17 research outputs found

    Mali učenici otkrivaju svoje strategije učenja

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    A 10 year-old child can develop partial language awareness of the foreign language he/she is learning. The study presents the resultsof interviews following a test in reading and writing. With this procedure children have an opportunity to evaluate their own performance and, in so doing, are taught how to control the learning process. This leads to learner autonomy

    Upotreba pitanja u razrednom govoru

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    The question is the most frequently used move in classroom discourse. Its role is more for checking knowledge than seeking information. The teachet-\u27s role status gives him the right to choose both the topic of conversation and the person to be questioned - the learner, so in classroom dialogue we find a close correlation between role-relationship and verbal behaviour. The leamer is not only obliged to answer the question but he must give the answer the teacher expects from him. Questions in classroom dialogue therefore carrya large part of command force in themselves. In the paper the classroom questions are analysed on a corpus of French lessons carried out in a number of Zagreb primary and secondary schools. It is shown that the classroom questions have various functions: they can ask for information but they can also transmit information; on the other hand, assertions can also contain interrogation. The role relations also reveal some psychological components, such as irony as the manifestation of the teacheľs subjective attitude towards a message or a leamer. In comparison with natural dialogue, the classroom dialogue mostly shows didactic goals i.e. the focus on the correct form of the utterance more than on its content, as well as the absence of the learnefs personal opinion in the utterance

    Učim francuski jezik

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    The present research investigates the 10 year old leame1s`way of thinking about the procedures they use when learning a foreign language. It evaluates children\u27s awareness concerning listening, speaking, reading and writing. Two questionnaires were used aiming to show at what activities children show a more analytical or a more synthetical way of thinking. The results have been analysed and discussed

    Kako mali učenici komuniciraju na stranom jeziku

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    En décrivant les images d\u27une histoíre, les petits apprenants en langues étrangères se servent de toutes sortes de stratégies communicatives qui manifestent leur désir de montrer tout ce qu\u27ils ont appris. Ils font des efforts langagiers pour ne pas interrompre la communication et pour tester en contact avec leur interlocuteur. On analyse dans le present article les stratégies de compensation des enfants de 9 ans -apprenants en langues étrangères ainsi que les stratégies utilisées par ľintewiewer

    Utječe li stav prema Francuzima na učenje francuskoga jezika?

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    L\u27 article traite de la question de ľattitude des apprenants et des enseignants envers les Français. Dans la recherche effectuće nous avons décrit une ćtude des relations entre les attitudes personnelles et la langue apprise ou enseignée. La recherche a été menée ave cinq goupes dinfonnants croates qui devaient réagir á la question "Comment est un Français pour vous?" L\u27 enquête a montré que la vision des Français par les apprenants et les enseignants croates est plutôt positive. Elle se reflète dans les notes en français des apprenants qui sont au-dessus de la moyenne et dans ľattitude bienveillante des enseignants à ľ égard de la langue qu\u27ils enseignent

    Upućuju li metalingvistička razmišljanja za vrijeme verbalnih interakcija na satu stranoga jezika na istraživanja o procesu usvajanja stranih jezika?

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    Psihološki čimbenici pri učenju francuskoga jezika

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    Etant donné que ľapprentissage des langues étrangères est une activité concrete qui implique des êtres humains, ľauteur a étudíé les aspects índividuels des apprenants tels que ľattitude et lamotivation qui influent sur cet apprentisage. Uanalyse des résultats statistiques concernant les apprenants de ľ âge et de sexe différents est présentée en détail


