18 research outputs found


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    Na jednoj farmi muznih krava HF pasmine obavljeno je istraživanje učinaka jedne aplikacije analoga PGF₂alfa. Pokus je uključio grupu od 66 krava te skupinu od 39 junica kod kojih je neposredno nakon utvrđivanja žutog tijela na jajnicima obavljena intramuskularna aplikacija analoga PGF₂alfa. Pritom su primijenjena dva preparata "Gonid" (Pliva) i "Cloprosin-G" (Krka). Obje skupine životinja tretirane su s oba preparata u približno jednakim omjerima. Upotrebljene su doze koje su prema uputi proizvođača dostatne za izazivanje luteolize i estrusa. Doza za Gonid bila je 2 ml odnosno 500 mikro g kloprostenola u obliku natrijeve soli, a za Cloprosin-G, 2ml ili 800 mikro g sintetskog analoga PGF₂alfa. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se estrus očitovao kod 59 krava (89,39%)i 36 junica (92,30%). Umjetno su osjemenjene 53 krave i 34 junice, dok kod šest krava i dviju junica osjemenjivanje nije obavljeno zbog nedostatka nekog od znakova estrusa. Nakon jednog osjemenjivanja koncipirala je 21 krava, a to je39,62% od ukupno osjemenjenih krava, te 20 junica što čini 58,82% od ukupno osjemenjenih junica. Prosječno vrijeme koje je proteklo od aplikacije analoga PGF₂alfa do očitavanja estrusa bilo je kod krava 2,4 dana, a kod junica 2,5 dana.The effect of one treatment with Prostaglandin F₂alfa analog (Gonid-PLIVA, and Cloprosin-G, KRKA) was investigated on a farm of dairy cows. In the experiment 66 cows and 39 heifers mine the presence of a corpus luteum, and than all cows and heifers with C. L. were treated with one of the sinthetic analogs of PGF₂alfa intramuscularly. Both groups of animals were treated with the same amount of the same analog of PGF₂alfa (Gonid of Cloprosin). The dose of Gonid was 500 microg of cloprostenol, and that of Cloprosin was 800 micro g of sintetic analog of PGF₂alfa. The volume of the dosse was 2 ml. The results of estrus induction were very good because the sings of heat were registered in 59 (89,39%) cows and 36 (92,30%) heifers. The time from the aplication of PGF₂alfa analog to the start of the sings of heat was on average in cows 2,4 days, and in heifers 2,5 days. Insemination was performed in 53 cows and 34 heifers. Only six cows and 2 heifers were not inseminated because there were no signs of estrus. After the first insemination 21 cows were pregnant (39,62%) and 20 heffers (58,82%

    Determining basic forest stand characteristics using airborne laser scanning in mixed forest stands of Central Europe

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    This study focused on the derivation of basic stand characteristics from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, aiming to elucidate which characteristics (mean height and diameter, dominant height and diameter) are best approximated by the variables obtained using ALS data. The height of trees of different species in four permanent plots located in the Slovak Republic was derived from the normalised digital surface model (nDSM) representing the canopy surface, using an automatic approach to identify local maxima (individual treetops). Tree identification was carried out using four different spatial resolutions of the nDSM (0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, and 2.0 m) and the number of trees identified was compared with reference data obtained from field measurements. The highest percentage of tree detection (69-75%) was observed at the spatial resolutions of 1.0 and 1.5 m. Absolute differences of tree height between reference and ALS datasets ranged from 0 to 36% at all spatial resolutions. The smallest difference in mean height was obtained using the higher spatial resolution (0.5 m), while the smallest difference in the dominant height of the relative number of thickest trees (h10% and h20%) was observed using the lower spatial resolution (2 m). The same trends also apply to diameters. The average errors at resolution of 1.0 and 1.5 m was 8.7%, 5.9% and 9.7% for mean height, h20% and h10%, respectively. ALS-derived diameters (obtained using regression models from reference data and ALS-derived individual height as predictor) showed absolute errors in the range 0-48% at all spatial resolutions. The deviation in mean diameter at a resolution of 0.5 m ranged from -12.1% to 15.3%

    Magnetic graphene/Ni-nano-crystal hybrid for small field magnetoresistive effect synthesized via electrochemical exfoliation/deposition technique

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    Two-dimensional heterostructures of graphene (Gr) and metal/semiconducting elements convey new direction in electronic devices. They can be useful for spintronics because of small spin orbit interaction of Gr as a non-magnetic metal host with promising electrochemical stability. In this paper, we demonstrate one-step fabrication of magnetic Ni-particles entrapped within Gr-flakes based on simultaneous electrochemical exfoliation/deposition procedure by two-electrode system using platinum as the cathode electrode and a graphite foil as the anode electrode. The final product is an air stable hybrid element including Gr flakes hosting magnetic Ni-nano-crystals showing superparamagnetic-like response and room temperature giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect at small magnetic field range. The GMR effect is originated from spin scattering through ferromagnetic/non-magnetic nature of Ni/Gr heterostructure and interpreted based on a phenomenological spin transport model. Our work benefits from XRD, XPS, Raman, TEM, FTIR and VSM measurements We addressed that how our results can be used for rapid manufacturing of magnetic Gr for low field magneto resistive elements and potential printed spintronic devices