14 research outputs found

    Exploring Large Language Models for Communication Games: An Empirical Study on Werewolf

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    Communication games, which we refer to as incomplete information games that heavily depend on natural language communication, hold significant research value in fields such as economics, social science, and artificial intelligence. In this work, we explore the problem of how to engage large language models (LLMs) in communication games, and in response, propose a tuning-free framework. Our approach keeps LLMs frozen, and relies on the retrieval and reflection on past communications and experiences for improvement. An empirical study on the representative and widely-studied communication game, ``Werewolf'', demonstrates that our framework can effectively play Werewolf game without tuning the parameters of the LLMs. More importantly, strategic behaviors begin to emerge in our experiments, suggesting that it will be a fruitful journey to engage LLMs in communication games and associated domains.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    An Efficient Approach to Solve the Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming Problems

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    Solving the large-scale problems with semidefinite programming (SDP) constraints is of great importance in modeling and model reduction of complex system, dynamical system, optimal control, computer vision, and machine learning. However, existing SDP solvers are of large complexities and thus unavailable to deal with large-scale problems. In this paper, we solve SDP using matrix generation, which is an extension of the classical column generation. The exponentiated gradient algorithm is also used to solve the special structure subproblem of matrix generation. The numerical experiments show that our approach is efficient and scales very well with the problem dimension. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is applied for a clustering problem. The experimental results on real datasets imply that the proposed approach outperforms the traditional interior-point SDP solvers in terms of efficiency and scalability

    Robust Kernel-Based Tracking with Multiple Subtemplates in Vision Guidance System

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    The mean shift algorithm has achieved considerable success in target tracking due to its simplicity and robustness. However, the lack of spatial information may result in its failure to get high tracking precision. This might be even worse when the target is scale variant and the sequences are gray-levels. This paper presents a novel multiple subtemplates based tracking algorithm for the terminal guidance application. By applying a separate tracker to each subtemplate, it can handle more complicated situations such as rotation, scaling, and partial coverage of the target. The innovations include: (1) an optimal subtemplates selection algorithm is designed, which ensures that the selected subtemplates maximally represent the information of the entire template while having the least mutual redundancy; (2) based on the serial tracking results and the spatial constraint prior to those subtemplates, a Gaussian weighted voting method is proposed to locate the target center; (3) the optimal scale factor is determined by maximizing the voting results among the scale searching layers, which avoids the complicated threshold setting problem. Experiments on some videos with static scenes show that the proposed method greatly improves the tracking accuracy compared to the original mean shift algorithm

    FTIR characteristics of charcoal with different combustion degrees as an indication of the genesis by and their significances for formation of fusinite in coal

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    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), as a non-destructive method, is widely used for the identification of compounds and the characterization of molecular structures. In order to characterize the changes in the chemical structure of charcoal under different combustion temperatures, and thus to provide a theoretical basis for the formation of fusinite in coal, plant samples (charcoal) from modern wildfires with different degrees of combustion were selected to quantify their chemical structures using FTIR. The results shown that the sample reflectance was positively proportional to the combustion temperature. The sample No. 1 with maximum combustion temperature had the highest degree of combustion, which was measured to reach 518 ℃. The aromatic structure was dominated by tri-substituted benzene rings in all samples except the highest combustion sample No. 1, but dehydrocondensation occurred with increasing combustion temperature, resulting in a reduction of tri-substituted content of benzene rings to 20.5%. The tetra-substituted content was elevated due to dehydroaromatization of the naphthenic structure, while the change in the penta-substituted content was related to the cyclization of aliphatic chain and the decarboxylation of benzene ring. With the increase of combustion temperature, the CC content gradually increased due to the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons or the shedding of molecular side chains after dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes, reached 32% in the sample No. 1. The content of C-O first decreased and then increased. In the sample No. 1, the content of alkyl ether and aryl ether was the lowest, and the content of phenolic hydroxyl group was the highest, which may be the generation of phenolic substances by thermal breakage of ether bond under high temperature combustion. The CO content increased and then decreased to as low as 5.6% in the sample No. 1, which was due to the poor stability of the bond. Due to the influence of combustion temperature, the content of fatty substances varied greatly, with an overall gradual increase in methylene content, a decrease in methyl group, and an increase in branching degree. There were five types of hydrogen bonds in the samples, with ether-oxygen hydrogen bonds predominating in samples affected by low temperature (>55%). Cyclic hydrogen bonds and hydroxyl-N hydrogen bonds appeared in sample No. 1, while the content of ether-oxygen hydrogen bonds decreased significantly to 13.2%, which was attributed to the reduction of oxygen-containing functional groups caused by the increasing temperature. Comparison of reflectance and FTIR characteristics of fusinite in coal revealed that the characteristics of fusinite (semifusinite) in coal were very similar to those of charcoal, which might be produced mainly by wildfires. These changes indicated the effect of combustion temperature on the chemical structure in charcoal, reflecting the process of organic molecular structure changed with temperature in charcoal, and providing a theoretical basis for the evolution of organic matter and the formation of fusinite in coal

