11 research outputs found

    Development of MONSAKUN Touch and Practical Use in Class: Realization of Lesson of Posing of Arithmetical Word Problems

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    和若しくは差で解ける算数文章問題を対象とした単文統合型の作問学習支援システム“モンサクン”は数年に渡り複数の小学校の授業で利用されている.しかしながら,これらの授業では既に対象領域の学習を終えている2年生以上を対象としていたため,付加的な学習としての位置づけになっていた.本研究では,対象領域を学習中である1年生を対象に,単文統合型の作問の実施を目指した.このためにはシステムと授業の融合が必要となるため,(1) システムの通常教室での利用,(2) 作問状況のリアルタイムでの把握,(3) 作問法の教授,が解決すべき課題となった.本論文ではこれらの課題を解決するために行った,(I) モンサクンのタブレット化,(II) 作問状況モニタリングと集計・可視化機能の実現,(III) 作問法の教授法の考案,を述べる.またシステムを用いた9時限に渡る実践を行い,その分析結果から,システムが十分に利用可能であったこと,学習者の問題解決能力や作問能力の向上が見られたことが確認できたので,これを報告する

    Interactive Learning Environment for Posing 1-step Multiplication Word Problem and Its Experimental Use

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    筆者らはこれまでに,1 回の加減で解決できる算数文章題を対象として,三文構成モデルによる作問学習支援システムを開発している.本研究では,システムを小学校2年生で学習する乗算の領域へと拡張するものであり,システムの拡張から1クラス9時限の実践利用までを行ったので,報告する.結果としては,システムを利用することで問題解決能力はあっても,構造の理解が浅い学習者に対して,構造理解を深められることを示唆する結果が得られた

    Gravity-Sensing Tissues for Gravitropism Are Required for “Anti-Gravitropic” Phenotypes of lzy Multiple Mutants in Arabidopsis

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    Plant posture is controlled by various environmental cues, such as light, temperature, and gravity. The overall architecture is determined by the growth angles of lateral organs, such as roots and branches. The branch growth angle affected by gravity is known as the gravitropic setpoint angle (GSA), and it has been proposed that the GSA is determined by balancing two opposing growth components: gravitropism and anti-gravitropic offset (AGO). The molecular mechanisms underlying gravitropism have been studied extensively, but little is known about the nature of the AGO. Recent studies reported the importance of LAZY1-LIKE (LZY) family genes in the signaling process for gravitropism, such that loss-of-function mutants of LZY family genes resulted in reversed gravitropism, which we term it here as the “anti-gravitropic” phenotype. We assume that this peculiar phenotype manifests as the AGO due to the loss of gravitropism, we characterized the “anti-gravitropic” phenotype of Arabidopsis lzy multiple mutant genetically and physiologically. Our genetic interaction analyses strongly suggested that gravity-sensing cells are required for the “anti-gravitropic” phenotype in roots and lateral branches. We also show that starch-filled amyloplasts play a significant role in the “anti-gravitropic” phenotype, especially in the root of the lzy multiple mutant

    Association between Brain and Plasma Glutamine Levels in Healthy Young Subjects Investigated by MRS and LC/MS.

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    Both glutamine (Gln) and glutamate (Glu) are known to exist in plasma and brain. However, despite the assumed relationship between brain and plasma, no studies have clarified the association between them. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was sequentially performed twice, with a 60-min interval, on 10 males and 10 females using a 3T scanner. Blood samples for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) to measure Gln and Glu concentrations in plasma were collected during the time interval between the two MRS sessions. MRS voxels of interest were localized at the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and cerebellum (Cbll) and measured by the SPECIAL sequence. Spearman\u27s correlation coefficient was used to examine the association between brain and plasma metabolites. The Gln concentrations in PCC (mean of two measurements) were positively correlated with Gln concentrations in plasma ( < 0.01, = 0.72). However, the Glu concentrations in the two regions were not correlated with those in plasma. Consideration of the different dynamics of Gln and Glu between plasma and brain is crucial when addressing the pathomechanism and therapeutic strategies for brain disorders such as Alzheimer\u27s disease and hepatic encephalopathy

    Association between Brain and Plasma Glutamine Levels in Healthy Young Subjects Investigated by MRS and LC/MS

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    Both glutamine (Gln) and glutamate (Glu) are known to exist in plasma and brain. However, despite the assumed relationship between brain and plasma, no studies have clarified the association between them. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was sequentially performed twice, with a 60-min interval, on 10 males and 10 females using a 3T scanner. Blood samples for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) to measure Gln and Glu concentrations in plasma were collected during the time interval between the two MRS sessions. MRS voxels of interest were localized at the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and cerebellum (Cbll) and measured by the SPECIAL sequence. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to examine the association between brain and plasma metabolites. The Gln concentrations in PCC (mean of two measurements) were positively correlated with Gln concentrations in plasma (p < 0.01, r = 0.72). However, the Glu concentrations in the two regions were not correlated with those in plasma. Consideration of the different dynamics of Gln and Glu between plasma and brain is crucial when addressing the pathomechanism and therapeutic strategies for brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and hepatic encephalopathy