4 research outputs found
Hepatoprotective Effect of 17β-Estradiol as Antioxidant Modulators Against Stress Damage
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Kowsar Medical Institute'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Epidemiological and Other Investigations in the Human
- Author
- A Djordjevic
- A Rubin
- A Tarkkanen
- B Appleton
- B Appleton
- B Appleton
- B Appleton
- B Appleton
- B Cohen
- B Tengroth
- BM Tengroth
- C Silverman
- C Silverman
- C Silverman
- C Silverman
- CD Robinette
- CD Robinette
- CH Dodge
- CI Barron
- CI Barron
- DD Donaldson
- DE Shacklett
- DS Rosenthal
- E Aurell
- FG Hirsch
- FG Hirsch
- G Cocorra
- H Burmeister
- I Lancranjan
- IS Shimkovich
- J Bouchat
- J Dads
- J Dads
- J Majewska
- J Pazderova-Vejlupkova
- JA Hathaway
- JA Hathaway
- JR Weintraub
- K Marha
- L Daily
- L Minecki
- LT Odland
- M Siekierzynski
- MJ Roberts Jr.
- MM Zaret
- MM Zaret
- MM Zaret
- MM Zaret
- MN Sadchikova
- MN Sadchikova
- N Raue
- P Czerski
- P Czerski
- P Czerski
- P Puska
- PB Peacock
- PJ Gehring
- R Joly
- R. W. Neidlinger
- RH Davies
- RL Carpenter
- RM Albrecht
- S Baranski
- S Gellhorn
- S Zydecki
- SF Cleary
- SF Cleary
- SJ Crews
- SM Michaelson
- SM Michaelson
- SM Michaelson
- SM Michaelson
- US Senate
- W Clark
- WC Milroy
- WR Demark
- Z Edelwejn
- ZV Gordon
- ZV Gordon
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
Fracture features in soda-lime glass after contact loading with high contact forces
- Author
- A Arora
- A Ball
- A. Momber
- AC Fischer-Cripps
- AD Salman
- AG Smekal
- AG Smekal
- AJ Bushby
- AJ Pons
- B Lin
- BB Mandelbrot
- BJ Hockey
- BR Lawn
- C Wünsche
- D Hull
- D Hull
- D Hull
- DA Gorham
- DA Gorham
- DB Marshall
- DK Kim
- DM Kulawansa
- E Sommer
- F Auerbach
- F Kerkhof
- F Kerkhof
- H Ji
- HC Espinosa
- HP Kirchner
- I Maekawa
- J Persson
- JB Murgantroyd
- JC Russ
- K Peter
- K Peter
- M Yoda
- MV Swain
- MV Swain
- R Gardon
- R Kienle
- R Tandon
- S Kocanda
- S Satapathy
- SM Wiederhorn
- SQ Kuo
- V Frid
- X Chen
- YW Rhee
- ZV Djordjevic
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Fractal and Multifractal Approaches to Percolation: Some Exact and Not-So-Exact Results
- Author
- A Bunde
- A Bunde
- A Coniglio
- A Coniglio
- A Coniglio
- A Coniglio
- A Coniglio
- A Geiger
- A Geiger
- A Hankey
- A Weinrib
- AB Harris
- B Sapoval
- C Amitrano
- D Ben-Avraham
- D Stauffer
- DC Hong
- DS Gaunt
- ET Gawlinski
- F Leyvraz
- F Leyvraz
- F Leyvraz
- F Zernike
- FY Wu
- FY Wu
- FY Wu
- G Daccord
- G Deutscher
- G Parisi
- G Shlifer
- H Kesten
- H Kunz
- H Nakanishi
- H Nakanishi
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HE Stanley
- HJ Herrmann
- HJ Herrmann
- HJ Herrmann
- J Isaacson
- J Nittmann
- J Nittmann
- J Nittmann
- L DeArcangelis
- L DeArcangelis
- LA Turkevich
- ME Fisher
- MF Sykes
- P Meakin
- P Meakin
- PD Eschbach
- PG Gennes de
- PJ Reynolds
- PJ Reynolds
- PW Kasteleyn
- R Pike
- R Rammal
- RB Potts
- RF Voss
- RL Blumberg
- RM Ziff
- S Alexander
- S Kirkpatrick
- T Grossman
- T Vicsek
- TC Halsey
- TD Lee
- This list is not intended to be complete. Many important articles have been omitted and the work of my Boston University colleagues and distinguished visitors has been overemphasized. Aharony A and Stauffer D
- Y Gefen
- ZV Djordjevic
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study