27 research outputs found


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    Generalized Selective Decryption (GSD), introduced by Panjwani [TCC’07], is a game for a symmetric encryption scheme Enc that captures the difficulty of proving adaptive security of certain protocols, most notably the Logical Key Hierarchy (LKH) multicast encryption protocol. In the GSD game there are n keys k1,..., kn, which the adversary may adaptively corrupt (learn); moreover, it can ask for encryptions Encki (kj) of keys under other keys. The adversary’s task is to distinguish keys (which it cannot trivially compute) from random. Proving the hardness of GSD assuming only IND-CPA security of Enc is surprisingly hard. Using “complexity leveraging” loses a factor exponential in n, which makes the proof practically meaningless. We can think of the GSD game as building a graph on n vertices, where we add an edge i → j when the adversary asks for an encryption of kj under ki. If restricted to graphs of depth ℓ, Panjwani gave a reduction that loses only a factor exponential in ℓ (not n). To date, this is the only non-trivial result known for GSD. In this paper we give almost-polynomial reductions for large classes of graphs. Most importantly, we prove the security of the GSD game restricted to trees losing only a quasi-polynomial factor n3 log n+5. Trees are an important special case capturing real-world protocols like the LKH protocol. Our new bound improves upon Panjwani’s on some LKH variants proposed in the literature where the underlying tree is not balanced. Our proof builds on ideas from the “nested hybrids” technique recently introduced by Fuchsbauer et al. [Asiacrypt’14] for proving the adaptive security of constrained PRFs

    Exact Weight Subgraphs and the k-Sum Conjecture

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    We consider the Exact-Weight-H problem of finding a (not necessarily induced) subgraph H of weight 0 in an edge-weighted graph G. We show that for every H, the complexity of this problem is strongly related to that of the infamous k-Sum problem. In particular, we show that under the k-Sum Conjecture, we can achieve tight upper and lower bounds for the Exact-Weight-H problem for various subgraphs H such as matching, star, path, and cycle. One interesting consequence is that improving on the O(n^3) upper bound for Exact-Weight-4-Path or Exact-Weight-5-Path will imply improved algorithms for 3-Sum, 5-Sum, All-Pairs Shortest Paths and other fundamental problems. This is in sharp contrast to the minimum-weight and (unweighted) detection versions, which can be solved easily in time O(n^2). We also show that a faster algorithm for any of the following three problems would yield faster algorithms for the others: 3-Sum, Exact-Weight-3-Matching, and Exact-Weight-3-Star

    Security Analysis and Improvements for the IETF MLS Standard for Group Messaging

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    Secure messaging (SM) protocols allow users to communicate securely over untrusted infrastructure. In contrast to most other secure communication protocols (such as TLS, SSH, or Wireguard), SM sessions may be long-lived (e.g., years) and highly asynchronous. In order to deal with likely state compromises of users during the lifetime of a session, SM protocols do not only protect authenticity and privacy, but they also guarantee forward secrecy (FS) and post-compromise security (PCS). The former ensures that messages sent and received before a state compromise remain secure, while the latter ensures that users can recover from state compromise as a consequence of normal protocol usage. SM has received considerable attention in the two-party case, where prior work has studied the well-known double-ratchet paradigm in particular and SM as a cryptographic primitive in general. Unfortunately, this paradigm does not scale well to the problem of secure group messaging (SGM). In order to address the lack of satisfactory SGM protocols, the IETF has launched the message-layer security (MLS) working group, which aims to standardize an eponymous SGM protocol. In this work we analyze the TreeKEM protocol, which is at the core of the SGM protocol proposed by the MLS working group. On a positive note, we show that TreeKEM achieves PCS in isolation (and slightly more). However, we observe that the current version of TreeKEM does not provide an adequate form of FS. More precisely, our work proceeds by formally capturing the exact security of TreeKEM as a so-called continuous group key agreement (CGKA) protocol, which we believe to be a primitive of independent interest. To address the insecurity of TreeKEM, we propose a simple modification to TreeKEM inspired by recent work of Jost et al. (EUROCRYPT \u2719) and an idea due to Kohbrok (MLS Mailing List). We then show that the modified version of TreeKEM comes with almost no efficiency degradation but achieves optimal (according to MLS specification) CGKA security, including FS and PCS. Our work also lays out how a CGKA protocol can be used to design a full SGM protocol. Finally, we propose and motivate an extensive list of potential future research directions for the area

    Four-state Non-malleable Codes with Explicit Constant Rate

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    Non-malleable codes (NMCs), introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs (ITCS 2010), generalize the classical notion of error correcting codes by providing a powerful guarantee even in scenarios where error correcting codes cannot provide any guarantee: a decoded message is either the same or completely independent of the underlying message, regardless of the number of errors introduced into the codeword. Informally, NMCs are defined with respect to a family of tampering functions FF and guarantee that any tampered codeword either decodes to the same message or to an independent message, so long as it is tampered using a function fFf \in F. Nearly all known constructions of NMCs are for the tt-split-state family, where the adversary tampers each of the tt blocks (also known as states), of a codeword, arbitrarily but independently. Cheraghchi and Guruswami (TCC 2014) obtain a Rate-1 non-malleable code for the case where t=O(n)t = O(n) with nn being the codeword length and, in (ITCS 2014), show an upper bound of 11/t1-1/t on the best achievable rate for any tt-split state NMC. For t=10t=10, Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman (FOCS 2014) achieve a constant rate construction where the constant is unknown. In summary, there is no known construction of an NMC with an explicit constant rate for any t=o(n)t= o(n), let alone one that comes close to matching Cheraghchi and Guruswami\u27s lowerbound! In this work, we construct an efficient non-malleable code in the tt-split-state model, for t=4t=4, that achieves a constant rate of 13+ζ\frac{1}{3+\zeta}, for any constant ζ>0\zeta > 0, and error 2Ω(/logc+1)2^{-\Omega(\ell / log^{c+1} \ell)}, where \ell is the length of the message and c>0c > 0 is a constant

