42,683 research outputs found

    Projection Measurement of the Maximally Entangled N-Photon State for a Demonstration of N-Photon de Broglie Wavelength

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    We construct a projection measurement process for the maximally entangled N-photon state (the NOON-state) with only linear optical elements and photodetectors. This measurement process will give null result for any N-photon state that is orthogonal to the NOON state. We examine the projection process in more detail for N=4 by applying it to a four-photon state from type-II parametric down-conversion. This demonstrates an orthogonal projection measurement with a null result. This null result corresponds to a dip in a generalized Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer for four photons. We find that the depth of the dip in this arrangement can be used to distinguish a genuine entangled four-photon state from two separate pairs of photons. We next apply the NOON state projection measurement to a four-photon superposition state from two perpendicularly oriented type-I parametric down-conversion processes. A successful NOON state projection is demonstrated with the appearance of the four-photon de Broglie wavelength in the interference fringe pattern.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, new title, some content change, replaced Fig.

    Nuclear Ξ²+\beta^+/EC decays in covariant density functional theory and the impact of isoscalar proton-neutron pairing

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    Self-consistent proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation based on the spherical nonlinear point-coupling relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory is established and used to investigate the Ξ²+\beta^+/EC-decay half-lives of neutron-deficient Ar, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Sn isotopes. The isoscalar proton-neutron pairing is found to play an important role in reducing the decay half-lives, which is consistent with the same mechanism in the Ξ²\beta decays of neutron-rich nuclei. The experimental Ξ²+\beta^+/EC-decay half-lives can be well reproduced by a universal isoscalar proton-neutron pairing strength.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    The Sorting Index and Permutation Codes

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    In the combinatorial study of the coefficients of a bivariate polynomial that generalizes both the length and the reflection length generating functions for finite Coxeter groups, Petersen introduced a new Mahonian statistic sorsor, called the sorting index. Petersen proved that the pairs of statistics (sor,cyc)(sor,cyc) and (inv,rl-min)(inv,rl\textrm{-}min) have the same joint distribution over the symmetric group, and asked for a combinatorial proof of this fact. In answer to the question of Petersen, we observe a connection between the sorting index and the B-code of a permutation defined by Foata and Han, and we show that the bijection of Foata and Han serves the purpose of mapping (inv,rl-min)(inv,rl\textrm{-}min) to (sor,cyc)(sor,cyc). We also give a type BB analogue of the Foata-Han bijection, and we derive the quidistribution of (invB,LmapB,RmilB)(inv_B,{\rm Lmap_B},{\rm Rmil_B}) and (sorB,LmapB,CycB)(sor_B,{\rm Lmap_B},{\rm Cyc_B}) over signed permutations. So we get a combinatorial interpretation of Petersen's equidistribution of (invB,nminB)(inv_B,nmin_B) and (sorB,lBβ€²)(sor_B,l_B'). Moreover, we show that the six pairs of set-valued statistics (CycB,RmilB)\rm (Cyc_B,Rmil_B), (CycB,LmapB)\rm(Cyc_B,Lmap_B), (RmilB,LmapB)\rm(Rmil_B,Lmap_B), (LmapB,RmilB)\rm(Lmap_B,Rmil_B), (LmapB,CycB)\rm(Lmap_B,Cyc_B) and (RmilB,CycB)\rm(Rmil_B,Cyc_B) are equidistributed over signed permutations. For Coxeter groups of type DD, Petersen showed that the two statistics invDinv_D and sorDsor_D are equidistributed. We introduce two statistics nminDnmin_D and l~Dβ€²\tilde{l}_D' for elements of DnD_n and we prove that the two pairs of statistics (invD,nminD)(inv_D,nmin_D) and (sorD,l~Dβ€²)(sor_D,\tilde{l}_D') are equidistributed.Comment: 25 page

    Two monotonic functions involving gamma function and volume of unit ball

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    In present paper, we prove the monotonicity of two functions involving the gamma function Ξ“(x)\Gamma(x) and relating to the nn-dimensional volume of the unit ball Bn\mathbb{B}^n in Rn\mathbb{R}^n.Comment: 7 page
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