5 research outputs found

    Gully erosion in the western part of the Nałęczów Plateau (Lublin Upland).

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    The areaswith thick loess covers face the risk of intense soil erosion processes as well as gully erosion. The western part of the Nałęczów Plateau is especially prone to particularly high degree of intensive erosion among the region (denudation hazard. The density of the gully network reaches here up to 10 km/km2. The administrative area of Kazimierz Dolny is under extreme threat of severe consequences of erosion processes which appeared with high frequency and caused significant devastation of infrastructure not only on a national but maybe on a European scale as well. Geological conditions together with surface features favour intensive, secondary and anthropogenically conditioned erosion processes. Already in the historical sources there are mentions about the disastrous consequences of torrential rainfalls in the Kazimierz Dolny region. In such conditions the torrential rainfall waters flow quickly down the gully bottoms of considerable inclinations, concentrating on the bottom of Grodarz river valley. As a result it may lead to flooding or silting of crops, the roads may be destroyed or silted and the properties completely flooded. Taking into account the natural and cultural values of Kazimierz Dolny and its surroundings, as well as the presence of the Kazimierz Landscape Park it is necessary to take urgent steps in order to limit the threats considerably

    Glaciotectonics of the selected regions of Poland

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    Niniejsze zbiorowe opracowanie powstało na podstawie szczegółowych (SMGP w skali 1: 50 000) i przeglądowych materiałów kartograficznych, publikowanych i archiwalnych opracowań autorskich oraz na podstawie Gacitektonicznej mapy Polski w skali 1:1 000 000, i stanowi swoisty, regionalny komentarz tekstowy do tej mapy. W podziale Polski na obszary: północno-zachodni, północny, północno-wschodni, zachodni i środkowozachodni, środkowy i środkowowschodni, południowo-wschodni oraz południowy przedstawiono opisy zaburzonych glacitektonicznie form i osadów powierzchniowych i kopalnych. Występowanie zaburzeń glacitektonicznych w Polsce związane jest przede wszystkim z zasięgami młodszych zlodowaceń i z miąższością ulegającego deformacjom podłoża. Formy i osady były zaburzane albo przez pionowe i poziome naciski aktywnego (transgredującego) lądolodu, albo przez nacisk pionowy na podłoże stagnujących mas lodowych. Prace nad uzupełnianiem zawartych w opracowaniu opisów wybranych obszarów Polski oraz treści Glacitektonicznej mapy Polski w skali 1:1 000 000 będą kontynuowane zarówno przez wnoszenie nowych danych, jak też przez rozszerzanie i uszczegółowianie legendy o nowe wydzielenia i oznaczenia wiekowe.The presented complete edition was prepared on the base results of the detailed (Detailed Geological Map of Poland in scale 1:50 000) and review geological mapping, published and archival data, as well as an explanations and symbols elaborated for Glaciotectonic Map of Poland in scale 1:1 000 000. Therefore this elaboration, presenting the regional description of the glaciotectonic features within selected regions of Poland, compose specific textural explanations for this map. Within the territory of Poland subdivided on following regions: North-Western, North, North-Eastern, Western, Middle-Western, Middle, Middle-Eastern, Southern, South-Eastern, glaciotectonicly disturbed landforms and sediments either expressed in recent relief or buried (stated in borings or in exposures) were described. Distribution of glaciotectonic features over the territory of Poland is related primarily to the presence younger glaciations and thickneses of the deformable substratum. Generally, the landforms and sediments were deformed by active ice sheets through the horizontal and vertical thrusts of the ice masses, as well as by vertical stress of the stagnant ice masses. The supplementary works under in details description of the glaciotectonic features in particular regions of Poland will be continued, as well as completed the contents of the Glaciotectonic Map of Poland in scale 1:1 000 000