15 research outputs found


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    The transthoracic echocardiography made by multifrequency probes with support of the mode of the second harmonic imaging, is a competitive method for visualization of the main coronary arteries and allows to estimate coronary blood flow with high quality. Of course, the method has considerable restrictions, most important of which is the low spatial resolution of a method, due to small acoustic window. Because of this the transthoracic visualization of coronary arteries perhaps will not become the leading method of anatomic reconstruction of separately taken coronary artery and especially all coronary arteries system. However uniqueness and indisputable advantage of this method is an opportunity to noninvasively estimate a coronary blood flow both once, and in dynamics.Трансторакальная эхокардиография, выполненная с помощью мультичастотных датчиков с поддержкой режима второй тканевой гармоники, является конкурентоспособным методом для визуализации магистральных коронарных артерий и позволяет качественно оценить спектр коронарного кровотока в них. Безусловно, у метода есть значительные ограничения, самой главной из которых является низкая пространственная разрешающая способность метода из-за небольшого акустического окна. Именно из-за этого трансторакальное исследование коронарных артерий, по всей видимости, не станет лидирующим методом анатомической реконструкции отдельно взятой коронарной артерии и тем более всего коронарного русла. Однако уникальностью и неоспоримым преимуществом данного метода является  возможность неинвазивно оценить коронарный кровоток как однократно, так и в динамике

    Использование технологии разведочного анализа данных – “деревьев классификации” для дифференциальной диагностики типа очагового новообразования в печени при ультразвуковом исследовании с применением метода эластографии сдвиговой волной

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    The aim: study the possibility of using data elastometry hearth tumors in the liver parenchyma and “unchanged” the liver parenchyma in this patient for the differential diagnosis of tumors in premorphological diagnostic stage.Materials and Methods. 46 patients with liver tumor underwent ultrasound. The stiffness (elastometry)of the tissues in the tumor and intact liver parenchyma was studied. The ultrasound data were compared with the results of morphological studies, obtained by biopsy. Statistical methods for the study included analysis of variance, and to develop decision rules determine the type of tumor formation method of classification of trees applied.Results. During the work we have been able to implement a new approach to the differential diagnosis of focal liver formations based on the simultaneous study of rigidity not only the pathological focus, but also the “intact” parenchyma, lying outside the chamber and away from the capsule of the body. Conclusion. The algorithm allows, based on the measurement of Young’s modulus in the pathological focus in the “intact” parenchyma of the liver to make the conclusion about the nature of the neoplasm.Цель исследования: изучение возможности использования данных эластометрии очага новообразования в паренхиме печени и “неизмененной” паренхимы печени у данного пациента для дифференциальной диагностики характера новообразования на доморфологическом этапе диагностики.Материал и методы. УЗИ проведено 46 пациентам с очаговыми образованиями печени. Изучали жесткость тканей (эластометрия) в очаге опухоли и в неизмененной паренхиме печени. Данные УЗИ сравнивали с результатами морфологических исследований, полученных при биопсии. Статистические методы исследования включали дисперсионый анализ, для разработки решающих правил определения типа опухолевого образования применен метод “деревьев классификации”.Результаты. В ходе работы нам удалось реализовать новый подход к дифференциальной диагностике очаговых образований печени, основанный на одновременном изучении жесткости не только патологического очага, но и “интактной” паренхимы печени, лежащей вне очага и вдали от капсулы данного органа.Заключение. Представленный алгоритм позволяет на основе измерения модуля Юнга в патологическом очаге и в “интактной” паренхиме печени сделать заключение о характере новообразования


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    Aim. To detect the most informative ultrasonic signs of cerebral haemodynamics distress in various degrees of severity asphyxia of newborn for the timely correction of cerebral haemodynamics and normal morphofunctional maturation of brain structures in the early neonatal period and childhood.Materials and methods. 78 newborns were examined, including: 25 newborns who had a satisfactory condition at birth and 53 newborns with a mild, moderate and severe condition at birth due to neonatal asphyxia. Ultrasonic examination of brain and Doppler sonography of cerebral blood flow were carried out for all newborns in the first 7 days of life.Results. Echographic and Doppler sonographic criteria of changes in cerebral haemodynamics of full-term newborn with mild, moderate and severe asphyxia were obtained.Conclusion. Cranial ultrasound demonstrates dopplerographic signs of cerebral hemodynamics formation disorders such as hypoperfusion in neonates who have had chronic intrauterine hypoxia in the early neonatal period, and signs of cerebral hyperperfusion in neonates who suffered from acute asphyxia. In neonates who have suffered from acute asphyxia against a background of chronic intrauterine hypoxia, signs of hypoperfusion persisted for a longer period as compared to neonates with chronic intrauterine hypoxia

