13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of strawberry cultivars as sources of high winter hardiness and productivity

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    Background. The realization of high productivity potential in strawberry plants significantly depends on their adaptability to soil and climate conditions of their cultivation. Winter hardiness is the most important trait in the central part of Russia. With this in view, the purpose of this study was to identify sources of high winter hardiness combined with high productivity and yield potential among the studied cultivars.Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the primary variety testing site of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK), Orel Province, in accordance with the published program and methodology of fruit, berry and nut variety studies. The testing covered 23 domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars. An Espec PSL-2KPH climate chamber (Japan) and a Polair refrigerator cabinet (Russia) were used for artificial freezing.Results. Winter hardiness of strawberry cultivars was assessed under artificial freezing conditions. Cvs. ‘Korona’, ‘Tsaritsa’, ‘Solovushka’ and ‘Sara’ were the most winter-hardy cultivars. The study of the cultivars in the field made it possible to identify the most productive and large-fruited ones: ‘Alba’, ‘Azia’, ‘Bereginya’ and ‘Tsaritsa’. Cv. ‘Tsaritsa’ combines high winter hardiness and high yield productivity and yield potential, being a valuable source of these traits in breeding practice. According to a set of indicators ‘Tsaritsa’ is promising for large-scale cultivation in the Central Black Earth Region of Russia

    Realization of the genetic potential of frost hardiness in apple hybrids of different ploidy

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    The results of a study of resistance to unfavorable winter conditions of new selection seedlings of apple developed in the Institute as part of priority directions of apple breeding are presented.The goal of the work is to estimate winter hardiness of apple genotypes developed by combining scab resistance in a triploid genotype (RVi6+3х). Methods of a winter hardiness study in the field and laboratory conditions were used by modelling damage factors in a “ESPEC” PSL-2 KPN deep-freezer . It was determined that by early December the genotypes gained a good hardening and displayed the resistance of vitally important tissues to early winter frosts up to 30 °C (frost resistance component I). The genotypes were revealed that under artificial freezing bore critical temperatures –38 and –40 °C as well as –42 °C with damages of vitally important tissues at the level of Antonovka Obyknovennaya (component II). The modelling of a three-day artificial thaw (+2 °C) with the following temperature lowering to –30 °C showed that in all studied apple seedlings the damages of bark, cambium and wood were reversible and did not exceed 2.0 points while in immune, triploid forms 31-2-130 and ELS 31-36-149, the damages did not exceed 1.2 points. The winter hardiness study of selection apple seedlings allowed revealing the most winter hardy and promising genotypes: scab resistant and triploid forms 31-2-15, 31-2-115, 31-2-130 (Afrodita×13-6-106) and 31-36-149 [Veniaminovskoye×25-35-144 (Wealthy tetraploid× Papirovka tetraploid)] as well as scab resistant diploids 32-35-58 (Yubiley Moskvy×Krasa Sverdlovska) and 31-15-126 [23-16-96 (seedling 814 – open pollination)×Gulliver)]. Those genotypes displayed the resistance of vitally important tissues to early winter frosts, frosts in the middle of winter up to –40 °C at the level of Antonovka Obyknovennaya as well as to the frosts after thaws and retained the ability to restore resistance during repeated hardening after thaws

    A study of introduced apple cultivars according to the main components of winter hardiness by simulating damaging factors under controlled conditions

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    Background. Most of the plantings of fruit crops in Russia are located in the zone of risky agriculture. In the European part of Russia, in winter, fruit crops are affected by the impacts of weather conditions (spring frosts, droughts, early frosts, low-temperature stress, a short growing season, and thaws). Frosts cause 98% of the damage to fruit trees.Methods. One-year-old branches were frozen in a Japanese Espec PSL-2KPH climate chamber after prehardening under –5°C and –10°C for 5 days, and damaging factors of the winter period were simulated.Results. The bioresource collection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) contains 730 appletree cultivars from various domestic and foreign institutions. Apple cultivars from Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, USA, France, Czech Republic, Sweden and Canada were analyzed for frost resistance components. The resistance of plants to early frosts of–25°C without hardening and after hardening in early winter (Component I) showed that the main tissues (bark, cambium and wood) suffered minor damage in all studied cultivars. In cv. ‘Belarusskoye Sladkoye’, the damage to the bark scored 2.3 points. Among the studied apple cultivars whose one-year-old branches were frozen at –38°C and –40°C (Component II), ‘Coremolda’ (Moldova) showed the highest frost resistance to the negative mid-January temperature of –38°C (damage to the buds and main tissues scored 0.3–1.0 points). Under–40°C (Component II), ‘Coremolda’ (Moldova) and ‘Aivaris’ (Latvian breeding) demonstrated bark, cambium and wood resistance with damages at the level of 2.0 points. These cultivars can be used in breeding programs as sources of frost resistance. Freezing of one-year-old branches under –25°C after a 3-day artificial thaw at +2°C revealed bud and tissue resistance in the American cv. ‘Red Free’ and in cv. ‘Coremolda’ (Component III)

