458 research outputs found

    How to Retrain Recommender System? A Sequential Meta-Learning Method

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    Practical recommender systems need be periodically retrained to refresh the model with new interaction data. To pursue high model fidelity, it is usually desirable to retrain the model on both historical and new data, since it can account for both long-term and short-term user preference. However, a full model retraining could be very time-consuming and memory-costly, especially when the scale of historical data is large. In this work, we study the model retraining mechanism for recommender systems, a topic of high practical values but has been relatively little explored in the research community. Our first belief is that retraining the model on historical data is unnecessary, since the model has been trained on it before. Nevertheless, normal training on new data only may easily cause overfitting and forgetting issues, since the new data is of a smaller scale and contains fewer information on long-term user preference. To address this dilemma, we propose a new training method, aiming to abandon the historical data during retraining through learning to transfer the past training experience. Specifically, we design a neural network-based transfer component, which transforms the old model to a new model that is tailored for future recommendations. To learn the transfer component well, we optimize the "future performance" -- i.e., the recommendation accuracy evaluated in the next time period. Our Sequential Meta-Learning(SML) method offers a general training paradigm that is applicable to any differentiable model. We demonstrate SML on matrix factorization and conduct experiments on two real-world datasets. Empirical results show that SML not only achieves significant speed-up, but also outperforms the full model retraining in recommendation accuracy, validating the effectiveness of our proposals. We release our codes at: https://github.com/zyang1580/SML.Comment: Appear in SIGIR 202

    Sequential Prediction of Social Media Popularity with Deep Temporal Context Networks

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    Prediction of popularity has profound impact for social media, since it offers opportunities to reveal individual preference and public attention from evolutionary social systems. Previous research, although achieves promising results, neglects one distinctive characteristic of social data, i.e., sequentiality. For example, the popularity of online content is generated over time with sequential post streams of social media. To investigate the sequential prediction of popularity, we propose a novel prediction framework called Deep Temporal Context Networks (DTCN) by incorporating both temporal context and temporal attention into account. Our DTCN contains three main components, from embedding, learning to predicting. With a joint embedding network, we obtain a unified deep representation of multi-modal user-post data in a common embedding space. Then, based on the embedded data sequence over time, temporal context learning attempts to recurrently learn two adaptive temporal contexts for sequential popularity. Finally, a novel temporal attention is designed to predict new popularity (the popularity of a new user-post pair) with temporal coherence across multiple time-scales. Experiments on our released image dataset with about 600K Flickr photos demonstrate that DTCN outperforms state-of-the-art deep prediction algorithms, with an average of 21.51% relative performance improvement in the popularity prediction (Spearman Ranking Correlation).Comment: accepted in IJCAI-1

    Proposal-Based Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

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    Weakly-supervised temporal action localization aims to localize and recognize actions in untrimmed videos with only video-level category labels during training. Without instance-level annotations, most existing methods follow the Segment-based Multiple Instance Learning (S-MIL) framework, where the predictions of segments are supervised by the labels of videos. However, the objective for acquiring segment-level scores during training is not consistent with the target for acquiring proposal-level scores during testing, leading to suboptimal results. To deal with this problem, we propose a novel Proposal-based Multiple Instance Learning (P-MIL) framework that directly classifies the candidate proposals in both the training and testing stages, which includes three key designs: 1) a surrounding contrastive feature extraction module to suppress the discriminative short proposals by considering the surrounding contrastive information, 2) a proposal completeness evaluation module to inhibit the low-quality proposals with the guidance of the completeness pseudo labels, and 3) an instance-level rank consistency loss to achieve robust detection by leveraging the complementarity of RGB and FLOW modalities. Extensive experimental results on two challenging benchmarks including THUMOS14 and ActivityNet demonstrate the superior performance of our method.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 2023. Code is available at https://github.com/RenHuan1999/CVPR2023_P-MI

    Bilinear Graph Neural Network with Neighbor Interactions

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    Graph Neural Network (GNN) is a powerful model to learn representations and make predictions on graph data. Existing efforts on GNN have largely defined the graph convolution as a weighted sum of the features of the connected nodes to form the representation of the target node. Nevertheless, the operation of weighted sum assumes the neighbor nodes are independent of each other, and ignores the possible interactions between them. When such interactions exist, such as the co-occurrence of two neighbor nodes is a strong signal of the target node's characteristics, existing GNN models may fail to capture the signal. In this work, we argue the importance of modeling the interactions between neighbor nodes in GNN. We propose a new graph convolution operator, which augments the weighted sum with pairwise interactions of the representations of neighbor nodes. We term this framework as Bilinear Graph Neural Network (BGNN), which improves GNN representation ability with bilinear interactions between neighbor nodes. In particular, we specify two BGNN models named BGCN and BGAT, based on the well-known GCN and GAT, respectively. Empirical results on three public benchmarks of semi-supervised node classification verify the effectiveness of BGNN -- BGCN (BGAT) outperforms GCN (GAT) by 1.6% (1.5%) in classification accuracy.Codes are available at: https://github.com/zhuhm1996/bgnn.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 2020. SOLE copyright holder is IJCAI (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence), all rights reserve
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