    The role of magnesium in the treatment of symptoms climacteric syndrome

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    According to epidemiological studies, about 30% of residents in Russia receive less than 70% of the daily magnesium intake, while magnesium deficiency manifests much more often in women than in men. The prevalence of magnesium deficiency is 1.3 times higher among the female population. Women are more sensitive to magnesium deficiency and normally have higher deposited concentrations of this element. Objective of the study: evaluate the effectiveness of magnesium in the management of menopausal syndrome symptoms. Materials and methods: 30 female patients, aged 47 to 57 years, with various menopausal syndrome symptoms underwent clinical and laboratory examination. In addition to the general clinical examination, all patients underwent atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine serum Mg2+ ions concentrations. All patients received menopausal hormone therapy in combination with magnesium supplement using Magnesium Diasporal 300. Results and discussions: The severe climacteric symptoms relief and an increase in the serum magnesium levels were recorded against the background of the therapy

    Vitamin D deficiency in women of reproductive age, options for correction

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    Vitamin D deficiency is the pandemica for real in the modern world [1]. The role of vitamin D in the reproductive function regulation has been proven in light of the achievements over the past few years. Being a steroid hormone, this vitamin is essential for a wide range of normal physiologic functions. Vitamin D insufficiency as defined by serum 25(OH)D ≤ 30 ng/ml is widespread globally, with the frequency of registration of this condition among the population of Russia over 90% [2]. The elderly and pregnant women (especially in the presence of fat metabolism disorders, gestational diabetes and infectious pathology), who did not undergo a vitamin correction medication, is the main risk group for vitamin D deficiency. Objective of the study: Evaluate the efficacy of colcalciferol in vitamin D-deficient therapy in women of reproductive age. Material and methods of the study: clinical and laboratory examination and treatment of 31 patients with various reproductive system pathologies, aged 21 to 45 years who were hospitalized to the Department of Gynaecology. In addition to the general clinical examination, all patients had their vitamin D, total and ionized calcium levels in blood plasma assessed. In order to correct the vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, the vitamin D supplementation by colcalciferol (vitamin D3) intake was prescribed to all examined patients in addition to the treatment of the underlying disease. Results of the study: all examined patients showed the decreased vitamin D concentration in the blood plasma below the reference indices. The vitamin D deficiency was discovered in 64.5% cases. At the same time, a significant increase in the concentration of 25(OH)D3 in blood plasma was noted against the background of therapy


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    Insufficient nutrition is an urgent problem of modern healthcare. According to WHO, more than 2 billion people suffer from essential vitamin and mineral deficiencies, in particular vitamin A, iodine, iron and zinc [1]. The hypovitaminosis, as well as hypoelementosis pose the greatest threat to pregnancy and lactation, contributing to the development of miscarriages, intrauterine growth restriction, maternal mortality, labor complications, infectious pathology and adverse course of the neonatal period.Objective of the study: evaluation of the efficacy of the vitamin and mineral complex in correcting the nutritional status of patients during gestation.Materials and methods of the study: 33 pregnant women with threatened miscarriage of various genesis, who were admitted to the department of gynaecology, underwent a clinical and laboratory examination and treatment. In addition to the general clinical examination, all patients were assessed for plasma vitamin E and folic acid concentrations, which play a key role in embryogenesis. In addition to therapy aimed at prolonging pregnancy, all pregnant women received nutritional support in the form of a multivitamin drug.Results of the study: During the observation period, the condition of pregnant women improved significantly: signs of threatened miscarriage were eliminated, complaints of weakness, fatigue and sleep disturbance disappeared. All patients showed significantly higher plasma vitamin E and folic acid concentrations after the treatment


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    Myoma of the uterus occupies the third place in the structure of gynecological pathology, second only to inflammatory diseases, the main symptoms of uterine fibroids are profuse menstruation, pelvic pain, infertility, impaired function of neighboring organs characteristic of tumors of large sizes. Treatment of uterine fibroids «an urgent problem of modern gynecology», despite the variety of therapeutic techniques. Uterine myoma is a frequent cause of infertility, the pathogenesis of which is not fully understood. Recently, as a drug of choice for the purpose of adjuvant therapy of uterine fibroids, the drug mifepristone has been widely used, which has a high therapeutic efficiency, which contributes to the realization of the reproductive function in the conduct of organ-saving operations