51 research outputs found

    Sistemas agroflorestais para as pequenas propriedades rurais da região dos cerrados.

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    Trabalhos apresentados na I Mostra de Resultados de Pesquisa da Embrapa Cerrados

    Utilizacao integrada de pastagens de Andropogon gayanus cv. Planaltina e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu.

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    Espécies para arborização de pastagens.

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    ABSTRACT: The main of arborization of grasslands is the comfort supplied to the animals by the shadow of the trees, which not only increases the milk production but also improves the reproduction of the cows. In hot regions and shadowed areas, the grazing behavior of animals is changed resulting in better distribution of rumination during the day and more time for animals to rest. An experiment to select species for arborization of grasslands in the Cerrado areas was installed in Planaltina-DF, on a grassland of Brachiaria decumbens. In this experiment 21 species were evaluated. Based on tree height, trunk diameter, tree canopy and survival after 57 months, the best species for grasslands arborization were: Jacaré (Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J. F. Macbr, Tamboril (Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong., Angico-do-cerrado (Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg., Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake, Mata-cachorro (Simarouba versicolor A. St. Hill.bitstream/CPAC-2009/26610/1/comtec_113.pd

    Demandas de treinamento e capacitação - levantamento efetuado com agentes de desenvolvimento rural da região do cerrado.

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    RESUMO: Este documento teve como objetivo apresentar o método utilizado e os resultados obtidos de uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa para identificação dos principais temas a serem abordados em ações futuras de treinamento e de capacitação (curso, seminários, workshops, entre outra) da Embrapa Cerrados destinadas a agentes de desenvolvimento rural. Entende-se por agentes de desenvolvimento rural aqueles profissionais que atuem no âmbito local apoiando e promovendo o processo de desenvolvimento socioeconômico . Isto é, técnicos que trabalham com transferência de tecnologia junto aos produtores rurais . Porém, este levantamento foi estendido não só aos técnicos da assistência técnica pública, mas também, a qualquer profissional que estivesse envolvido no trabalho de apoio aos produtores rurais, pois nem sempre o município é atendido pelas estruturas governamentais de assistência técnica e, em muitos deles, existem organizações e técnicos que complementam a ação pública. A área de abrangência deste trabalho foi a Região do Cerrado. A região trabalhada é composta por 651 municípios distribuídos nos Estados de Goiás (GO), Bahia (BA), Maranhão (MA), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Piauí (PI), Mato Grosso (MT), Tocantins (TO), Minas Gerais (MG) e Distrito Federa (DF). São Apresentadas, todas as etapas de pesquisa com o intuito de servir de referência para outros trabalhos. Os principais temas foram: bovinos de leite, milho e bovinos de corte, mas, além disso, neste trabalho mostrou-se que é possível identificar as demandas de treinamento e de capacitação da forma mais simples que existe: perguntando aos clientes. ABSTRACT: A method used for a qualitative exploratory research and presented in this work. The objective is the indentification of the main themes for future actions for training (curses, seminars and workshops) to capacity rural development agents by Ebrapa Cerrados. Rural development agents is defined as a professional who acts in the local scope supporting and promoting the social and economic development process. It is involved not only professional who is working to support for a public tchical assistance, but also any profesisional who is working to support rural producers. Always the municipal districts exist organizations and technician that complement the public actions. The area of this work is the Cerrado region. The region is composed by 951 municipal district distributed in the state of Goiás (GO), Bahia (BA), Maranhão (MA), Mato Gosso do Sul (MS), Piauí (PI), Mato Grosso (MT), Tocantins (TO), Minas Gerais (MG) and Distrito Federal (DF). It is presented in details all stage of the research to serve as reference for jobs. The main identified thems were: milking cow, beef and corn. Ie is also possible to identify the the training demands to capacity by a simpler form that exist: asking to the clients.bitstream/CPAC-2009/24834/1/bolpd_71.pd

    Estabelecimento de Leucena associada com cultivos anuais.

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    Organização de produtores e desenvolvimento rural.

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    The family agriculture is an important segment in Brasilian, as on the social point of view, as on the gross value production from the national farming. In spite of its importance, however, it faces many problems as , decapitalization, access dificulty to the credit, low insert in the market, precariousness of ownership of the earth, limited, little useful surface exploration or any access to the technical support and other support services, low capitalization lavel and weaknees in organizing. from the half of eighty decade, the movement associativista took great pulse as alternative to reduce the effects of those impediments. Several organization forms; where the small farmer associations congregated in a central of associations. that new reality demanded changes in the traditional focuses of technical support. For that, it was necessary to review some concepts and to innovate work tools,seeking to incorporate the organization ideias as tool capable to make possible the development. In this work the discussed themes were: the particularities of the family agriculture, its insertion in the sustainable developement, the complexity of the farmer organizations and the necessary tchnician knowledge to support those organizations. The intention was to support the field technicians, in the search of new work posture with the family farmers, in way to rescue his/her work as educator and developement agent.bitstream/CPAC-2009/25019/1/doc_75.pd

    Transferência de tecnologia, agricultura familiar e desenvolvimento local: a experiência do Projeto Silvânia.

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    ABSTRACT: The rural development has been associated to the modernization of the agriculture by the use or incorporation of new technologies to the productive process. However, it cannot just be faced as fruit of technological change, because the own adoption of technologies is dependent of external factors to the rural establishments. This work discusses the methodology used in the Project "The utilization of R&D approach for the development of the small agriculture in the area of Silvânia-GO", usually known as "Projeto Silvânia". The R&D approach can be defined as the experimentation in real scale and in collaboration with the farmers for the improvements technical, economical and social of the production systems and of the modalities of exploration of the place. The choice of R&D approach was based on the premise that it is not enough to generate technologies, to try in real conditions and to develop the techniques to allow to improve the operation and the productivity of the units of production. It should be tried, also, that the farmers that administer their businesses have the necessary resources to adopt those improvements and have interest in doing it. In R&D, the development strategies and the manners of organization of the farmers are object of studies jus as the operation or the production systems. That means that the technical innovation and the social are two complemental aspects and indissoluble of a same transformation process and for that they have to be considered. The principles that orientate the work are presented, as well as the following steps in the application of the methodology and the use tools. At the end, the results reached by the project are discussed and the main challenges for the use of the methodology.bitstream/CPAC-2009/26220/1/doc_101.pd

    Banco de proteina como complemento de pastagem nativa de cerrado na recria de femeas.

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    Programa de pesquisa em forragicultura no Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos Cerrados - Brasilia, DF.

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    Banco de proteina de leucena e estilosantes.

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