1,360 research outputs found

    Charged and uncharged vortices in quasiclassical theory

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    The charging effect of a superconducting vortex core is very important for transport properties of superconducting vortices. The chiral p-wave superconductor, known as a topological superconductor (SC), has a Majorana fermion in a vortex core and the charging effect has been studied using microscopic Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) theory. According to calculations based on the BdG theory, one type of the vortex is charged as well as the vortex of the s-wave SC, while the other is uncharged. We reproduce this interesting charging effect using an augmented quasiclassical theory in chiral p-wave SCs, by which we can deal with particle-hole asymmetry in the quasiclassical approximation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Impurity Effects on Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon Mode in a Vortex Core in Superconductors

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    We develop a scheme of Gor'kov Green's functions to treat impurity effects on Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon (CdGM) mode in superconductors (SCs) by improving the Kopnin-Kravtsov scheme with respect to the coherence factors and applicability to various SCs. We can study the impurity effects keeping the discreteness of the energy spectrum in contrast to the quasiclassical theory. We can thus apply this scheme to the SCs with the small quasiclassical parameter kFξ0k_{\mathrm{F}}\xi_{0} (which is the product of the Fermi wavenumber kFk_{\mathrm{F}} and the coherence length ξ0\xi_{0} in pure SC at zero temperature) and/or superclean regime Δminiτ1\Delta_{\mathrm{mini}} \tau \gg1 (Δmini\Delta_{\mathrm{mini}} and τ\tau denote, respectively, the level spacing of the CdGM mode called minigap and the relaxation time for CdGM mode and we take =1\hbar =1). We investigate the impurity effects as a white noise for a vortex in an s-wave SC and two types of vortices in a chiral p-wave SC, for various values of the quasiclassical parameters and impurity strengths (from moderately clean regime to superclean regime), and confirm the validity of this scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Impurity Effects on Bound States in the Vortex Core of Topological S-wave Superconductor

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    We study the impurity effects on the Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon (CdGM) states, particularly on the level spacings in a vortex core in topological s-wave superconductor (SC) by two means, numerically and analytically. The topological s-wave SC belongs to the same class as a chiral p-wave SC and thus there are two inequivalent vortices in terms of any symmetry operation. We take into account this inequivalence and numerically calculate the scattering rates based on an improved version of Kopnin-Kravtsov (iKK) scheme, which enables us to treat the discrete levels in the presence of white-noise disorder. We also construct the Andreev equation for the topological s-wave SC and obtain the Andreev bound states analytically. We use a correspondence between the wave functions for the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation and the Andreev equation in the iKK scheme and deduce the formula of scattering rates described by the wave function for the Andreev equation. With this formula, we discuss the origin of impurity scattering rates for CdGM states of topological s-wave SC and the dependence on the types of vortices related to the inequivalence.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Exact Result on Hole Dynamics of One-Dimensional Supersymmetric t-J Model with Long Range Interaction

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    We obtain an exact result on single hole dynamics in one-dimensional Mott-insulators through the study on the supersymmetric t-J model with long range interaction at half-filling. We calculate the expression G_{1s1h}(x,t) for one spinon one holon contribution to the hole propagator. We find that G_{1s1h}(x=0,t=0)=3/8, which amounts to 75% of the spin-fixed mean particle density 1/2.Comment: RevTex, 5pages, 2figure

    Kramer-Pesch effect in chiral p-wave superconductors

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    The pair-potential and current density around a single vortex of the two-dimensional chiral p-wave superconductor with {\mib d}={\mib z}(p_x \pm \iu p_y) are determined self-consistently within the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. Shrinking of the vortex core at low temperatures are considered numerically and analytically. Temperature-dependences of the spatial variation of pair-potential and circular current around the core and density of states at zero energy are the same as those in the isotropic s-wave case. When the senses of vorticity and chirality are opposite, however, we find two novel results; 1) the scattering rate due to non-magnetic impurities is considerably suppressed, compared to that in the s-wave vortex. From this observation, we expect that the chiral p-wave superconductors provide the best chance to observe the shrinking of the vortex ("Kramer-Pesch effect") experimentally. 2) The pair-potential of chiral p-wave superconductors inside vortex core recovers a combined time-reversal-Gauge symmetry, although this symmetry is broken in the region far from the vortex core. This local recovery of symmetry leads to the suppression of the impurity effect inside vortex core.Comment: 9 pages 15 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Mixing of odd- and even-frequency pairings in strongly correlated electron systems under magnetic field

