620 research outputs found

    Coherent Control of Causal Order of Entanglement Distillation

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    We present an application of indefinite causal order in quantum communication: a compound entanglement distillation protocol which features two steps of a basic distillation protocol applied in a coherent superposition of two causal orders. This is achieved by using one faulty entangled pair to control-swap two others before a fourth pair is combined with the two swapped ones consecutively. As a result, the protocol distills the four faulty entangled states into one of a higher fidelity. Our protocol has a higher fidelity of distillation and probability of success for some input faulty pairs than conventional concatenations of the basic protocol that follow a definite distillation order. Our proposal shows advantage of indefinite causal order in an application setting consistent with the requirements of quantum communication

    Numerical simulation of Quasi-Normal Modes in time-dependent background

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    We study the massless scalar wave propagation in the time-dependent Schwarzschild black hole background. We find that the Kruskal coordinate is an appropriate framework to investigate the time-dependent spacetime. A time-dependent scattering potential is derived by considering dynamical black hole with parameters changing with time. It is shown that in the quasinormal ringing both the decay time-scale and oscillation are modified in the time-dependent background.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; reference adde

    Quadratic Volume Preserving Maps

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    We study quadratic, volume preserving diffeomorphisms whose inverse is also quadratic. Such maps generalize the Henon area preserving map and the family of symplectic quadratic maps studied by Moser. In particular, we investigate a family of quadratic volume preserving maps in three space for which we find a normal form and study invariant sets. We also give an alternative proof of a theorem by Moser classifying quadratic symplectic maps.Comment: Ams LaTeX file with 4 figures (figure 2 is gif, the others are ps


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    Asupan gizi melalui ASI dapat menunjang proses tumbuh kembang anak yang lebih optimal. Namun untuk saat ini masih kurangnya perhatian ibu dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif. Instrumen Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) dapat digunakan untuk deteksi dini perkembangan anak, sehingga bisa diketahui seberapa jauh pengaruh ASI pada proses perkembangan anak. Tujuan pengapdian masyarakat ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu tentang tumbuh kembang bayi usia 6-4 bulan membantu bayi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi, memperkenalkan mereka pada brebagai jenis makanan padat, dan membantu dalam perkembangan keterampilan makan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat tahap antara lain dengan pelatihan. Memberikan tambahan nutrisi yang diperlukan bayi karena ASI atau formula saia tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi mereka. Hasil yang dicapai setelah mengikuti pelatihan dan diskusi masyarakat Kelurahan Helvetia mengetahui peningkatan terhadap kualitas ibu dalam pemberian Mpasi pada bayi

    Optimized Dynamical Decoupling Sequences in Protecting Two-Qubit States

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    Aperiodic dynamical decoupling (DD) sequences of π\pi pulses are of great interest to decoherence control and have been recently extended from single-qubit to two-qubit systems. If the environmental noise power spectrum is made available, then one may further optimize aperiodic DD sequences to reach higher efficiency of decoherence suppression than known universal schemes. This possibility is investigated in this work for the protection of two-qubit states, using an exactly solvable pure dephasing model including both local and nonlocal noise. The performance of optimized DD sequences in protecting two-qubit states is compared with that achieved by nested Uhrig's DD (nested-UDD) sequences, for several different types of noise spectrum. Except for cases with noise spectrum decaying slowly in the high-frequency regime, optimized DD sequences with tens of control pulses can perform orders of magnitude better than that of nested-UDD. A two-qubit system with highly unbalanced local noise is also examined to shed more light on a recent experiment. Possible experiments that may be motivated by this work are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, two figure

    Quasinormal Modes in three-dimensional time-dependent Anti-de Sitter spacetime

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    The massless scalar wave propagation in the time-dependent BTZ black hole background has been studied. It is shown that in the quasi-normal ringing both the decay and oscillation time-scales are modified in the time-dependent background.Comment: 8 pages and 7 figure

    Thermosensitive hydrogels as drug carriers for breast cancer treatment: a systematic review

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    Thermo-sensitive hydrogel is a drug delivery system in breast cancer therapy, where the influence of environmental temperature changes will affect the characteristics of the polymer base. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of polymers in thermo-sensitive hydrogel bases as drug carriers in breast cancer therapy and compared them with traditional intravenous drug release. This study used a systematic literature review (SLR) using selected reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis guidelines (PRISMA) (P), based on predetermined inclusion criteria, namely English article, thermos-sensitive hydrogel, breast cancer, and original article. An initial database search yielded 618 articles, PubMed (241), Scopus (364), and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (36). To maintain the quality of the data studied in this article, researchers used inclusion and exclusion criteria, where the exclusion criteria used were non-English languages, review articles, proceedings, communications, video articles, and not open access. After the article screening process, 11 articles were obtained which would then be summarized in data extraction. The conclusion of this study shows that the thermos-sensitive hydrogel drug delivery system has advantages in drug release, where the drug will be released continuously, but also has the disadvantage of uncontrolled drug release

    Die Qualität von Schweizer Medien auf Instagram und TikTok: Jahrbuch Qualität der Medien Studie 2 / 2023

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    The non-zero divisor graph of ring of integers modulo six and the hamiltonian quaternion over integers modulo two

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    The study of graph theory was introduced and widely researched since many practical problems can be represented by graphs. A non-zero divisor graph is a graph in which its set of vertices is the non-zero elements of the ring and the vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if xy ≠ 0. In this study, we introduced the non-zero divisor graphs of some finite commutative rings in specific the ring of in tegers modulo 6, 6 and ring of Hamiltonian quaternion, (2). First, the non-zero divisors of the commutative rings are found. Then, the non-zero divisor graphs are constructed. Finally, some properties of the graph, including the chromatic number, clique number, girth and the diameter are obtained