    Robust Multisensor Image Matching Using Bayesian Estimated Mutual Information

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    Mutual information (MI) has been widely used in multisensor image matching, but it may lead to mismatch among images with messy background. However, additional prior information can be of great help in improving the matching performance. In this paper, a robust Bayesian estimated mutual information, named as BMI, for multisensor image matching is proposed. This method has been implemented by utilizing the gradient prior information, in which the prior is estimated by the kernel density estimate (KDE) method, and the likelihood is modeled according to the distance of orientations. To further improve the robustness, we restrict the matching within the regions where the corresponding pixels of template image are salient enough. Experiments on several groups of multisensor images show that the proposed method outperforms the standard MI in robustness and accuracy and is similar with Pluim’s method. However, our computation is far more cost saving

    Evaluation of Remote-Sensing Reflectance Products from Multiple Ocean Color Missions in Highly Turbid Water (Hangzhou Bay)

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    Validation of remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) products is necessary for the quantitative application of ocean color satellite data. While validation of Rrs products has been performed in low to moderate turbidity waters, their performance in highly turbid water remains poorly known. Here, we used in situ Rrs data from Hangzhou Bay (HZB), one of the world’s most turbid estuaries, to evaluate agency-distributed Rrs products for multiple ocean color sensors, including the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI), Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner aboard HaiYang-1C (COCTS/HY1C), Ocean and Land Color Instrument aboard Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B, respectively (OLCI/S3A and OLCI/S3B), Second-Generation Global Imager aboard Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (SGLI/GCOM-C), and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite (VIIRS/SNPP). Results showed that GOCI and SGLI/GCOM-C had almost no effective Rrs products in the HZB. Among the others four sensors (COCTS/HY1C, OLCI/S3A, OLCI/S3B, and VIIRS/SNPP), VIIRS/SNPP obtained the largest correlation coefficient (R) with a value of 0.7, while OLCI/S3A obtained the best mean percentage differences (PD) with a value of −13.30%. The average absolute percentage difference (APD) values of the four remote sensors are close, all around 45%. In situ Rrs data from the AERONET-OC ARIAKE site were also used to evaluate the satellite-derived Rrs products in moderately turbid coastal water for comparison. Compared with the validation results at HZB, the performances of Rrs from GOCI, OLCI/S3A, OLCI/S3B, and VIIRS/SNPP were much better at the ARIAKE site with the smallest R (0.77) and largest APD (35.38%) for GOCI, and the worst PD for these four sensors was only −13.15%, indicating that the satellite-retrieved Rrs exhibited better performance. In contrast, Rrs from COCTS/HY1C and SGLI/GCOM-C at ARIAKE site was still significantly underestimated, and the R values of the two satellites were not greater than 0.7, and the APD values were greater than 50%. Therefore, the performance of satellite Rrs products degrades significantly in highly turbid waters and needs to be improved for further retrieval of ocean color components

    A Combined Deep Learning Method with Attention-Based LSTM Model for Short-Term Traffic Speed Forecasting