    Assessment of adaptability and fruit quality in new apple cultivars for intensive orchards

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    Background. Competitive early-fruiting apple cultivars with high commercial and consumer qualities, resistant to unfavorable stressors, are required for successful horticulture development.Materials and methods. The study included apple cultivars developed by innovative methods using scab resistance donors (Rvi6) and diploid gamete donors. Foreign cultivars commercialized in the region were also used. Conventional variety testing techniques were applied. Fifteen cultivars released by the Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK), 6 foreign cultivars, and one reference (‘Antonovka obyknovennaya’) were assessed.Results. Simulating damaging factors helped to identify good resistance of tissues and buds of domestically bred apple cultivars to early winter frosts. These cultivars survived a temperature decrease to –30°C without damage in early winter and without significant damage (no more than 2.0 pts) at –40°C in midwinter, including the scab-immune (Rvi6) cultivars ‘Ivanovskoye’ and ‘Pamyat Hitrovo’, and immune triploids (3×) ‘Aleksandr Boyko’, ‘Akademik Saveliev’ and ‘Vavilovskoye’. Bud damage in ‘Gala’ and ‘Ligol’ was stronger (2.5 pts) and increased to 3.0 pts under simulated temperatures down to –38°C and –40°C. ‘Gala’ showed the lowest resistance in midwinter. Early-fruiting cvs. ‘Blagodat’, ‘Ivanovskoye’, ‘Pamyat Hitrovo’ and ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ were identified. On average, triploids ‘Blagodat’ and ‘Patriot’, scab-immune ‘Afrodita’, ‘Ivanovskoye’ and ‘Start’, and scab-immune triploid ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ significantly exceeded ‘Antonovka’ and other cultivars in yield. Conclusion. The new innovative winter cultivars developed at VNIISPK matched foreign cultivars in marketability and consumer qualities, while in scab resistance and adaptability they significantly exceeded most of them. ‘Akademik Saveliev’, ‘Aleksandr Boyko’, ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vavilovskoye’, ‘Ivanovskoye’, ‘Prazdnichnoye’ and ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ were recommended for intensive-type orchards

    Перспективы использования подвоя интенсивного типа для возделывания садов груши в условиях Центральной России

