59 research outputs found

    Dressed bound states at chiral exceptional points

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    Atom-photon dressed states are a basic concept of quantum optics. Here, we demonstrate that the non-Hermiticity of open cavity can be harnessed to form the dressed bound states (DBS) and identify two types of DBS, the vacancy-like DBS and Friedrich-Wintgen DBS, in a microring resonator operating at a chiral exceptional point. With the analytical DBS conditions, we show that the vacancy-like DBS occurs when an atom couples to the standing wave mode that is a node of photonic wave function, and thus is immune to the cavity dissipation and characterized by the null spectral density at cavity resonance. While the Friedrich-Wintgen DBS can be accessed by continuously tuning the system parameters, such as the atom-photon detuning, and evidenced by a vanishing Rabi peak in emission spectrum, an unusual feature in the strong-coupling anticrossing. We also demonstrate the quantum-optics applications of the proposed DBS. Our work exhibits the quantum states control through non-Hermiticity of open quantum system and presents a clear physical picture on DBS at chiral exceptional points, which holds great potential in building high-performance quantum devices for sensing, photon storage, and nonclassical light generation.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Optical localization and polarization microscopy with angstrom precision based on position-ultra-sensitive giant Lamb shift

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    We propose an optical localization and polarization microscopy scheme with sub-nanometer precision for an emitter (atom/molecule/quantum dot) based on its Lamb shift. It is revealed that the position-ultra-sensitive giant Lamb shift with three or more orders of magnitude larger than that in the free space, can be induced by higher-order plasmonic dark modes of a metal nanoparticle. More importantly, this giant Lamb shift can be ultra-sensitively observed from the optical scattering spectrum of the nanoparticle via scanning an emitter by a sub-nanometer step, and the orientation of the Lamb shift image can be utilized to identify the dipole polarization of the emitter. They enable the optical spectrum microscope technology with angstrom precision and polarization identification, which will bring about broad applications in many fields, such as physics, chemistry, medicine, life science and materials science

    Topologically protected subradiant cavity polaritons through linewidth narrowing enabled by dissipationless edge states

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    Cavity polaritons derived from the strong light-matter interaction at the quantum level provide a basis for efficient manipulation of quantum states via cavity field. Polaritons with narrow linewidth and long lifetime are appealing in applications such as quantum sensing and storage. Here, we propose a prototypical arrangement to implement a whispering-gallery-mode resonator with topological mirror moulded by one-dimensional atom array, which allows to boost the lifetime of cavity polaritons over an order of magnitude. This considerable enhancement attributes to the coupling of polaritonic states to dissipationless edge states protected by the topological bandgap of atom array that suppresses the leakage of cavity modes. When exceeding the width of Rabi splitting, topological bandgap can further reduce the dissipation from polaritonic states to bulk states of atom array, giving arise to subradiant cavity polaritons with extremely sharp linewidth. The resultant Rabi oscillation decays with a rate even below the free-space decay of a single quantum emitter. Inheriting from the topologically protected properties of edge states, the subradiance of cavity polaritons can be preserved in the disordered atom mirror with moderate perturbations involving the atomic frequency, interaction strengths and location. Our work opens up a new paradigm of topology-engineered quantum states with robust quantum coherence for future applications in quantum computing and network.Comment: 19 pages,8 figure

    A Survey of Resilient Coordination for Cyber-Physical Systems Against Malicious Attacks

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) facilitate the integration of physical entities and cyber infrastructures through the utilization of pervasive computational resources and communication units, leading to improved efficiency, automation, and practical viability in both academia and industry. Due to its openness and distributed characteristics, a critical issue prevalent in CPSs is to guarantee resilience in presence of malicious attacks. This paper conducts a comprehensive survey of recent advances on resilient coordination for CPSs. Different from existing survey papers, we focus on the node injection attack and propose a novel taxonomy according to the multi-layered framework of CPS. Furthermore, miscellaneous resilient coordination problems are discussed in this survey. Specifically, some preliminaries and the fundamental problem settings are given at the beginning. Subsequently, based on a multi-layered framework of CPSs, promising results of resilient consensus are classified and reviewed from three perspectives: physical structure, communication mechanism, and network topology. Next, two typical application scenarios, i.e., multi-robot systems and smart grids are exemplified to extend resilient consensus to other coordination tasks. Particularly, we examine resilient containment and resilient distributed optimization problems, both of which demonstrate the applicability of resilient coordination approaches. Finally, potential avenues are highlighted for future research.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Target tracking using video surveillance for enabling machine vision services at the edge of marine transportation systems based on microwave remote sensing

