30 research outputs found

    Clinical observations on the effect of lead on the kidney

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    lznesen je problem toksičkog djelovanja olova na bubrege s obzirom na dosadaÅ”nje podatke u literaturi. Prikazana su vlastita zapažanja kod 54 od 56 bolesnika otrovanih olovom, koji su liječeni u Odjelu za profesionalne bolesti Instituta za medicinska istraživanja. Trajne promjene na bubrezima u obliku kronične progredijentne difuzne nefropatije opažene su samo kod 2 bolesnika. Oba su bila u dugoj i vjerojatno visokoj ekspoziciji olovu (20, odnosno 35 godina), a imali su viÅ”ekratna manifestna otrovanja olovom. 28 bolesnika pokazivalo je oÅ”tećenja bubrežnih funkcija, koja su utvrđena pokusom koncentracije mokraće, PSP testom, Ucl testom i određivanjem ureje u krvi, a da kod toga u mokraći nije bilo patoloÅ”kih promjena. Autori su miÅ”ljenja, da su funkcionalna oÅ”tećenja uvjetovana poremećajima u intrarenalnoj cirkulaciji, odnosno spastičkim djelovanjem olova na krvne žile bubrega i direktnim toksičkim ili indirektnim hipoksičkim efektom olova na tubule. Poremećenja parcijalnih funkcija bubrega bila su u pravilu tranzitorna. Krvni tlak je bio poviÅ”en samo kod 6 bolesnika, od kojih su 2 imala pogredijentnu organsku nefropatiju. Najvjerojatnije je, da se kod tih bolesnika radi o hipertenziji nefrogenog karaktera. U jednom slučaju poviÅ”eni krvni tlak bio je tipa esencijalne hipertonije, pa se uzročna veza između otrovanja olovom i hipertonije ne može sa sigurnoŔću pretpostaviti. Kod ostala 3 bolesnika hipertonija je bila prolazna i prisutna samo u vrijeme akutne manifestacije otrovanja. Autori su primijetili, da je pri ispitivanju parcijalnih funkcija bubrega neobično važno vrijeme, kada se pojedine pretrage vrÅ”e. Pokazalo se, da se eventualne lezije mijenjaju u prirodnom toku bolesti. Ako se to izgubi iz vida, mogu se dobiti prividno divergentni i protuslovni rezultati. Na temelju spomenutih nalaza autori zaključuju, da ekspozicija olovu i otrovanje olovom mogu izazvati prolazna bubrežna oÅ”tećenja funkcionalne prirode. Čini se, da su u iznimnim slučajevima vrlo duge i visoke ekspozicije i opetovanih otrovanja moguće i organske lezije bubrega.The problem of the toxic effect of lead upon the kidney, in spite of numerous studies, has not as yet been fully solved. The report presented deals with the clinical observations of 54 lead poisoned patients. Lasting kidney changes in the form of chronic, progredient and diffuse nephropathy were observed in only 2 patients with an exposure to high lead concentrations during a period of 20 and 35 years respectively, and repeated lead poisonings. These two patients had no history of previous kidney disorders, and kidney injuries progressed with repealed lead poisonings. It may, therefore, be assumed that the lesions observed were due to lead action. 24 patients showed functional kidney alterations which were proved by the test of urine concentration, the phenolsulphthalein test, the urea clearance test, and the urea value in the blood. Urine showed no abnormality in these cases. In the authors\u27 opinion these functional changes mostly consist in altered intrarenal circulation due to the spastic effect of lead upon the blood vessels of the kidney and the direct toxic and indirect hypoxic effect of lead upon the tubules. The injuries of partial renal functions were as a rule reversible. In only 6 patients the blood pressure was increased. 2 patients with hypertension were those with progredient organic nephropaty. It seems most probable that in these two cases hypertension was nephrogenic in character. In one case high blood pressure was of the type of essential hypertension, but the relation between lead poisoning and hypertension in this case cannot be assumed with certainty. In other 3 patients hypertension was transitory in type, lasting only during the acute manifestations of lead poisoning. Functional kidney alterations tend to change according to the natural course of the disease. This is why it is not the same in which phase of the poisoning functional kidney tests are carried out. If this fact is neglected, divergent and contradictory results may be obtained. On the basis of these clinical findings the authors conclude that lead exposure and lead poisoning may cause kidney injuries. However, these changes are not uniform and cannot therefore be considered a clinical and nosologic entity usually called nephropathia saturnina. In the exceptional cases of a very long and high exposure to lead and repeated poisoning, progressive organic kidney changes may be expected. Otherwise, possible renal alterations and changes in the blood pressure are functional and reversible

    How to assess results of pharmacodynamic testing of airway obstruction?