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    Relevance. Unfortunately, there are no intensive pear plantations in the central regions of Russia due to the absence of intensive dwarf rootstocks. Therefore, the research aimed at obtaining winter-hardy rootstocks that provides early industrial fruiting of gardens, limits plant growth and gives a quick return on investment, is very important and can be applied in many different ways.Materials and methods. The research was carried out in the laboratory of selection and variety study of pears and non-traditional pome crops of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (FSBSI VNIISPK). The object of the research was the common quince selected by FSBSI VNIISPK. In 2008-2010 and 2012-2014 we studied the economic and biological characteristics of the common quince as clonal pear rootstocks when propagated by green cuttings.Results. The research results show high winter hardiness of the common quince plants in Oryol region, as well as their high regenerative capacity in case of damage caused by adverse winter conditions. It was determined that some types of common quince can be reproduced by green cuttings and provide a high yield of uniform planting material. The common quince has a high seed productivity that allows to get seedling rootstocks of high quality. Some pear cultivars demonstrate a good compatibility with the common quince, moderate growth and high early maturity in comparison with the pear rootstock; there are also preliminary data on compatibility of 11 pear cultivars in a nursery, and 4 cultivars that are incompatible with the common quince.Актуальность. В центральных регионах России интенсивных грушевых насаждений нет по причине отсутствия карликовых подвоев интенсивного типа. Поэтому исследования в направлении получения зимостойких подвоев, обеспечивающих раннее вступление сада в пору промышленного плодоношения, ограничивающих рост растений и обеспечивающих быструю окупаемость вложенных затрат имеют высокую актуальность и широкие перспективы для применения.Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на базе лаборатории селекции и сортоизучения груши и нетрадиционных семечковых культур ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК. Объектом исследования стала айва обыкновенная селекции ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК. В 2008-2010; 2012-2014 годах изучали хозяйственно-биологические особенности айвы обыкновенной в качестве клоновых подвоев груши при размножении зелеными черенками. В 2018-2019 годах проводили исследования по применению семенных подвоев айвы обыкновенной в условиях питомника ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК.Результаты. За период исследований отмечена высокая зимостойкость растений айвы обыкновенной в условиях Орловской области, а также ее высокая восстановительная способность в случае повреждений растений неблагоприятными факторами зимнего периода. Определена способность некоторых форм айвы обыкновенной хорошо размножаться зелеными черенками и обеспечивать высокий выход однородного посадочного материала. Установлена высокая семенная продуктивность айвы обыкновенной с получением семенных подвоев высокого качества. Определена хорошая совместимость некоторых сортов груши с айвой обыкновенной, их сдержанный рост и высокая скороплодность по сравнению с грушевым подвоем, а также получены предварительные данные по совместимости 11 сортов груши в условиях питомника и отмечены 4 несовместимых с айвой обыкновенной сорта

    Изучение параметров водного режима яблони в условиях засухи

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    Relevance. Recently, the number of hot and dry years has increased significantly. Under the influence of drought, the leaves of the apple tree prematurely fall, the ovaries and fruits fall off, which significantly affects on the yield. In this regard, the study of the water regime of apple remains relevant under drought conditions.Methods. The studies were carried out on the basis of the laboratory of physiology of fruit plant resistance at VNIISPK in 2016-2017. Apple cultivars of the VNIISPK breeding growing on the semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118 were studied. Antonovka Obyknovennaya was taken as a standard cultivar. The experiments were laid in 2013, the spacing scheme was 5 m x 3 m. The crown shape is of spindle type. The row-spacing and near-trunk stripes are kept under the fall fallow. The method of artificial dehydration was used to determine drought resistance of apple cultivars. The apple cultivars were studied with the aim to determine the physiological parameters of water regime relative to their drought resistance.Results. As a result of the two-year studies, the cultivars were characterized by the average content of water in leaves (61.2-65.1%). Water deficiency in most varieties was optimal in the field and did not exceed 10.0%. The increase in water deficiency in apple leaves was noted in drought modeling. For two years, of the leaf tissues water deficiency was in leaves of the Veniaminovskoye cultivar both in the field (5.2%) and after drought modeling (22.4%). During the growing season, the distribution of precipitation and temperature during the passage of individual phenophases by apple plants influenced the overall water content in the leaf tissues. The decrease of the water content in the leaf tissues and the increase of water deficiency were observed when dry conditions occurred. The decrease of the water regime and water deficiency in leaves was notes to a greater extent during the formation of fruits. It was found that all of the studied apple cultivars had an average level of resistance to drought. The study of water regime parameters showed that Veniaminovskoye was characterized by more stable indices and this indicated greater resistance to drought. Актуальность. В последнее время число жарких и засушливых лет значительно увеличилось. Под действием засухи у растений яблони преждевременно опадают листья, осыпаются завязи и плоды, что существенно сказывается на урожае. В связи с этим изучение водного режима яблони в условиях засухи сохраняет свою актуальность.Материал и методика. Исследования проводили на базе лаборатории физиологии устойчивости плодовых растений ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК в 2016-2017 годы. Объектами исследований служили сорта яблони селекции института, растущие на полукарликовом подвое 54-118. Контрольный сорт – Антоновка обыкновенная. Опыты заложены в 2013 году, схема посадки 5х3 м. Форма кроны – веретеновидная. Междурядья и приствольные полосы содержатся под черным паром. Для определения засухоустойчивости сортов яблони использовали метод искусственного обезвоживания. Изучали сорта яблони с целью определить физиологические параметры водного режима в связи с их засухоустойчивостью.Результаты. В результате двухлетних исследований изучаемые сорта яблони характеризовались средней оводненностью (61,2-66,1%) листьев. Водный дефицит в полевых условиях у большей части сортов был оптимальным и не превышал 10,0%. После моделирования засухи отметили повышение водного дефицита в листьях сортов яблони. Наименьший водный дефицит за два года исследований выявили, как в полевых условиях (5,2%), так и после моделирования засухи (22,4%), в листьях сорта Веньяминовское. Распределение осадков и температуры в период вегетации при прохождении растениями яблони отдельных фенофаз влияло на оводненность тканей листьев яблони. При наступлении засушливых условий наблюдали снижение оводненности тканей листьев и повышение водного дефицита. Отмечено снижение оводненности тканей и водного дефицита листьев в большей степени в период формирования плодов. Установлено, что все изучаемые сорта яблони имеют средний уровень устойчивости к действию засухи. Изучение параметров водного режима показало, что сорт Веньяминовское характеризовался более стабильными значениями исследуемых показателей, что свидетельствует о большей устойчивости к воздействию засушливых условий.