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    Abstract Automatic target tracking in emerging remote sensing video-generating tools based on microwave imaging technology and radars has been investigated in this paper. A moving target tracking system is proposed to be low complexity and fast for implementation through edge nodes in a mini-satellite or drone network enabling machine intelligence into large-scale vision systems, in particular, for marine transportation systems. The system uses a group of image processing tools for video pre-processing, and Kalman filtering to do the main task. For testing the system performance, two measures of accuracy and false alarms probability are computed for real vision data. Two types of scenes are analyzed including the scene with single target, and the scene with multiple targets that is more complicated for automatic target detection and tracking systems. The proposed system has achieved a high performance in our tests

    Decision Fusion of Ground-Penetrating Radar and Metal Detector Algorithms—A Robust Approach

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    Culture under Complex Perspective: A Classification for Traditional Chinese Cultural Elements Based on NLP and Complex Networks

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    The cultural element is the minimum unit of a cultural system. The systematic categorizing, organizing, and retrieval of the traditional Chinese cultural elements are essential prerequisites for the realization of effective extracting and rational utilization, as well as the prerequisite for exploiting the contemporary value of the traditional Chinese culture. To build an objective, integrated, and reliable classification method and a system of traditional Chinese cultural elements, this study takes the text of Taiping Imperial Encyclopedia in Northern Song Dynasty as the primary data source. The unsupervised word segmentation methods are used to detect Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV), and then the segmentation results by the THULAC tool with and without custom dictionary are compared. The TF-IDF algorithm is applied to extract the keywords of cultural elements and the Ochiia coefficient is introduced to create complex networks of traditional Chinese cultural elements. After analyzing the topological characteristics of the network, the community detection algorithm is used to identify the topics of cultural elements. Finally, a “Means-Ends” two-dimensional orthogonal classification system is established to categorize the topics. The results showed that the degree distribution in the complex network of Chinese traditional cultural elements is a scale-free network with γ = 2.28. The network shows a structure of community and hierarchy features. The top 12 communities have taken up to 91.77% of the scale of the networks. Those 12 topics of the traditional Chinese cultural elements are circularly distributed in the orthogonal system of cultural elements’ categorization

    Multifunctionalized and Dual‐Crosslinked Hydrogel Promotes Inflammation Resolution and Bone Regeneration via NLRP3 Inhibition in Periodontitis

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    Alveolar bone resorption caused by bacteria‐induced periodontitis remains challenging due to sustained inflammation. Periodontal pathogens like Porphyromonas gingivalis launch the primed signal of NOD‐like receptor family pyrin domain‐containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in macrophages; consequent overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to tissue destruction. This provides potential targets for a new therapeutic strategy. Herein, a multifunctionalized and dual‐crosslinked hydrogel pGM/cPL@NI with NLRP3 inhibitor MCC950 loaded is prepared. Driven by the strategic functionalization of gelatin methacryloyl and Δ‐poly‐lysine with phenylboronic acid and catechol, respectively, pGM/cPL@NI containing dynamic and photo‐crosslinking networks demonstrates superior mechanical strength and stimuli‐responsive behavior, as well as the overwhelmed performance in bacteria killing and ROS scavenging. Crucially, pGM/cPL@NI restores the compromised osteogenesis by specifically suppressing the proinflammatory cytokine cascade triggered by NLRP3 inflammasome activation and promoting anti‐inflammatory polarization of macrophages. Collectively, pGM/cPL@NI presents robust potential as an effective “cocktail therapy” by combining antibacterial, antioxidant, inflammation resolution, and tissue regenerative functions. The present study reveals the underlying mechanism of the bacterial‐immune‐regeneration cascade and provides an extended approach for periodontal tissue engineering
