237 research outputs found

    Penguatan Pendidikan Toleransi Sejak Usia Dini (Menanamkan Nilai-nilai Toleransi dalam Pluralisme Beragama pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) di Kabupaten Tulungagung Tahun 2010)

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    Many analysts and observers mention of early "The Golden Age" of the young age is highly effective embedded multi-dimensional education golden times that never happen again on the same occasion throughout human lifetime. What education can be given to children by parents, mother, father and educator will help shape the character and personality of the children. Character and personality are formed on the education of children is fundamental education that the can color the whole nature and lifestyle before it can be influenced by factors other than friends, the environment and conditions in which the child located. The more mature the child will be more complex, also influence which appear later. so that value of awareness and the values of honesty, mutual respect, mutual respect, esprit de corps, mutual giving and helping the others with no view his of the status and color of her dress as a manifestation of the values of tolerance and instilled a decent strengthened since early Childhoo

    Nafkah Isteri dan Anak Pasca Perceraian Menurut Ulama, Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Prakteknya di Pengadilan Agama

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    Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family or household, or often referred to as Sakinah, mawaddah warahmah. However, sometimes marriages fail and break up in the middle of the road. As a result, the wife and children often bear risks, such as living costs (subsistence), education costs, housing and so on. This article aims to find out the income for wives and children after divorce according to scholars, Compilation of Islamic Law and Post-divorce in the Religious Courts. The methods used are normative and empirical research, meaning looking at the normative legal side and also practice in the field. It is the husband's obligation to provide support for his wife during the iddah period, wages for looking after their children, and support for the children themselves until they reach adulthood so that the children are independent. And in practice, the Religious Court will grant requests for maintenance for wives and children after divorce, if submitted when filing a court lawsuit, although sometimes the amount is different from that proposed in the lawsuit

    Sistem Moneter dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    In many economic literatures, economy is divided into two sectors, real sector which covers seroice market and goods market, and monetary sector which consists of money market and equity market. In a part of economic system, monetary that runs in a country will affect the economic rate. Monetary economy can be applied in a polity, called monetary policy. In a conventional discussion, a monetary policy is run in order to reach the increase of national income, to stabilize market price, and to control the inflation rate. To get the goal of that macro-economy, the interest rate is used, in which it becomes the weakness of conventional monetary system. The use of interest rate, furthermore, has caused the economic crisis, indeed global financial crisis. In term of new economic system needs, Islamic monetary system riflers a solution to overcome financial crisis. The riffered system is asset based transaction, free of interest, avoidance of transactions containing speculation (maisir) and uncertainty (gharar). Moreover, it also uses stable curencies, i.e. dinar and dirham. Keyword: Monetary system, interest rate, fiat monry, dinar, dirham

    Khazanah Kitab Kuning: Membangun sebuah Apresiasi Kritis

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    This article aims to uncover the treasures of the yellow book in a historical perspective. The methodology used in this article is the research methodology putaka or libraryresearch.The authors conclude that there are at least three characters in the writer of the 20th century who wrote the Yellow Book. Firstly, namely Ahmad Khatib (d. 1915) Minangkabau Indonesia- -bapak Islamic reformers who also was a disciple of Sheikh Bantani Nawawi (d. 1896). Second, Kyai Mahfouz Termas (d. 1919-20). The third was Muhammad Hasyim Asy'ari (1287-1366 / 1870-1947). There are two important points to explain the position and significance of the Yellow Book in schools. The first point, the authenticity of the Yellow Book for pesantren is a reference to abortion has been unquestionable. The fact that the Yellow Book was written long ago and continues to be used from time to time indicate that the book has been verified in history. The second point, Yellow Book is very important for schools to facilitate the process of deep religious understanding so as to formulate a fresh explanation but not ahistorical about the teachings of Islam, the Qur'an and Hadith. A brief description of the tradition over the Yellow Book shows how schools as an institution needs to work hard to maintain his identity while continuing to hold the development of tradition and orientation