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    Razmatraju se činioci koji mogu utjecati na ishod farmakodinamskog testiranja beta 2 agonistima u sklopu funkcionalne dijagnostike pluća. To su: hipersekrecija sluzi, akutna respiratorna infekcija, tahifilaksija adrenergičkih receptora, primijenjena terapija u zadnjih 48 sati, suradnja ispitanika za vrijeme izvođenja testa, kao i onečiŔćenje mikro ili makrookoline. Također je objaÅ”njena pravilna primjena selektivnih simpatikomimetika u obliku spreja te se diskutira o vrijednostima numeričkih razlika pojedinih parametara plućne funkcije prije i poslije bronhodilatacijskog testa.The factors that could influence the results of pharmacodynamic testing with beta 2 agonists in lung function diagnostics are discussed. These are: hypersecretion of the mucus, acute respiratory infection, tachyphylaxis of the adrenoceptors, therapy in the past 48 hours, patient\u27s cooperation, and ambient or environmental pollution. The correct application, by inhalation, of selective sympathomimetics is described and differences between the basic values of lung function parameters and those following the salbutamol test are discusse

    Main and additional sleep characteristics of rotating shift workers

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    U radu su ispitane različite karakteristike spavanja rotirajućih smjenskih radnika (n=604) i radnika kontrolne skupine (n=113). Utvrđeno je da smjenski radnici imaju općenito loÅ”iju kvalitetu spavanja te da nakon rada u jutarnjoj smjeni spavaju kraće, a u slobodne dane duže nego radnici kontrolne skupine. U skupini smjenskih radnika različite mogućnosti spavanja s obzirom na smjenu i slobodne dane značajno su utjecale na trajanje glavne epizode spavanja i učestalost dodatnog spavanja. Ova skupina kompenzirala je kratko trajanje spavanja nakon rada u jutarnjoj i noćnoj smjeni dužim spavanjem nakon rada u poslijepodnevnoj smjeni i u slobodne dane. Usto su kratko spavanje nakon rada u noćnoj smjeni kompenzirali joÅ” jednim dodatnim spavanjem, dok dodatno spavanje nakon jutarnje smjene nije imalo funkciju nadoknade kratkog spavanja. U kontrolnoj skupini radnika različite mogućnosti spavanja s obzirom na radne i slobodne dane također su utjecale na trajanje glavne epizode spavanja. Radnici ove skupine kompenzirali su kratko trajanje spavanja u radne dane samo dužim spavanjem u slobodne dane. Povezanost kvalitete spavanja i trajanja glavnog spavanja razlikovala se s obzirom na smjene i slobodne dane. Kvaliteta i učestalost dodatnog spavanja bili su povezani samo kod radnika kontrolne skupine.Various sleep characteristics were examined among rotating shift workers (n = 603) and control workers (n = 113). The results showed the shift workers to have poorer sleep quality than the control group. In addition their main sleep episode was shorter on morning shift and longer on days off in comparison to controls. Shift workers\u27 main sleep length and frequency of napping were affected by the situation in which they were taken (morning, afternoon, night shift or days off). In the group of shift workers the short main sleep episode on morning and night shifts was compensated by longer sleep on afternoon shift and days off. The short night shift sleep was additionally compensated by napping. However, naps taken on the meening shift did not prove to be compensatory. The length of the main sleep episode was affected by the situation in which sleep was taken also in the control group of workers. In this group only the longer main sleep episode on days off appeared to have a compensatory function for the short main sleep on working days. The relationship between sleep quality and main sleep duration was determined by the situation in which sleep was taken, while the relationship between sleep quality and napping was established only for the control group of workers

    Shift work and worker\u27s health complaints

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti zdravstvene probleme radnika koji rade u smjenama i radnika koji ne rade i nisu nikad radili u smjenama. Ispitano je 609 smjenskih radnika i 97 radnika koji ne rade u smjenama. Radnici su bili muÅ”kog spola, zaposleni u rafineriji. Zdravstveni problemi radnika ispitani su kao broj posjeta liječniku tijekom pet godina i kao subjektivne procjene vlastitog zdravstvenog stanja. Rezultati o posjetima liječniku pokazali su da su radnici koji ne rade u smjenama općenito viÅ”e puta posjećivati liječnika nego smjenski radnici. Međutim, kada se broj posjeta liječniku zbog pojedinih skupina bolesti promatrao u odnosu na ukupni broj posjeta i osobito kada su se uzele u obzir subjektivne procjene zdravstvenog stanja, pokazalo se da su smjenski radnici izloženi povećanom riziku od nekih bolesti, u prvom redu bolesti probavnih organa.A comparative study of health complaints was performed in a large oil-refinery among a total of 609 shift workers and 97 non-shift workers. Health complaints were assessed on the basis of the workers\u27 medical records, where details of every visit to the physician over a period of five years were noted, and as subjective health complaints obtained by a questionnaire. In general, the non-shift workers visited the physician more often than the shift workers. However, when visits to the physician for special groups of diseases were considered taking into account the overall number of visits, and especially when the subjective health complaints were compared between the two groups of workers, the results indicated that the shift workers were at greater risk of some diseases, especially the digestive ones

