmetric Groups

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    In this paper, we construct a mixed-base number system over the generalized symmetric group G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n), which is a complex reflection group with a root system of type Bn(m)B_n^{(m)}. We also establish one-to-one correspondence between all positive integers in the set {1,⋯ ,mnn!}\{1,\cdots,m^nn!\} and the elements of G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n) by constructing the subexceedant function in relation to this group. In addition, we provide a new enumeration system for G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n) by defining the inversion statistic on G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n). Finally, we prove that the \textit{flag-major index} is equi-distributed with this inversion statistic on G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n). Therefore, the flag-major index is Mahonian on G(m,1,n)G(m,1,n) with respect to the length function LL

    PHEN : parkinson helper emergency notification system using Bayesian Belief Network

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    Context-aware systems are used to aid users in their daily lives. In the recent years, researchers are exploring how context aware systems can benefit humanity through assist patients, specifically those who suffer incurable diseases, to cope with their illness. In this paper, we direct our work to help people who suffer from Parkinson disease. We propose PHEN, Parkinson Helper Engine Network System, a context-aware system that aims to support Parkinson disease patients on m any levels. We use ontology is for context representation and modeling. Then the ontology based context model is used to learn with Bayesian Belief network (BBN) which is beneficial in handling the uncertainty aspect of context-aware systems

    Le théâtre de Sarraute : polyphonie et énonciation

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    The corpus is formed of six plays of Nathalie Sarraute; it hides a duplication of enunciation types in the characters’ dialogue. This duplication is latent due to personal pronouns and verb tenses’ neutralization. The transition from an enunciation layer to another is not marked at all or not traditionally marked. Therefore, deciphering will be more complicated to any reader, listener or spectator. These works of art are also highly polyphonic in terms of enunciation as in semantics, as several voices are intertwined and as the characters resort to authorities of point of view. Thus, readers, listeners and spectators should identify enunciation sources and “other” authorities of point of view to distinguish them from the original voices and to know what their contribution to the plays is. Even some speeches are reported and, predominately repeated as direct speech. Therefore, enunciation layers and enunciators are multiplied. We can also notice other voices in plays, as the author’s through what is called “stage directions” and other parts of the texts, the practitioners’ and the director’s through the performance.Notre corpus, formé des six pièces de théâtre de Nathalie Sarraute, recèle un dédoublement des types énonciatifs dans les répliques des personnages, dédoublement qui est latent et qui est dû essentiellement à la neutralisation des oppositions de personnes et de temps. Le passage d’une couche locutoire à l’autre n’est pas marqué dans la plupart des cas ; sinon, il ne s’agit pas du marquage usuel. Ainsi est complexifiée la tâche de déchiffrage de tout récepteur extratextuel. Ces œuvres sont aussi éminemment polyphoniques tant au niveau énonciatif qu’au niveau sémantique, dans le sens où des voix multiples s’y enchevêtrent et des instances de prises de position y sont mises en scène. Les lecteurs, auditeurs ou spectateurs devraient, par conséquent, identifier les sources énonciatives et les instances « autres » pour les distinguer des voix originelles et pour reconnaître le rôle de cet « ailleurs ». Même des paroles sont rapportées, surtout aux styles direct et direct libre, multipliant ainsi les strates locutoires et les locuteurs. D’autres voix sont aussi perceptibles au théâtre, à savoir l’auctoriale à travers les didascalies et d’autres éléments des textes sarrautiens, et celles des praticiens du théâtre et du metteur en scène à travers la représentatio
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