    The Impacts of Elections on Economics in Indonesia

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    Money politic or vote buying in the election is something has plagued all the societies that claimed the application of democratic form in governance. The minority is able to monopolize the votes of the majority in their favor using financial sufficiency, political promises and the issues of mass media. This phenomenon can lead to bribery, perjury and treason that have negative impact on the economy of Indonesia. The researcher used analytical method to explain various aspects of the phenomenon of buying electoral votes and its impact on the economic life in Indonesia. The researcher finally found two significant results. First, vote buying is a major cause of political and administrative corruption in Indonesia. It is the main incubator breeding corrupt leaders, which have negative impact towards economic life in Indonesia such as the increase number of poverty, unstable economy, enrich among political elites, and arbitrariness in determining economic policies taken by the authorities pursuing their own interests. Second, vote buying is widely spread and easily found in the life of the Indonesian society, it seems like an established habit that is hard to eradicate

    Warisan Metode Pendidikan Islam untuk Generasi Millennial

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    One of the inheritances of Islamic teachings which is very fundamental in achieving educational outcomes is the learning method. Therefore, this learning method will be very effective and active in encouraging students to be able to develop their potential to be better, ranging from intelligence, personality, character and skills that are useful for themselves and society. Islamic religious education and humans have a very fast dynamism, where Islamic religious education will survive for all ages, so that whenever and anyone who learns it will be able to receive the same and complete understanding of the sources of Islamic religious education, while humans when attached as social beings then there will be a challenge for him to be able to accept the changing times. This writing method is a literature review with a descriptive and exploratory approach which can be concluded that the method of Islamic religious education is an educational method with regular and systematic work and thinking of all the factors that exist to achieve the objectives of Islamic religious education, to deliver material Islamic education effectively and efficiently requires dynamic methods and approaches, including the Hiwar Qur'ani and Nabawi Method, the Stories of the Qur'ani and Nabawi, Amtsal Qur'ani and Nabawi, Uswah Hasanah, Tadrib and Tajribah, Ibrah and Mau 'Idzah, and Targhib and Tarhi

    Perbandingan Aspek Hukum Perbankan Konvensional dan Perbankan Berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah dalam Kegiatan Operasional Lembaga Perbankan di Indonesia

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    Dalam masyarakat, banyak kelompok yang memiliki prinsip bahwa sistem bunga yang dianut oleh perbankan merupakan pelanggaran terhadap sariat agama dan merupakan riba yang dalam hukum islam merupakan perbuatan dosa. Perbankan berdasarkan prinsip syariah sebenarnya hanyalah bank-bank yang mendasari produk-produknya dan pelaksanaanya kepada hukum islam (Al-Qurâan dan As sunânah) , dalam operasionalnya perbankan berdasarkan prinsip syariah tetap mengadopsi pola pengoperasian dan prosedur dari bank konvensional selama hal tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimanakah Persamaan dan Perpedaan Kegiatan Badan Usaha Perbankan Konvensional dengan Perbankan Berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah dalam Kegiatan Perbankan di Indonesia? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Yuridis Normatif. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer, sekunder, dan tersier dan kemudian dianalisis secra kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa kesamaan antara bank konvensional dan perbankan berdasarkan prinsip syariah selain terletak pada fungsi dan tujuannya juga terdapat kesamaan terutama dalam sisi teknis penghimpunan dana, penyaluran dana dan jasa perbankan, mekanisme tranfer, teknologi komputer yang digunakan, dan persyaratan umum pembiayaan. Selain terdapat kesamaan antara bank konvensional dan perbankan berdasarkan prinsip syariah juga terdapat perpedaan mendasar diantara keduanya: Bank konvensional (memakai metode bunga, bertujuan profit oriented, hubungan dengan nasabah dalam bentuk hubungan debitur-kreditur, creator of money supply, tidak membedakan investasi yang halal dan haram, tidak memiliki dewan pengawas syariah), sedangkan bank berdasarkan prinsip syariah berdasarkan marjin keuntungan/dengan hasil profit/falah oriented, hubungan dengan nasabah secara kemitraan, user of real funds, investasi pada bidang yang halal, dan sebagainya
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