10 research outputs found

    Lead poisoning in Turkish women due to “lead pouring”: A traditional practice

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    Question: Pouring molten lead into water and predicting, from the shape formed, the future of a person to diagnosis and treatment of disease has been practiced in many cultures across the world. In Turkish society, lead pouring is used to mainly avert the evil eye and, to a lesser extent, avoid the “kırk basması” or “albasması” that is a belief, some living or non-living things can harm lactating women and their babies. In lead pouring process, “ocak healers” melt a piece of lead in a spoon or pan over heat. The molten lead is poured into a pot of cold water above the person's head who sits on his/her knees under a sheet. When molten lead is exposed to water, it crackles and pops and various shapes are formed. Then, “ocak healers” interpret to predict the physical properties of the person who would have the evil eye by looking at the shapes. The current study was undertaken to ascertain whether the ocak healers were at risk from lead and some other toxic metal exposure as it is practiced indoors in poorly ventilated houses. Methods: Blood samples of three lead pouring ocak healers were collected for whole blood metal analysis with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results: Surprisingly, blood antimony levels of all ocak healers were found almost three times higher than reference value. However, blood lead, arsenic and cadmium levels were lower than reference values. Conclusion: Antimony but not lead poisoning should be considered in lead pouring ocak healers. We have demonstrated there is a risk of heavy metal exposure from this traditional practice and public health bodies need to take steps to protect the health of these healers, who are mainly women, and possibly the health of their unborn babies

    Inflammaging and Anti-Inflammaging: The Role of Cytokines in Extreme Longevity

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    Longevity and aging are two sides of the same coin, as they both derive from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Aging is a complex, dynamic biological process characterized by continuous remodeling. One of the most recent theories on aging focuses on immune response, and takes into consideration the activation of subclinical, chronic low-grade inflammation which occurs with aging, named “inflammaging”. Long-lived people, especially centenarians, seem to cope with chronic subclinical inflammation through an anti-inflammatory response, called therefore “anti-inflammaging”. In the present review, we have focused our attention on the contrast between inflammaging and anti-inflammaging systems, by evaluating the role of cytokines and their impact on extreme longevity. Cytokines are the expression of a network involving genes, polymorphisms and environment, and are involved both in inflammation and anti-inflammation. We have described the role of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, IL-22, IL-23, TNF-α, IFN-γ as pro-inflammatory cytokines, of IL-1Ra, IL-4, IL-10, TGF-β1 as anti-inflammatory cytokines, and of lipoxin A4 and heat shock proteins as mediators of cytokines. We believe that if inflammaging is a key to understand aging, anti-inflammaging may be one of the secrets of longevity.</p