4 research outputs found

    Modelling of the JET DT Experiments in Carbon and ITER-like Wall Configurations

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    In this paper numerical simulations with the self-consistent COREDIV code of the planned JET DT experiments have been performed. First, record shot from the 1997 experiments was simulated and good agreement with experimental data has been found. Direct extrapolation of the carbon wall results to the new ILW configuration (discharge parameters as for the shot #42746) shows very good core plasma performance with even higher fusion power but with too large power to the divertor. However, with the neon seeding the heat load and plate temperatures can be efficiently reduced keeping good the plasma performance. Investigations have been done also for the planned DT operation scenario based on a conventional ELMy H-mode at high plasma current and magnetic field. Simulations for the reference ELMy H-mode shot #87412 show good agreement with the experimental data but the direct extrapolation of the DD results to deuterium-tritium operation shows relatively poor performance in terms of the achieved fusion power. The situation improves, if the highest heating power is assumed (41 MW) and fusion powers in the excess of 12 MW can be achieved. All the high performance shots require the heat load control by neon seeding which shows rather beneficial effect on the plasma performance allowing for relatively wide operational window in terms of the amount of the allowed neon influx

    Core-SOL Modelling of Neon Seeded JET Discharges with the ITER-like Wall

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    Five ELMy H-mode Ne seeded JET pulses have been simulated with the self-consistent core-SOL model COREDIV. In this five pulse series only the Ne seeding rate was changed shot by shot, allowing a thorough study of the effect of Ne seeding on the total radiated power and of its distribution between core and SOL tobe made. The increase in the simulations of the Ne seeding rate level above that achieved in experiments shows saturation of the total radiated power at a relatively low radiated-heating power ratio (frad = 0.60) and a further increase of the ratio of SOL to core radiation, in agreement with the reduction of W release at high Ne seeding level. In spite of the uncertainties caused by the simplified SOL model of COREDIV (neutral model, absence of ELMs and slab model for the SOL), the increase of the perpendicular transport in the SOL with increasing Ne seeding rate, which allows to reproduce numerically the experimental distribution core-SOL of the radiated power, appears to be of general applicability

    COREDIV and SOLPS Numerical Simulations of the Nitrogen Seeded JET ILW L-mode Discharges

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    In this paper we present the comparison of simulations with the numerical codes COREDIV and SOLPS5.0 for JET L-mode discharges with ITER like wall (ILW). The simulations have been performed for L-mode shots with and without nitrogen seeding (#82291 - 9) which are characterised by relatively low auxiliary heating power (PNBI = 1.1 MW) and low electron density (ne = 2.35 × 1019 m–3). Comparisons are made to the experimental measurements (e.g. radiation levels, plasma profiles) and the differences between the results from the two codes (e.g. temperature and density profiles at the outer divertor plate) are shown and discussed