    Характеристика сортов яблони селекции ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК на полукарликовом подвое 54-118

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    Relevance. Due to the wide diversity of cultivars and rootstocks, the selection of more productive, commercial and adapted graft-rootstock combinations for industrial orchards in the Orel region and the entire Central Chernozem region is relevant.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out at the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) on the bases of the laboratory of cultivar study and cultivar agrotechnics of pome crops and the laboratory of physiology of fruit plant resistance. Winter apple cultivars of VNIISPK breeding ‘Sinap Orlovsky’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Orlik’, ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’, ‘Svezhest’, ‘Bolotovskoye’, ‘Veniaminovskoye’ and control cultivar ‘Antonovka Obyknovennaya’ on the vegetatively propagated semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118 were taken as objects of the studies. The orchard was planted in autumn 2013, the planting scheme was 6 mx3m.Results. The studied apple cultivars have good compatibility with 54-118 rootstock, provide good tree development and low-sized crown. The highest yield on average for three years was in scab-immune apple cultivars ‘Bolotovskoye’ (4.6 t/ha), ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ (3.4 t/ha) and ‘Venyaminovskoye’ (3.2 t/ha). The highest indicators for the load of the crop on the crown volume, crown projection area, and cross-sectional area of the stem were for ‘Svezhest’ and ‘Bolotovskoye’. As a result of determining the frost resistance of apple cultivars in mid-January to temperatures up to -38...-40°C, it was revealed that in the hardened state, the cultivars showed frost resistance of buds and tissues of annual shoots with reversible damage at -38°C in the middle of winter. A decrease in temperature to -40°C in January increased damage to buds and wood in the studied varieties, while the bark was characterized by greater frost resistance. According to the degree of damage to the cortex in January, when the temperature dropped to -40°C, ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’, ‘Svezhest’, and ‘Sinap Orlovsky’ were at the control level.Актуальность. В связи с большим разнообразием сортов и подвоев является актуальным выделение более урожайных, товарных и адаптированных привойно-подвойных комбинаций для промышленных садов в условиях Орловской области и Центрального региона.Материал и методика. Исследования проводили в ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК на базе лаборатории сортоизучения и сортовой агротехники семечковых культур и лаборатории физиологии устойчивости плодовых растений. Объект – яблоня. Матер. исследований взяты сорта зимнего срока созревания селекции ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК: Синап орловский, Ветеран, Орлик, Рождественское, Свежесть, Болотовское, Веньяминовское и контрольный сорт народной селекции Антоновка обыкновенная на вегетативно размноженном полукарликовом подвое 54-118. Год закладки сада – осень 2013 года, схема посадки – 6х3 м.Результаты. Изученные сорта яблони имеют хорошую совместимость с подвоем 54-118, обеспечивают хорошее развитие дерева и слаборослую крону. Наибольший урожай в среднем за три года был у иммунных к парше сортов яблони Болотовское (4,6 т/га), Рождественское (3,4 т/га) и Веньяминовское (3,2 т/га). Наиболее высокие показатели по нагрузке урожая на объем кроны, площади проекции кроны, площади поперечного сечения штамба были у сортов яблони Свежесть и Болотовское. В результате определения морозостойкости сортов яблони в середине января до -38...-40°С (II компонент зимостойкости) выявлено, что в закаленном состоянии сорта проявили морозостойкость почек и тканей однолетних побегов с обратимыми повреждениями при -38°С. Снижение температуры до -40°С в январе усилило повреждение почек и древесины у изучаемых сортов, кора при этом характеризовалась большей морозостойкостью. По степени повреждения коры в январе при снижении температуры до -40°С сорта Рождественское, Свежесть, Синап орловский были на уровне контроля

