11 research outputs found

    Development of a new wearable monitoring system for posture changes and activities and its application to rehabilitation

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系In order to evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation for persons with hemiplegia, a therapist usually makes judgment by directly observing posture changes, walking speed, activities not only in hospital, but also during daily living. Therefore, quantitative assessment of activities is most desirable. From this viewpoint, we have developed a device for ambulatory monitoring of posture changes, walking speed and activity scenario and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a digital video camera. In order to investigate its applicability to a patient\u27s activity monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can display static and dynamic motion pictures as well as detailed angle changes of the trunk, thigh and calf. This system makes a therapist to easily understand the patient\u27s motion during training in rehabilitation center and activities during daily living. By evaluation on 6 patients with hemiplegia, the patients\u27 motions were successfully monitored during walking in the rehabilitation center and daily living at their own home. The results clearly demonstrated that the system could detect detailed motion characteristics, indicating that the system appears useful for evaluating quantitatively the efficacy of rehabilitation. © 2009 Springer-Verlag

    Migratory movements of rhinoceros auklets in the northwestern Pacific: connecting seasonal productivities

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    Spatial and temporal variability in marine biological productivity may drive heterogeneity in seasonal resources available for marine animals in temperate waters. Migratory seabirds are expected to adjust their annual cycle of breeding activities and migratory movements to exploit seasonally available resources efficiently. We studied the movement and trophic position of rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata breeding at Teuri Island, Japan Sea, during the nonbreeding and early breeding periods over 2 yr. After breeding, the auklets moved northward from the colony to the Sea of Okhotsk, where phytoplankton blooms enhanced biological productivity in autumn. The birds then moved southward to the southwestern Japan Sea (~1470 km from the colony), where major epipelagic fish and squid concentrations have been reported in winter. Stable isotope analyses suggest that the auklets fed on higher-trophic level prey, including fish and/or squid during the autumn and winter nonbreeding periods. The auklets moved northward and returned to the colony in mid-March. During the early breeding period, the birds foraged close to the colony (~380 km) on lower-trophic level prey including fish and/or krill, which were available during the spring phytoplankton bloom. The timing of the return migration does not match with the northward migration of warm-water anchovy, a profitable prey during summer, but may be related to timing the chick-rearing period to correspond with anchovy arrival. We suggest that rhinoceros auklets follow spatial and seasonal changes in prey availability by a distinctive ‘3-step’ migration (first northward, second southward, third northward) in the temperate marine system of the northwestern Pacific

    A fully automated health-care monitoring at home without attachment of any biological sensors and its clinical evaluation.

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系Daily monitoring of health condition is important for an effective scheme for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as adiposis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. Commercially available devices for health care monitoring at home are cumbersome in terms of self-attachment of biological sensors and self-operation of the devices. From this viewpoint, we have been developing a non-conscious physiological monitor installed in a bath, a lavatory, and a bed for home health care and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a biological sensors directly attached to the body surface. In order to investigate its applicability to health condition monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can automatically monitor and store the health condition data. In this study, by evaluation on 3 patients with cardiac infarct or sleep apnea syndrome, patients\u27 health condition such as body and excretion weight in the toilet and apnea and hypopnea during sleeping were successfully monitored, indicating that the system appears useful for monitoring the health condition during daily living

    Quantitative analysis of fall risk using TUG test

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    We examined falling risk among elderly using a wearable inertial sensor, which combines accelerometer and gyrosensors devices, applied during the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. Subjects were categorised into two groups as low fall risk and high fall risk with 13.5 s duration taken to complete the TUG test as the threshold between them. One sensor was attached at the subject's waist dorsally, while acceleration and gyrosensor signals in three directions were extracted during the test. The analysis was carried out in phases: sit-bend, bend-stand, walking, turning, stand-bend and bend-sit. Comparisons between the two groups showed that time parameters along with root mean square (RMS) value, amplitude and other parameters could reveal the activities in each phase. Classification using RMS value of angular velocity parameters for sit-stand phase, RMS value of acceleration for walking phase and amplitude of angular velocity signal for turning phase along with time parameters suggests that this is an improved method in evaluating fall risk, which promises benefits in terms of improvement of elderly quality of life

    Development of a new wearable monitoring system for posture changes and activities and its application to rehabilitation

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    Abstract — In order to evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation for persons with hemiplegia, a therapist usually makes judg-ment by directly observing posture changes, walking speed, activities not only in hospital, but also during daily living. Therefore, quantitative assessment of activities is most desir-able. From this viewpoint, we have developed a device for ambulatory monitoring of posture changes, walking speed and activity scenario and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a digital video camera. In order to investigate its applicability to a patient’s activity monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can display static and dynamic motion pictures as well as detailed angle changes of the trunk, thigh and calf. This system makes a therapist to easily understand the patient’s motion during training in rehabilitation center and activities during dail

    Feather mercury concentration in streaked shearwaters wintering in separate areas of southeast Asia

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    We measured mercury concentration ([Hg]) and nitrogen stable isotope values (δ15N) in tail feathers that were replaced during the non-breeding period of streaked shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas that bred on 3 islands in Japan. The birds’ year-round movements were tracked and their breeding status was monitored. [Hg] was greater in males than in females, and was greatest in those birds spending their non-breeding period in the South China Sea (3.1 ± 1.5 µg g-1 dry weight), moderate in birds in the Arafura Sea (1.5 ± 0.7 µg g-1), and lowest in birds in the Pacific Ocean north of New Guinea (0.8 ± 0.4 µg g-1). Adverse effects of feather [Hg] on breeding status were not observed. This regional variation in feather [Hg] might partly reflect differences in the intake of Hg between these non-breeding areas in addition to accumulation during the late breeding period and the southward migration perio