    Physicochemical Properties, Cytotoxicity, and Antioxidative Activity of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents Containing Organic Acid

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    Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) may be considered ā€˜designer solventsā€™ due to their numerous structural variations and the possibility of tailoring their physicochemical properties. Prior to their industrial application, characterization of NADES is essential, including determination of their physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity, and antioxidative activity. The most important physicochemical properties of eight prepared NADES (choline chloride:malic acid, proline:malic acid, choline chloride:proline:malic acid, betaine:malic acid, malic acid:glucose, malic acid:glucose:glycerol, choline chloride:citric acid, and betaine:citric acid) were measured as functions of temperature and water content. In general, the structure of prepared NADES greatly influences their physical properties, which could be successfully modified and adjusted by addition of water. All tested NADES were absolutely benign and noncorrosive for investigated steel X6CrNiTi18-10. Furthermore, cytotoxicity of prepared solvents was assessed toward three human cell lines (HEK-293T, HeLa, and MCF-7 cells), and antioxidative activity was measured by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) method. With regard to cell viability, all tested NADES containing carboxylic acid could be classified as practically harmless and considered environmentally safe. The ORAC values indicated that the tested NADES displayed antioxidative activity

    Organizational and security roles of the Ministry of Defense, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the sports industry

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    Sports is an integral part of the training of the military and police forcesā€™ members, and Olympic sports disciplines, such as fencing, shooting and equestrian sports, are closely related to the traditional military training. The current situation in the Balkans reveals that the sports infrastructure in the possession of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Police Force is, in most cases, unused. Sporting events are impossible to organize without the consent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for the necessary security assessments of sports competitions and sports facilities (stadiums, halls, swimming pools). Security is the most important prerequisite for holding the sports competitions, and new technologies are indispensable in providing security of sports competitions. We are witnessing ever more frequent incidents both in sports fields and facilities, and in sports associations, clubs, companies and media. Exactly because of its value, the sports industry becomes a source of conflict situations in which the interests of different groups are intertwined, having their origin in fans or nationalist ideologies. Using various examples, the paper demonstrates the role and importance of the Armed Forces and the Police Force in the sports industry in Serbia. Without their help, many sporting events could be hard to organize

    Productivity of female shift workers

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    Ispitivala se produktivnost smjenskih radnica, koje su radile u tri smjene u jednoj tvornici. Smjene su se izmjenjivale tjedno. Najproduktivnija je bila poslijepodnevna, a najmanje produktivna noćna smjena. Najveća razlika između smjena bila je u prva dva dana rada u tjednu, kada je noćna smjena bila najmanje produktivna; od sredine pa do kraja tjedna viÅ”e nije bilo razlike u produktivnosti rada medu smjenama. Između najproduktivnijih i najmanje produktivnih radnica u noćnoj smjeni nije bilo značajnih razlika u ekstraverziji i trajanju spavanja tijekom dana nakon noćne smjene. Nakon rada u noćnoj smjeni najmanje su spavale radnice koje su imale veliku obiteljsku odgovornost, a najviÅ”e one koje nisu imale obiteljske obaveze. Ta razlika nije bila povezana s produktivnoŔću rada u noćnoj smjeni. Nakon rada u poslijepodnevnoj smjeni radnice su spavale u prosjeku 2 sata duže (8 sati i 40 min) nego u druge dvije smjene. Ova razlika, pored cirkadijurnih varijacija budnosti, spremnosti za rad i momentalnih radnih sposobnosti, dovedena je u vezu s dobivenim razlikama u produktivnosti rada u pojedinim smjenama.The productivity of female shift workers, working on a weekly rotating three-shift system, was examined. The afternoon shift was found to be the most productive and the night shift the least productive one. The greatest difference in productivity between shifts was found in the first two days of the week, when the productivity on night shift was significantly lower than that on the other two shifts. From the third day on there were no longer significant differences in productivity between shifts. The most productive and the least productive workers on night shift did not significantly differ in extraversion or in sleep duration after the night shift. Family responsibility was found to be associated with the duration of sleep after the night shift: married women slept significantly shorter after the night shift than unmarried women. However, this difference in sleep duration was not associated with productivity on night shift. Sleep duration after the afternoon shift (8 hours 40 minutes) was on average two hours longer than after the other two shifts. The difference in sleep duration after different shifts, along with circadian variations in alertness, readiness for work and performance efficiency, could be responsible for differences in productivity between shifts