328 research outputs found
Reliable machine-to-machine multicast services with multi-radio cooperative retransmissions
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11036-015-0575-6The 3GPP is working towards the definition of service requirements and technical solutions to provide support for energy-efficient Machine Type Communications (MTC) in the forthcoming generations of cellular networks. One of the envisioned solutions consists in applying group management policies to clusters of devices in order to reduce control signaling and improve upon energy efficiency, e.g., multicast Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates. In this paper, a Multi-Radio Cooperative Retransmission Scheme is proposed to efficiently carry out multicast transmissions in MTC networks, reducing both control signaling and improving energy-efficiency. The proposal can be executed in networks composed by devices equipped with multiple radio interfaces which enable them to connect to both a cellular access network, e.g., LTE, and a short-range MTC area network, e.g., Low-Power Wi-Fi or ZigBee, as foreseen by the MTC architecture defined by ETSI. The main idea is to carry out retransmissions over the M2M area network upon error in the main cellular link. This yields a reduction in both the traffic load over the cellular link and the energy consumption of the devices. Computer-based simulations with ns-3 have been conducted to analyze the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of energy consumption and assess its superior performance compared to non-cooperative retransmission schemes, thus validating its suitability for energy-constrained MTC applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Goodbye, ALOHA!
©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) to interconnect and Internet-connect everyday people, objects, and machines poses new challenges in the design of wireless communication networks. The design of medium access control (MAC) protocols has been traditionally an intense area of research due to their high impact on the overall performance of wireless communications. The majority of research activities in this field deal with different variations of protocols somehow based on ALOHA, either with or without listen before talk, i.e., carrier sensing multiple access. These protocols operate well under low traffic loads and low number of simultaneous devices. However, they suffer from congestion as the traffic load and the number of devices increase. For this reason, unless revisited, the MAC layer can become a bottleneck for the success of the IoT. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing MAC solutions for the IoT, describing current limitations and envisioned challenges for the near future. Motivated by those, we identify a family of simple algorithms based on distributed queueing (DQ), which can operate for an infinite number of devices generating any traffic load and pattern. A description of the DQ mechanism is provided and most relevant existing studies of DQ applied in different scenarios are described in this paper. In addition, we provide a novel performance evaluation of DQ when applied for the IoT. Finally, a description of the very first demo of DQ for its use in the IoT is also included in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
The impact of using authentic materials to promote listening comprehension in 4th grade students
Analyse the possible impact of implementing authentic TBL listening activities
in 4th graders’ listening comprehensionThese days, globalization is opening the doors from the frontiers of communication among cultures, as now people can travel easily and the opportunities of having contact with a foreigner are higher than it used to be in the past years. This study included the participation of 34 4th graders from Prado Veraniego School where half of the course was selected randomly to get the information about their listening comprehension, afterwards a pre-test (Cambridge English: Starters (YLE starters), listening section) was placed to gather data about their listening comprehension before the implementation of authentic listening activities.
Authentic videos selected taking into account students’ ages and were played to practice students’ listening comprehension within the usage of TBL (Task-Based Learning) in order to include the task cycle (1 pre-task, 2 while task and 3 post-task) where students could 1 know about the context, 2 practice listening comprehension with the audio input and 3 develop an activity related to the context. To gather the information and analyse the possible impact of implementing authentic TBL listening activities in 4th graders’ listening comprehension, three instruments were used: Teacher’s journal, Questionnaires and Classroom documents.
After the sessions, the same test was placed to compare the results between the pre-test and the post-test. By analysing the results, it was evident that the authentic materials helped students’ listening comprehension as they had a good performance during the sessions because they learnt about a real context by learning vocabulary of the context, watching an authentic video and performing a post-task related to the topic but also the analysis shown that most of the participants had an improvement in the exit test.
Key words: Authentic Materials, Listening comprehension, TBL (Task-Based Learning
Evaluación de la oferta del recurso hÃdrico en la cuenca del rÃo Calandaima
Trabajo de investigaciónEl trabajo investigación realizado evalúa la oferta del recurso hÃdrico en la cuenca del rÃo Calandaima a partir del análisis de la información hidrológica obtenida de las diferentes entidades oficiales que tienen presencia en la zona de estudio, con base en esto, se establece la tendencia de la disponibilidad del recurso hÃdrico en la región y se genera una propuesta de ordenamiento del suelo que ayuda a la sostenibilidad del recurso hÃdrico y combatir su escasez.EspecializaciónEspecialista en Recursos HÃdrico
Estudio experimental del efecto tamaño en probetas prismáticas de hormigón ensayadas a tracción indirecta
El efecto tamaño afecta a la resistencia a cortante de estructuras de hormigón armado. En concreto, el comportamiento de la zona no fisurada, - comprimida por la flexión-, puede asimilarse al de una probeta prismática sometida a un ensayo de tracción indirecta. El objeto de esta tesis es determinar experimentalmente la influencia del tamaño de la probeta, de la resistencia del hormigón y del tamaño del árido en la resistencia a tracción indirecta y tratar de formular expresiones para su uso posterior en el cálculo de la resistencia a cortante en vigas de hormigón armado
Los clubes de protección e indemnización (P&I Clubs) y su operación a la luz del derecho colombiano.