    Non-malleable Randomness Encoders and their Applications

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    Non-malleable Codes (NMCs), introduced by Dziembowski, Peitrzak and Wichs (ITCS 2010), serve the purpose of preventing related tampering of encoded messages. The most popular tampering model considered is the 22-split-state model where a codeword consists of 2 states, each of which can be tampered independently. While NMCs in the 22-split state model provide the strongest security guarantee, despite much research in the area we only know how to build them with poor rate (Ω(1logn)\Omega(\frac{1}{logn}), where nn is the codeword length). However, in many applications of NMCs one only needs to be able to encode randomness i.e., security is not required to hold for arbitrary, adversarially chosen messages. For example, in applications of NMCs to tamper-resilient security, the messages that are encoded are typically randomly generated secret keys. To exploit this, in this work, we introduce the notion of Non-malleable Randomness Encoders (NMREs) as a relaxation of NMCs in the following sense: NMREs output a random message along with its corresponding non-malleable encoding. Our main result is the construction of a 22-split state, rate-12\frac{1}{2} NMRE. While NMREs are interesting in their own right and can be directly used in applications such as in the construction of tamper-resilient cryptographic primitives, we also show how to use them, in a black-box manner, to build a 33-split-state (standard) NMCs with rate 13\frac{1}{3}. This improves both the number of states, as well as the rate, of existing constant-rate NMCs

    Non-malleable codes for space-bounded tampering

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    Non-malleable codes—introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs at ICS 2010—are key-less coding schemes in which mauling attempts to an encoding of a given message, w.r.t. some class of tampering adversaries, result in a decoded value that is either identical or unrelated to the original message. Such codes are very useful for protecting arbitrary cryptographic primitives against tampering attacks against the memory. Clearly, non-malleability is hopeless if the class of tampering adversaries includes the decoding and encoding algorithm. To circumvent this obstacle, the majority of past research focused on designing non-malleable codes for various tampering classes, albeit assuming that the adversary is unable to decode. Nonetheless, in many concrete settings, this assumption is not realistic

    Two-Round Multiparty Secure Computation Minimizing Public Key Operations

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    We show new constructions of semi-honest and malicious two-round multiparty secure computation protocols using only (a fixed) poly(n,λ)\mathsf{poly}(n,\lambda) invocations of a two-round oblivious transfer protocol (which use expensive public-key operations) and poly(λ,C)\mathsf{poly}(\lambda, |C|) cheaper one-way function calls, where λ\lambda is the security parameter, nn is the number of parties, and CC is the circuit being computed. All previously known two-round multiparty secure computation protocols required poly(λ,C)\mathsf{poly}(\lambda,|C|) expensive public-key operations

    Efficient public-key cryptography with bounded leakage and tamper resilience

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    We revisit the question of constructing public-key encryption and signature schemes with security in the presence of bounded leakage and tampering memory attacks. For signatures we obtain the first construction in the standard model; for public-key encryption we obtain the first construction free of pairing (avoiding non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs). Our constructions are based on generic building blocks, and, as we show, also admit efficient instantiations under fairly standard number-theoretic assumptions. The model of bounded tamper resistance was recently put forward by Damgård et al. (Asiacrypt 2013) as an attractive path to achieve security against arbitrary memory tampering attacks without making hardware assumptions (such as the existence of a protected self-destruct or key-update mechanism), the only restriction being on the number of allowed tampering attempts (which is a parameter of the scheme). This allows to circumvent known impossibility results for unrestricted tampering (Gennaro et al., TCC 2010), while still being able to capture realistic tampering attack

    Succinct Garbling Schemes from Functional Encryption through a Local Simulation Paradigm

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    We study a simulation paradigm, referred to as local simulation, in garbling schemes. This paradigm captures simulation proof strategies in which the simulator consists of many local simulators that generate different blocks of the garbled circuit. A useful property of such a simulation strategy is that only a few of these local simulators depend on the input, whereas the rest of the local simulators only depend on the circuit. We formalize this notion by defining locally simulatable garbling schemes. By suitably realizing this notion, we give a new construction of succinct garbling schemes for Turing machines assuming the polynomial hardness of compact functional encryption and standard assumptions (such as either CDH or LWE). Prior constructions of succinct garbling schemes either assumed sub-exponential hardness of compact functional encryption or were designed only for small-space Turing machines. We also show that a variant of locally simulatable garbling schemes can be used to generically obtain adaptively secure garbling schemes for circuits. All prior constructions of adaptively secure garbling that use somewhere equivocal encryption can be seen as instantiations of our construction