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    Even- and odd-frequency superconductivity coexist due to broken time-reversal symmetry under magnetic field. In order to describe this mixing, we extend the linearized Eliashberg equation for the spin and charge fluctuation mechanism in strongly correlated electron systems. We apply this extended Eliashberg equation to the odd-frequency superconductivity on a quasi-one-dimensional isosceles triangular lattice under in-plane magnetic field and examine the effect of the even-frequency component.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Transmission of Excitations in a Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate through a Barrier

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    We investigate tunneling of excitations across a potential barrier separating two spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates. Using the mean-field theory at the absolute zero temperature, we determine transmission coefficients of excitations in the saturated magnetization state and unsaturated magnetization states. All excitations except the quadrupolar spin mode in the saturated magnetization state show the anomalous tunneling phenomenon characterized as perfect tunneling in the low momentum limit through a potential barrier. The quadrupolar spin mode in the saturated magnetization state, whose spectrum is massive, shows total reflection. We discuss properties common between excitations showing the anomalous tunneling phenomenon. Excitations showing perfect tunneling have gapless spectrum in the absence of the magnetic field, and their wave functions in the low energy limit are the same as the condensate wave function.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure

    Fractional Exclusion Statistics for the t-J Model

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    We construct thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric {\it t-J} model with the 1/sin2 1/\sin^2 interaction and hopping. The thermodynamics is described exactly in terms of free spinons and holons obeying Haldane's fractional exclusion statistics at all temperatures. Moreover, at low temperatures the semionic spinons and holons decouple resulting in the spin-charge separation in thermodynamic properties. We obtain explicit results for the spin and charge susceptibilities and specific heat, and interpret them in terms of the fractional exclusion statistics. Extension to the multi-component {\it t-J} model shows that the excitations obey either fractional statistics for g-ons with partial polarization of components, or the parafermionic one without polarization.Comment: 27 pages, using jpsj.sty, 9 figures on reques

    Coherence Effects of Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon Modes in Nodal Topological Superconductors

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    Coherence effects by the impurity scattering of Caroli--de Gennes--Matricon (CdGM) modes in a vortex for nodal topological superconductors have been studied. The coherence effects reflect a topological number defined on a particular momentum space avoiding the superconducting gap nodes. First, we analytically derived the eigenvalue and eigenfunction of the CdGM modes, including the zero-energy modes, in a nodal topological superconducting state without impurities, where we focused on a possible superconducting state of UPt3_3 as an example. Then, we studied impurity effects on the CdGM modes by introducing the impurity self-energy, which are dominated by the coherence factor depending on the eigenfunction of the CdGM modes. For the zero-energy CdGM modes, the coherence factor vanishes in a certain momentum range, which is guaranteed by topological invariance characterized by the one-dimensional winding number.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures + 5 pages (supplementary material), published versio

    Metastability, excitations, fluctuations, and multiple-swallowtail structures of a superfluid in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a uniformly moving defect

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    We solve the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) and Bogoliubov equations to investigate the metastability of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a uniformly moving defect potential in a two-dimensional torus. We calculate the total energy and momentum as functions of the driving velocity of the moving defect and find metastable states with negative effective-mass near the critical velocity. We also find that the first excited energy (energy gap) in the finite-sized torus closes at the critical velocity, that it obeys one-fourth power-law scaling, and that the dynamical fluctuation of the density (amplitude of the order parameter) is strongly enhanced near the critical velocity. We confirm the validity of our results near the critical velocity by calculating the quantum depletion. We find an unconventional swallowtail structure (multiple-swallowtail structure) through calculations of the unstable stationary solutions of the GP equation.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure