7 research outputs found

    Characterization of CdSe nanocrystals coated with amphiphiles. A capillary electrophoresis study

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    We have synthesized CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) possessing a trioctylphosphine surface passivation layer and modified with amphiphilic molecules to form a surface bilayer. The NCs covered with single amphiphiles are not stable in aqueous solution, but a mixed amphiphilic system is shown to provide stability in solution over several months. The solutions of the modified NCs were characterized by UV-Vis absorbance, photoluminescence, and transmission electron microscopy. An electrophoretic study revealed two operational modes. The first relies on the enrichment of NCs using a micellar plug as a tool. The accumulation of NCs at the plug-electrolyte buffer interface results in a sharp peak. By controlling the electrophoretic conditions, nanocrystals were forced to exit a micellar plug into an electrolyte buffer. We conclude that a system consisting of modified nanocrystals and a micellar plug can act as a mixed pseudomicellar system, where modified nanocrystals play the role of pseudomicelles

    Capillary electrophoretic separation of nanoparticles

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    In the present work, CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized with a trioctylphosphine surface passivation layer were modified using amphiphilic molecules to form a surface bilayer capable of providing stable NCs aqueous solutions. Such modified nanocrystals were used as a test solute in order to analyze new electrophoretic phenomena, by applying a micellar plug as a separation tool for discriminating nanocrystals between micellar and micelle-free zones during electrophoresis. The distribution of NCs between both zones depended on the affinity of nanocrystals towards the micellar zone, and this relies on the kind of surface ligands attached to the NCs, as well as electrophoretic conditions applied. In this case, the NCs that migrated within a micellar zone can be focused using a preconcentration mechanism. By modifying electrophoretic conditions, NCs were forced to migrate outside the micellar zone in the form of a typical CZE peak. In this situation, a two-order difference in separation efficiencies, in terms of theoretical plates, was observed between focused NCs (N ~ 107) and a typical CZE peak for NCs (N ~ 105). By applying the amino-functionalized NCs the preconcentration of NCs, using a micellar plug, was examined, with the conclusion that preconcentration efficiency, in terms of the enhancement factor for peak height (SEFheight) can be, at least 20. The distribution effect was applied to separate CdSe/ZnS NCs encapsulated in silica, as well as surface-modified with DNA, which allows the estimation of the yield of conjugation of biologically active molecules to a particle surface

    Truffle renaissance in Poland – history, present and prospects

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