4 research outputs found

    On Convergence and Threshold Properties of Discrete Lotka-Volterra Population Protocols

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    In this work we focus on a natural class of population protocols whose dynamics are modelled by the discrete version of Lotka-Volterra equations. In such protocols, when an agent aa of type (species) ii interacts with an agent bb of type (species) jj with aa as the initiator, then bb's type becomes ii with probability P_ijP\_{ij}. In such an interaction, we think of aa as the predator, bb as the prey, and the type of the prey is either converted to that of the predator or stays as is. Such protocols capture the dynamics of some opinion spreading models and generalize the well-known Rock-Paper-Scissors discrete dynamics. We consider the pairwise interactions among agents that are scheduled uniformly at random. We start by considering the convergence time and show that any Lotka-Volterra-type protocol on an nn-agent population converges to some absorbing state in time polynomial in nn, w.h.p., when any pair of agents is allowed to interact. By contrast, when the interaction graph is a star, even the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol requires exponential time to converge. We then study threshold effects exhibited by Lotka-Volterra-type protocols with 3 and more species under interactions between any pair of agents. We start by presenting a simple 4-type protocol in which the probability difference of reaching the two possible absorbing states is strongly amplified by the ratio of the initial populations of the two other types, which are transient, but "control" convergence. We then prove that the Rock-Paper-Scissors protocol reaches each of its three possible absorbing states with almost equal probability, starting from any configuration satisfying some sub-linear lower bound on the initial size of each species. That is, Rock-Paper-Scissors is a realization of a "coin-flip consensus" in a distributed system. Some of our techniques may be of independent value

    Stably Computable Properties of Network Graphs

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    We consider a scenario in which anonymous, finite-state sensing devices are deployed in an ad-hoc communication network of arbitrary size and unknown topology, and explore what properties of the network graph can be stably computed by the devices. We show that they can detect whether the network has degree bounded by a constant d, and, if so, organize a computation that achieves asymptotically optimal linear memory use. We define a model of stabilizing inputs to such devices and show that a large class of predicates of the multiset of final input values are stably computable in any weakly-connected network. We also sho

    Fast computation by population protocols with a leader

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    Fast algorithms are presented for performing computations in a probabilistic population model. This is a variant of the standard population protocol model—in which finite-state agents interact in pairs under the control of an adversary scheduler—where all pairs are equally likely to be chosen for each interaction. It is shown that when a unique leader agent is provided in the initial population, the population can simu-late a virtual register machine with high probability in which standard arithmetic operations like compar-ison, addition, subtraction, and multiplication and division by constants can be simulated in O(n log 5 n) interactions using a simple register representation or in O(n log 2 n) interactions using a more sophis-ticated representation that requires an extra O(n log O(1) n)-interaction initialization step. The central method is the extensive use of epidemics to propagate information from and to the leader, combined with an epidemic-based phase clock used to detect when these epidemics are likely to be complete. Ap-plications include a reduction of the cost of computing a semilinear predicate to O(n log 5 n) interactions from the previously best-known bound of O(n 2 log n) interactions and simulation of a LOGSPACE Tur-ing machine using the same O(n log 2 n) interactions per step. These bounds on interactions translate into polylogarithmic time per step in a natural parallel model in which each agent participates in an ex-pected Θ(1) interactions per time unit. Open problems are discussed, together with simulation results that suggest the possibility of removing the initial-leader assumption