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    In today’s multicultural world, apart from acquiring linguistic competence, students should also acquire and develop intercultural competence if they want to live, study or work successfully in different cultures. In their reflection upon the ways in which intercultural competence may be acquired the authors of this article propose the study abroad of foreign language learners as a good context in which one can successfully develop one’s intercultural competence. This article describes the importance of using ethnography in foreign language teaching for students\u27 development of intercultural competence while on a study abroad. The article gives a detailed description of activities, aims and materials of three tasks used for the development of the intercultural competence of Croatian high school students while on a study abroad in the UK. The tasks involve keeping a guided diary while on a study abroad and recognizing cultural similarities and differences between English and Croatian cultures, languages and their speakers. The aim of these tasks is to sensitize students to cultural differences through ethnographic techniques such as: detailed observation and analysis of everyday life in the field, raising the awareness of cultural specificities in the foreign and their own cultures and critically examining foreign culture stereotypes.  These tasks have been designed to help foreign language learners acquire and develop intercultural competence and are of particular interest to foreign language teachers who can use them with their students while on a study abroad. U današnjem multikulturnom svijetu, učenici bi trebali, uz jezičnu kompetenciju, usvojiti i razvijati i međukulturnu kompetenciju ukoliko žele uspješno živjeti, studirati ili raditi u različitim kulturama. Promišljajući načine usvajanja međukulturne kompetencije, autorice članka predlažu studijski boravak učenika stranih jezika u inozemstvu kao dobar kontekst uspješnog razvijanja međukulturne kompetencije. Članak opisuje važnost korištenja etnografije u nastavi stranih jezika za razvijanje učeničke međukulturne kompetencije za vrijeme studijskog boravka učenika u inozemstvu. U članku su detaljno opisani aktivnosti, ciljevi i materijali zadataka za razvijanje međukulturne kompetencije hrvatskih učenika srednjih škola za vrijeme studijskog boravka u Velikoj Britaniji, koji se sastoje od pisanja vođenog dnevnika tijekom boravka i zadataka za uočavanje kulturnih sličnosti i razlika između engleske i hrvatske kulture, jezika i govornika. Cilj navedenih zadataka je senzibiliziranje učenika na kulturne razlike i to kroz etnografske tehnike istraživanja: detaljno i sustavno promatranje i analiza svakodnevnih pojava na terenu, razvijanje vještine uočavanja i upoznavanja osobitosti tuđe i vlastite kulture, te kritički odnos prema stereotipima vezanim uz stranu kulturu. Zadaci su osmišljeni kako bi pomogli učenicima stranih jezika kod usvajanja i razvijanja međukulturne kompetencije, te mogu posebno zanimati nastavnike stranih jezika koji ih mogu koristiti sa svojim učenicima tijekom studijskog boravka u inozemstv

    Interkulturalno iskustvo u tandemu pomoću interneta

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    L’article présente les résultats d’une recherche sur l’apprentissage en tandem (eTandem) par courrier électronique d’élèves de 9 à 13 ans apprenant le français ou l’anglais comme langue étrangère à Zagreb. Les apprenants de FLE sont des enfants américains apprenant le français avec une jeune professeur de nationalité croate et les apprenants d’anglais LE sont des enfants français apprenant l’anglais avec un jeune professeur croate. Les apprenants des deux langues sont pour la plupart des enfants de diplomates travaillant à Zagreb. La recherche essaye d’évaluer la communication par courrier électronique au niveau de la réception et la production des messages. Le contenu des échanges électroniques se rapporte à des fêtes de fin de l’année (Veille de Noël et Noël). L’objectif de l’échange consiste à développer la compétence de communication dans la langue cible qui est la langue maternelle du partenaire à travers l’expérience interculturelle. Un autre objectif consiste en évaluation de la capacité de coopération et d’acquisition des savoirs interculturels (français, anglais et croates par approche comparative), d’autoévaluation au niveau de la compétence de communication en langue étrangère en situation authentique.U članku se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja o učenju u tandemu pomoću interneta (etandem) s učenicima (9 – 13 g.) koji uče francuski ili engleski kao strani jezik. Učenici franucuskoga kao stranoga jezika su amerikanci koji uče francuski s profesoricom hrvatske narodnosti a učenici engleskoga su francuzi koji uče engleski također s profesorom hrvatske narodnosti. Djeca obiju škola su većinom djeca diplomata koji rade u Zagrebu. Istraživanje opisuje komunikaciju putem interneta na razini primanja i proizvodnje poruka koje se odnose na blagdanske običaje i tradicije krajem godine (badnjak i božić). Prvi je cilj istraživanja ustanoviti razmjenom elektroničke pošte sposobnost komuniciranja adolescenata na jeziku cilju koji je materinski jezik partnera s kojim se razmjenjuje elektronička pošta. Drugi je cilj vrednovanje sposobnosti suradnje, osvještavanja i usvajanja interkulturalnih sadržaja (komparativnim pristupom francuskim, američkim i hrvatskim običajima), te samovrednovanje komunikacijske kompetencije stranoga jezika u izvornoj situaciji