    Формирование устойчивости к гипотермии сортов Fragaria x ananassa Duch. разного эколого-географического происхождения в осенний период

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    Relevance. One of the most important factors which can influence on the growth and development of strawberries is the negative temperature in winter and especially in its snowless period. We were interested to study special aspects of the oxidative stress, accumulation of protector’s conjunctions, antioxidant and water status in autumn period of varieties strawberry garden different ecologicalgeographical origin in the conditions of the Orel region.Methods. The objects of the research were the leaves of Fragaria ananassa of different ecological and geographical origin in autumn period: Tsaritsa, Alba, Sara, Korona, Kokinskaya Rannya, Solovushka, Urozhainaya TsGL.Results. As the result was shown that in autumn period, when plants began preprocessing for winter, strawberry varieties Solovushka, Tsaritsa, Sara and Korona have been marked by increased antioxidant activity (for example, the enzymes SOD and catalase), little formation of reactive oxygen species and, in the end, low structural and functional damage to cell membranes. Also it was shown an increase in bound and a decrease in free water in the leaves of plants when the temperature decreased. At the same time, in the end of autumn, on the background of high content of free proline (19.38-29.73 mg/kg) and sucrose (2.65-6.46 mg/g), the varieties Solovushka, Tsaritsa, Sara and Korona had the highest ratio of bound/free water (4.10-8.10) in comparison with the with Urozhainaya TsGL and Alba. Thus, the varieties Solovushka, Tsaritsa, Sara and Korona are characterized by high adaptability to the winter conditions in the Orel region. Актуальность. Одним из значительных факторов, влияющих на рост и развитие земляники садовой, является отрицательная температура зимой и, особенно в ее бесснежный период. Представляло интерес изучить особенности окислительного стресса, накопления протекторных соединений, антиоксидантного и водного статуса в осенний период у сортов земляники садовой разного эколого-географического происхождения в условиях Орловской области.Материал и методы. Объектами исследований в осенний период служили листья сортов Fragaria ananassa различного эколого-географического происхождения: Царица, Alba, Sara, Korona, Кокинская ранняя, Соловушка, Урожайная ЦГЛ.Результаты. В осенний период при подготовке к зиме у сортов земляники Соловушка, Царица, Sara и Korona отмечали повышенную антиоксидантная активность (на примере ферментов СОД и каталазы), незначительное образование активных форм кислорода и, как следствие, низкое структурно-функциональное повреждение клеточных мембран. Также показано, что по мере снижения температуры происходило увеличение связанной и снижение свободной воды в листьях растений. При этом к концу осени на фоне высокого содержания свободного пролина (19,38-29,73 мг/кг) и сахаров (2,65-6,46 мг/г) у сортов Соловушка, Царица, Sara и Korona по сравнению с Урожайной ЦГЛ и Alba наблюдался наибольший показатель отношения связанная/свободная вода (4,10-8,10). Таким образом, сорта Соловушка, Царица, Sara и Korona характеризуются высокой адаптационной способностью к зимним условиям Орловской обрасти.

    Study of frost resistance of cherry variety Turgenevka during on different rootstocks winter thaws

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    Relevance. The study of the resistance of garden cultures to unfavorable abiotic factors of the winter period is a priority direction of scientific studies, because the low winter hardiness can annul advantages the varieties on other signs. Concerning in the middle zone of Russia, studies on the resistance of cherry to frost during the thaw period remain relevant.Methods. The studies were carried out in the laboratory of physiology of fruit plant resistance at VNI-ISPKin2017-2018. The object of research was the Turgenevka cherry variety on new clonal root-stock of the Institute breeding were studied. Control - Turgenevka on the Rubin stock. For artificial freezing in early December the material was prepared for III and IV components of frost hardiness.Results. As a result of artificial freezing, the Turgenevka cherry variety was characterized by frost resistance of vegetative buds and tissues of annual shoots during a three-day winter thaw of + 2°C with a decrease in temperature of -25°C (III component of frost resistance). Inthiscase, thehighest frost resistance of the generative buds of the Turgenevka variety on rootstock 74340, 82987 is shown. After a three-day thaw of +2°C and repeated hardening with a subsequent decrease in temperature to -30°C in March (IV frost resistance component), the Turgenevka variety on the rootstock 74332, 74363, 82987 was characterized by frost resistance of vegetative buds, bark and wood of annualshoots. Moreover, in the studied scion-rootstock combinations, low frost resistance of the generative kidneys was revealed. Only in the studied variety on the rootstock 82987 was the largest percentage of living flower primordia revealed. The conducted studies revealed the Turgenevka variety in a rootstock of 82987 with the greatest potential for frost resistance during the winter thaws

