38 research outputs found

    Selected modern methods and tools for public participation in urban planning - A review

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    The paper presents a review of contributions to the scientific discussion on modern methods and tools for public participation in urban planning. This discussion took place in Obrzycko near Poznań, Poland. The meeting was designed to allow for an ample discussion on the themes of public participatory geographic information systems, participatory geographic information systems, volunteered geographic information, citizen science, Geoweb, geographical information and communication technology, Geo-Citizen participation, geo-questionnaire, geo-discussion, GeoParticipation, Geodesign, Big Data and urban planning. Participants in the discussion were scholars from Austria, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the USA. A review of public participation in urban planning shows new developments in concepts and methods rooted in geography, landscape architecture, psychology, and sociology, accompanied by progress in geoinformation and communication technologies. The discussions emphasized that it is extremely important to state the conditions of symmetric cooperation between city authorities, urban planners and public participation representatives, social organizations, as well as residents

    A new methodological contribution for the geodiversity assessment: applicability to Ceará State (Brazil)

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    The concept of geodiversity aggregates the abiotic elements of nature and promotes the geoconservation. The main objective of this work is to contribute to the upgrade of the method for the assessment and quantification of geodiversity proposed by Pereira et al. (2013). The method is based on the superposition of a regular grid of 12 × 12 km on different maps (lithology, geomorphology, soil, paleonthology, mineral and geological energy resources) at scales of 1:250,000 to 1:600,000. In addition to other up- grades, the water resources are regarded here as a new com- ponent to consider when quantifying geodiversity. The sum of these maps generated the quantitative Map of Geodiversity Indices and the Map of Geodiversity Assessment, ranging from very low to very high geodiversity. The analysis of the geodiversity map of the State of Ceará (Brazil) shows the applicability and advantage of this method, highlighting two regions with higher levels of geodiversity (Northwest and South) and another region with the lowest levels (Sertões Cearenses). The results also allowed the characterization of the State of Ceará concerning the individual components of the geodiversity, especially the water resources. Geodiversity indices and maps are comprehensive and user-friendly data in the territorial planning, considering the geodiversity either as a whole, or each of its components, especially the more sensi- tive such as fossil conservation, and water, mineral, and non- renewable energy resources management.The authors express their gratitude to the Brazilian research fostering institution "Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior" (CAPES) for awarding the Ciência Sem Fronteiras (CsF) PhD scholarship that enabled this work. This work was partially co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/ 2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and national funds provided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Sedimentation vertical accretion of sediments on the Parsęta river floodplain

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    Touristic aspects of landform geodiversity in Carpathians

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    Artykuł przedstawia metody uzyskiwania mapy georóżnorodności rzeźby w środowisku GIS-owskim oraz jej wykorzystanie do wskazania atrakcji turystycznych w Karpatach. Zaproponowano metodyczny schemat postępowania. Podstawą utworzenia mapy są trzy mapy wejściowe do analizy geoinformacyjnej: mapa energii rzeźby, mapa rozczłonkowania rzeźby, mapa zachowania współczesnej rzeźby. Dla każdej wejściowej mapy do analizy geoinformacyjnej przypisano wartości od 1 do 5, odpowiadające jakościowemu opisowi georóżnorodności: bardzo mała, mała, przeciętna, duża, bardzo duża. Wymienione mapy poddano algebrze map, dzięki której uzyskano końcową mapę georóżnorodności rzeźby. Nową mapę georóżnorodności rzeźby Karpat skonfrontowano z turystycznymi walorami krajobrazów morfologicznych Karpat. Do najbardziej atrakcyjnych turystycznie obszarów zaliczono obszary Tatr Polskich oraz licznych grzbietów beskidzkich, gdzie obserwuje się równocześnie dużą kontrastowość hipsometryczną z sąsiadującymi dolinami rzecznymi.The paper is to present a method for deriving a map of landform geodiversity in GIS environment and its application for indication of attractive touristic scenes in Carpathian Mts. The paper propose a methodological flowchart. The basis for its creation is three input maps for geoinformation analysis: a map of landform energy, a map of landform fragmentation and a map of contemporary landform preservation. For each input map for geoinformation analysis assigned values from 1 to 5 which correspond to qualitative description of geodiversity: very low, low, medium, high, very high. Map algebra was used for obtaining a final map of landform geodiversity. The new map of Carpathians landform geodiversity was confronted by touristic values of morphological landscapes of Carpathian Mts. To the most attractive touristic areas was included territory of the Polish Tatra as well as numerous Beskidy ranges where can be observe a big hypsometric contrast between adjoining ridges and river valleys