Los clubes de protección e indemnización son asociaciones de armadores que conforman fondos mutuales sin ánimo de lucro, con el fin de otorgar cobertura a sus miembros en relación con las responsabilidades en que puedan incurrir con ocasión de la actividad marÃtima que desarrollan. Normalmente estos organismos cubren riesgos relacionados con la pérdida o daños a la carga, muerte o lesión de tripulantes o pasajeros, abordaje, colisión y contaminación marina, entre otros.Este artÃculo realiza un estudio de sus orÃgenes, sus principales caracterÃsticas, asà como su funcionamiento bajo la óptica del ordenamiento jurÃdico colombiano realizando algunas sugerencias que abogan por un cambio de tratamiento para facilitar su operación en el paÃs
Estado del arte sobre las iniciativas de voluntariado corporativo y su lugar dentro de las estrategias de RSE de la empresa entre los años 2000 a 2012
En el presente escrito se analiza el papel que juega el Voluntariado Corporativo dentro de las estrategias de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, desde una revisión literaria referente al tema. Se empieza por una revisión conceptual e histórica de la RSE. Posteriormente se hace una revisión conceptual del VC analizando los diversos cambios que se han dado en la evolución del este. Luego se revisan las principales motivaciones que impulsan a los voluntarios a realizar labores de este tipo. Aunque se han hecho estudios de naturaleza cualitativa y cuantitativa, es necesario ahondar e investigar en, ¿Por qué lo hacen algunos empleados y otros no?, asà como se hace preciso indagar si ¿son conductas adquiridas o impulsadas por la organizaciones o si se han adquirido en etapas anteriores al ámbito laboral?.In this paper we analyze the role of the Corporate Volunteer within the Corporate Social Responsibility strategies from a literature review on the topic. It begins with a conceptual and historical review of CSR. Then we review the VC conceptual analyzing the various changes that have occurred in the evolution of this. Then we review the main motivations behind the volunteers to perform such tasks. Although studies have been qualitative and quantitative, and research is necessary to delve into, why do some employees and not others?, And it becomes necessary to inquire whether acquired behaviors or are they driven organizations or have been acquired in previous stages to the workplace?.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad
CaracterÃsticas de la implementación de la polÃtica pública de envejecimiento y vejez de los habitantes mayores de 60 años del municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa- Meta durante el Periodo 2016-2020
Gráfico 1Población adulto mayor Municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa, Gráfico 2 Beneficiarios Colombia Mayor, Gráfico 3 Fogones Comunitarios, Gráfico 4 Beneficiario de Hogar La milagrosa, Gráfico 5 Beneficiario Corporación un mañana mejor, Gráfico 6 Encuentro municipal del adulto mayor, Tabla 1 Contrato 086- 2016, Tabla 2 Contrato 301- 2016, Tabla 3 Contratación 310- 2016, Tabla 4 Contrato 207- 2017, Tabla 5 Contrato 260, Tabla 6 106- 2018, Tabla 7 Contrato 251 - 2018, Tabla 8 Contrato 157- 2019, Tabla 9 Contrato 197- 2019, Tabla 10 Contrato 228- 2019, Tabla 11 Contrato 232- 2019, Tabla 12 Contrato 236 - 2019, Tabla 13 Contrato 240- 2019, Tabla 14 Contrato 003 - 2020, Tabla 15 Contrato 081- 2020, Tabla 16 Contrato 097 -2020, Tabla 17 115- 2020.En Colombia pertenecer a la población mayor de 60 años cada vez es más complejo, el municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa-Meta, no es ajeno a la problemática que vive esta comunidad, con un total de 1828 adultos mayores y requiere de un profundo análisis e intervención de la polÃtica pública que se desarrolla en el municipio, ya que es necesario mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas, esto se hace por medio del diseño de propuestas que mejoren y garanticen la correcta implementación de esta polÃtica pública, para ello se debe indagar sobre las verdaderas condiciones de las personas mayores de 60 años y posteriormente, realizar un análisis y promover acciones que estén direccionadas a fortalecer y proteger los derechos de los adultos mayores de 60 años radicados en el municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa-Meta. