4 research outputs found

    Precise Orbit Determination and Maneuver Assessment for TH-2 Satellites Using Spaceborne GPS and BDS2 Observations

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    The TH-2 satellite system, including the TH-2A and TH-2B, is the first distributed interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) satellite system in China. During the in-orbit operation, the TH-2A satellite should perform three maneuvers per day to keep the formation flying geometry. We estimate those maneuvers in the precise orbit determination (POD) by the GPS and BDS2 measurements on board, respectively. The residuals of the POD show that the effects caused by orbital maneuvers can be well eliminated for both the GPS and BDS2 data. The precision of the BDS2-based POD is better than 8.0 cm in the three-dimensional direction (3D) compared with the orbit derived from the GPS observations. Such a precision level of the satellite orbit satisfies the InSAR mission requirement of the TH-2. In addition, the relative error of velocity changes is employed to evaluate the maneuver estimations by the POD using the regional navigation system of BDS2. The results show that the relative error of velocity changes between the GPS- and BDS2-based POD is less than 7.0%, which indicates that the maneuver performance extracted from the regional BDS2 data is as good as that extracted from the global GPS data. In the GNSS fused processing, we found that the independent receiver clock offsets should be taken into account, since the time tag corrections for the GPS and BDS2 observations collected on the TH-2 spaceborne receivers were different. The precision of the GPS and BDS2 (GC) combined single point positioning (SPP) can be improved by 12–14% compared with the GPS-only solution when the position dilution of precision (PDOP) of GPS exceeds three. The overlap comparisons of the GC combined orbits show that the internal orbit precision of the TH-2 satellites is better than 0.7 cm. However, the improvement of the GC combined POD result is only 3–4% with respect to the GPS-only solution, which is limited to the precision of the precise orbit and clock products of BDS2 at the present stage

    Integer phase clock method with single-satellite ambiguity fixing and its application in LEO satellite orbit determination

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    Fixing single-satellite GPS carrier phase ambiguity could significantly improve the orbit accuracy of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite. Currently, the CNES/CLS,Wuhan University and CODE have published GPS integer phase clock products applied to single-satellite ambiguity fixing. In this paper,the integer phase clock method is used for single-satellite ambiguity fixing, and it is applied to the precise orbit determination of LEO satellite. Then, the application performances of integer phase clock products provided by different agencies in single-satellite ambiguity fixing and LEO satellite orbit determination are compared and analyzed. For GRACE-FO formation satellites, about 94% ambiguities could be fixed based on different products provided by the three agencies.Orbit solutions generated using the products from the three agencies can achieve an RMS of around 0.9 cm checked by satellite laser ranging data.Compared with ambiguity-float orbit solutions, the accuracy of absolute orbit determination with single-satellite ambiguity fixing is improved by about 30%.After fixing single-satellite ambiguities using the different products provided by CNES/CLS, WHU and CODE, respectively, the RMS of K-band ranging validation residuals for relative orbit solutions are reduced from 5.7、 5.4 and 5.3 mm to 2.1、 2.0 and 1.5 mm, respectively. The results show that the integer phase clock products provided by different agencies have similar performances in the single-satellite ambiguity fixing and orbit determination of GRACE-FO satellite

    Precise absolute and relative orbit determination for distributed InSAR satellite system

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    Precise orbit and baseline determination of formation-flying low Earth orbiters are prerequisites for the success of distributed InSAR satellite system mission. GNSS-based reduced-dynamic absolute and relative orbit determination method is the main method to obtain high-precision orbit and baseline products. The absolute and relative orbit determination for TH-2 satellite system is researched using the space-borne GPS data. The results show that the signal tracking abilities and data qualities of the receivers equipped on satellite A and satellite B are almost the same. By modeling orbital maneuvers with constant empirical accelerations, the influences of orbital maneuvers on absolute and relative orbit determination for TH-2 satellite formation can be effectively eliminated. For single-satellite absolute orbit determination, the three-dimensional (3D) RMS of 6 h overlapping orbit differences is less than 1.2 cm. The RMS values of satellite laser ranging data validation residuals for satellite A and satellite B are 2.76 cm and 2.33 cm, respectively. For dual-satellite relative orbit determination, the 3D RMS of 6 h overlapping baseline differences is about 0.66 mm. Baseline comparison RMS with the products of Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping are 0.73 mm, 1.11 mm, 0.51 mm and 1.43 mm in radial, tangential, normal and 3D direction, respectively

    Precise Orbit Determination and Maneuver Assessment for TH-2 Satellites Using Spaceborne GPS and BDS2 Observations

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    The TH-2 satellite system, including the TH-2A and TH-2B, is the first distributed interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) satellite system in China. During the in-orbit operation, the TH-2A satellite should perform three maneuvers per day to keep the formation flying geometry. We estimate those maneuvers in the precise orbit determination (POD) by the GPS and BDS2 measurements on board, respectively. The residuals of the POD show that the effects caused by orbital maneuvers can be well eliminated for both the GPS and BDS2 data. The precision of the BDS2-based POD is better than 8.0 cm in the three-dimensional direction (3D) compared with the orbit derived from the GPS observations. Such a precision level of the satellite orbit satisfies the InSAR mission requirement of the TH-2. In addition, the relative error of velocity changes is employed to evaluate the maneuver estimations by the POD using the regional navigation system of BDS2. The results show that the relative error of velocity changes between the GPS- and BDS2-based POD is less than 7.0%, which indicates that the maneuver performance extracted from the regional BDS2 data is as good as that extracted from the global GPS data. In the GNSS fused processing, we found that the independent receiver clock offsets should be taken into account, since the time tag corrections for the GPS and BDS2 observations collected on the TH-2 spaceborne receivers were different. The precision of the GPS and BDS2 (GC) combined single point positioning (SPP) can be improved by 12–14% compared with the GPS-only solution when the position dilution of precision (PDOP) of GPS exceeds three. The overlap comparisons of the GC combined orbits show that the internal orbit precision of the TH-2 satellites is better than 0.7 cm. However, the improvement of the GC combined POD result is only 3–4% with respect to the GPS-only solution, which is limited to the precision of the precise orbit and clock products of BDS2 at the present stage