    Climatic conditions of geomorphic activity, King George Island, South Shetlands

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    The paper presents the proposal of a method for an indirect evaluation of geomorphic activity on ice-free areas on King George Island (South Shetlands, West Antarctica) through analysis of climatic conditions affecting the mobility of mineral matter. It was assumed that weather conditions affected the movement of mineral matter, which in turn determined geomorphic activity on ice-free areas, which currently occupy over 25 km2 of Admiralty Bay. On the basis of encoded values of six variables: air temperature, wind speed, rainfall, sunshine, ground temperature, and thickness of snow cover, diurnal types of the efficiency of mineral matter circulation were determined which were then clustered using the k-means method. After the cumulation of results for 7-day periods, a total of 59 homogeneous periods were obtained characterised by diurnal types of geomorphic activity (1, 2 and 3) in the observation period from April 10, 1990 to January 13, 1994. The summer season is a period with a high efficiency of mineral matter circulation and geomorphic activity, while winter time is one with a low efficiency of mineral matter circulation and geomorphic activity. Periods with an average efficiency of mineral matter circulation and geomorphic activity correspond to ascending and descending transition times. It is possible to associate the descending period with the autumn season in the temperate zone, while the ascending period, with spring-time

    Global climate change and their implications for landforms of Poland

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    Artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do czterech artykułów zawartych w niniejszym tomie. Omówiono w nim tło głównego tematu sympozjum SGP "Globalne zmiany klimatu i ich implikacje dla rzeźby Polski" oraz zarysowano problematykę prezentowaną przez referentów na sympozjum oraz na sesji posterowej. W końcowej części artykułu ustosunkowano się do zagadnienia roli zjawisk ekstremalnych we współczesnym kształtowaniu rzeźby oraz ich sekwencji kaskadowych w środowisku geograficznym Polski. Wskazano najczęściej pojawiające się sekwencje zjawisk ekstremalnych w Polsce.The article is an introduction to four articles in the present volume. It discusses the main background of the APG workshop "Global climatic changes and their implication for landforms in Poland" and outlines problems presented by ordered authors on workshop and on poster session. In the final part the paper takes an attitude towards problems of the extreme events in contemporary relief formation and their cascade sequences in geographical environment of Poland. There was indicated the most often appearance of extreme events sequences in Poland

    The routine of landform geodiversity map design for the Polish Carpathian Mts.

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    The main objective of this paper is to present a method for deriving a map of landform geodiversity in GIS environment. Three maps: a map of landform energy derived from SRTM-3 digital elevation model, a map of landform fragmentation created from geomorphological map and a map of contemporary landform preservation derived from CORINE Land Cover database are processed for the construction of a map of landform geodiversity. The paper presents a workflow for the map compilation procedure. The final map of landform geodiversity is created in the course of spatial analysis in GIS in two steps: first three input maps are combined in an overlay and next the overlay results are reclassified into the map of landform geodiversity with the following descriptions: very high, high, medium, low, and very low landform geodiversity. The study uses GIS to trace the patterns and changes of the natural landscapes and man-made transformations of natural landforms in the Polish Carpathians

    Wybrane zjawiska ekstremalne pojezierzy polskich

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