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    Short-term traffic speed prediction is a promising research topic in intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), which also plays an important role in the real-time decision-making of traffic control and guidance systems. However, the urban traffic speed has strong temporal, spatial correlation and the characteristic of complex nonlinearity and randomness, which makes it challenging to accurately and efficiently forecast short-term traffic speeds. We investigate the relevant literature and found that although most methods can achieve good prediction performance with the complete sample data, when there is a certain missing rate in the database, it is difficult to maintain accuracy with these methods. Recent studies have shown that deep learning methods, especially long short-term memory (LSTM) models, have good results in short-term traffic flow prediction. Furthermore, the attention mechanism can properly assign weights to distinguish the importance of traffic time sequences, thereby further improving the computational efficiency of the prediction model. Therefore, we propose a framework for short-term traffic speed prediction, including data preprocessing module and short-term traffic prediction module. In the data preprocessing module, the missing traffic data are repaired to provide a complete dataset for subsequent prediction. In the prediction module, a combined deep learning method that is an attention-based LSTM (ATT-LSTM) model for predicting short-term traffic speed on urban roads is proposed. The proposed framework was applied to the urban road network in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, with a 30-day traffic speed dataset (floating car data) used as the experimental sample. Results show that the proposed method outperforms other deep learning algorithms (such as recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN)) in terms of both calculating efficiency and prediction accuracy. The attention mechanism can significantly reduce the error of the LSTM model (up to 12.4%) and improves the prediction performance

    ST-CRMF: Compensated Residual Matrix Factorization with Spatial-Temporal Regularization for Graph-Based Time Series Forecasting

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    Despite the extensive efforts, accurate traffic time series forecasting remains challenging. By taking into account the non-linear nature of traffic in-depth, we propose a novel ST-CRMF model consisting of the Compensated Residual Matrix Factorization with Spatial-Temporal regularization for graph-based traffic time series forecasting. Our model inherits the benefits of MF and regularizer optimization and further carries out the compensatory modeling of the spatial-temporal correlations through a well-designed bi-directional residual structure. Of particular concern is that MF modeling and later residual learning share and synchronize iterative updates as equal training parameters, which considerably alleviates the error propagation problem that associates with rolling forecasting. Besides, most of the existing prediction models have neglected the difficult-to-avoid issue of missing traffic data; the ST-CRMF model can repair the possible missing value while fulfilling the forecasting tasks. After testing the effects of key parameters on model performance, the numerous experimental results confirm that our ST-CRMF model can efficiently capture the comprehensive spatial-temporal dependencies and significantly outperform those state-of-the-art models in the short-to-long terms (5-/15-/30-/60-min) traffic forecasting tasks on the open Seattle-Loop and METR-LA traffic datasets

    Evaluating Atmospheric Correction Methods for Sentinel−2 in Low−to−High−Turbidity Chinese Coastal Waters

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    Inaccuracies in the atmospheric correction (AC) of data on coastal waters significantly limit the ability to quantify the parameters of water quality. Many studies have compared the effects of the atmospheric correction of data provided by the Sentinel−2 satellites, but few have investigated this issue for coastal waters in China owing to a limited amount of in situ spectral data. The authors of this study compared four processors for the atmospheric correction of data provided by Sentinel−2—the Atmospheric Correction for OLI ‘lite’(ACOLITE), Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Data Analysis System (SeaDAS), Polynomial-based algorithm applied to MERIS (POLYMER), and Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC)—to identify the most suitable one for water bodies with different turbidities along the coast of China. We tested the algorithms used in these processors for turbid waters and compared the resulting inversion of the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) using in situ reflectance data from three stations with varying levels of coastal turbidity (HTYZ, DONG’OU, and MUPING). All processors significantly underestimated the results on data from the HTYZ station, which is located along waters with high turbidity, with the SeaDAS delivering the best performance, with an average band RMSE of 0.0146 and an average MAPE of 29.80%. It was followed by ACOLITE, with an average band RMSE of 0.0213 and an average MAPE of 43.43%. The performance of two AC algorithms used in ACOLITE, dark spectrum fitting (DSF) and exponential extrapolation (EXP), was also evaluated by comparing their results with in situ measurements at the HTYZ site. The ACOLITE-EXP algorithm delivered a slight improvement in results for the blue band compared with the DSF algorithm in highly turbid water, but led to no significant improvement in the green and red bands. C2RCC delivered the best performance on data from the DONG’OU station, which is located along water with medium turbidity, and from the MUPING station (water with low turbidity), with values of the MAPE of 18.58% and 28.41%, respectively