    Изучение морозостойкости сорта вишни Тургеневка на разных подвоях в период зимних оттепелей

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    Relevance. The study of the resistance of garden cultures to unfavorable abiotic factors of the winter period is a priority direction of scientific studies, because the low winter hardiness can annul advantages the varieties on other signs. Concerning in the middle zone of Russia, studies on the resistance of cherry to frost during the thaw period remain relevant.Methods. The studies were carried out in the laboratory of physiology of fruit plant resistance at VNI-ISPKin2017-2018. The object of research was the Turgenevka cherry variety on new clonal root-stock of the Institute breeding were studied. Control - Turgenevka on the Rubin stock. For artificial freezing in early December the material was prepared for III and IV components of frost hardiness.Results. As a result of artificial freezing, the Turgenevka cherry variety was characterized by frost resistance of vegetative buds and tissues of annual shoots during a three-day winter thaw of + 2°C with a decrease in temperature of -25°C (III component of frost resistance). Inthiscase, thehighest frost resistance of the generative buds of the Turgenevka variety on rootstock 74340, 82987 is shown. After a three-day thaw of +2°C and repeated hardening with a subsequent decrease in temperature to -30°C in March (IV frost resistance component), the Turgenevka variety on the rootstock 74332, 74363, 82987 was characterized by frost resistance of vegetative buds, bark and wood of annualshoots. Moreover, in the studied scion-rootstock combinations, low frost resistance of the generative kidneys was revealed. Only in the studied variety on the rootstock 82987 was the largest percentage of living flower primordia revealed. The conducted studies revealed the Turgenevka variety in a rootstock of 82987 with the greatest potential for frost resistance during the winter thaws.Актуальность. Изучение устойчивости садовых культур к неблагоприятным абиотическим факторам зимнего периода является приоритетным направлением научных исследований, поскольку недостаточная зимостойкость может свести на нет любые преимущества сортов по другим признакам. В связи с этим в условиях средней полосы России исследования по устойчивости вишни к морозам в период оттепелей сохраняют свою актуальность.Материал и методика. Исследования проводили на базе лаборатории физиологии устойчивости плодовых растений ФГБНУ ВНИИСПК в 2017-2018 годы. Объектом исследований служил сорт вишни Тургеневка на новых клоновых подвоях селекции института. Стандарт – Тургеневка на подвое Рубин. Для искусственного промораживания в начале декабря заготавливали опытный материал для определения III (способность сохранять морозостойкость в период оттепели) и IV (способность восстанавливать морозостойкость при повторной закалки после оттепелей) компонентов морозостойкости.Результаты. В результате искусственного промораживания Тургеневка характеризовалась морозостойкостью вегетативных почек и тканей однолетних побегов в период зимней трехдневной оттепели +2°С при снижении температуры до -25°С (III компонент морозостойкости). При этом показана наибольшая морозостойкость генеративных почек у сорта Тургеневка на подвоях 74340, 82987. После трехдневной оттепели +2°С и повторной закалки при последующем снижении температуры до -30°С в марте (IV компонент морозостойкости) сорт Тургеневка на подвоях 74332, 74363, 82987 характеризовался морозостойкостью вегетативных почек, коры и древесины однолетних побегов. При этом у изучаемых привойно-подвойных комбинаций была выявлена низкая морозостойкость генеративных почек. У изучаемого сорта на подвое 82987 был выявлен наибольший процент живых цветковых зачатков. Проведенные исследования показали, что сорт Тургеневка на подвое 82987 обладает наибольшим потенциалом морозостойкости в период зимних оттепелей