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación es fundamental hacer un análisis exhaustivo de la situación de los adultos mayores del municipio, por medio de encuestas y acudiendo a las entidades gubernamentales respectivas que manejan información, datos y aspectos relevantes de esta población. Se espera que esta investigación ayude al mejoramiento de la polÃtica pública del municipio, en donde se garantice para el último ciclo vital del ser humano una excelente calidad de vida y además se materialice la protección de los derechos de los adultos mayores del municipio.In Colombia, belonging to the population over 60 years of age is becoming more complex, the municipality of San Carlos de Guaroa-Meta, is no stranger to the problems that this community is experiencing, with a total of 1,828 older adults and requires in-depth analysis and intervention of the public policy that is developed in the municipality, the above is necessary to improve the quality of life of these people, this is done through the design of proposals that improve and guarantee the correct implementation of this public policy, to achieve This task must be investigated about the true conditions of people over 60 years of age and, subsequently, carry out an analysis and promote actions that are aimed at strengthening and protecting the rights of adults over 60 years of age residing in the municipality of San Carlos de Guaroa-Meta. In order to carry out this investigation, it is essential to make an exhaustive analysis of the situation of the elderly in the municipality, through surveys and going to the respective government entities that handle information, data and relevant aspects of this population. It is hoped that this research will help to improve the municipal public policy, where an excellent quality of life is guaranteed for the last life cycle of the human being, and the protection of the rights of the elderly of the municipality is also materialized
Alcance del concepto de "nave" en la normatividad mercantil colombiana: ¿incluye dicho concepto el equipo marino utilizado en las operaciones costa afuera (offshore)?
The legal concept of ship or vessel is not unique. In fact, it has been recognized that, even in a given jurisdiction, it may be several definitions of the concept for different purposes. Thus, it is a dynamic concept that still faces the challenges of the technological advances present in the maritime industry. Indeed, new types of marine crafts are frequently being used in the so-called offshore operations and it has become a recurring question whether all of said devices would follow the exceptional set of rules reserved in Colombian Commercial Law for the ships. The article then discusses the concept of ship in Colombian law and analyzes its evolution in domestic law. It also provides a study on the implications of said concept in relation to marine craft commonly used in offshore operations. Additionally the article addresses the concept of ship and the progress it has achieved in the United Kingdom and the United States.El concepto legal de buque o nave no es unÃvoco y se ha reconocido que incluso en una misma jurisdicción puede haber varias definiciones para diferentes propósitos. Se trata entonces de un concepto dinámico que no por ello deja de enfrentar los retos que los avances tecnológicos suponen. En efecto, cada vez con mayor frecuencia nuevos equipos son empleados en las llamadas operaciones "costa afuera" y se ha vuelto recurrente la pregunta de si a todos ellos les serÃa aplicable la normatividad excepcional prevista en la legislación mercantil colombiana para las "naves". El presente artÃculo aborda el concepto de "nave" en el derecho colombiano y analiza su evolución y alcances en el derecho interno haciendo además un estudio sobre las implicaciones del concepto en relación con los equipos comúnmente empleados en operaciones "costa afuera". El artÃculo aborda además el concepto de nave y avances del mismo en las jurisdicciones de Reino Unido y Estados Unidos
Factores que han causado la evolución estratégica en la Casa Editorial El Tiempo
Este trabajo investiga la relación de causalidad entre influencias y estrategia en la Casa Editorial El Tiempo. Primero se caracteriza estratégicamente la organización transversalmente al dÃa de hoy. Luego se propone un modelo de análisis longitudinal que lo conforman una variedad de factores causales y las relaciones que se anticipan entre éstos y las acciones estratégicas de la organización desde 1911 hasta el presente. La puesta a prueba de dicho modelo verifica la utilidad del mismo, pues, más que describir estratégicamente la organización, se logra explicar su evolución estratégica. //Abstract. This work researches the causal relationship between influences and strategy at Casa Editorial El Tiempo. First we proceed with a transverse strategy characterization of the organization as it is today. Then we propose a longitudinal model that is made up of questions anticipating relationships between a variety of causal factors and strategy actions, from 1911 until today. A test of the model for this firm proves its usefulness, because more than describing the organization, it serves its purpose of explaining strategy evolution at the firm.MaestrÃ
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