22 research outputs found

    “No Box” Leadership Blue Bird Menghadapi Era Distrupsi Melalui AMO Model

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi dan inovasi manajemen yang terbaru “No Box” yang bahkan sebelumnya tidak dilakukan oleh Blue Bird sepanjang karirnya. Tekanan dan tantangan yang bahkan sebelumnya tidak pernah terjadi di Blue Bird serta langkah-langkah seperti apakah yang dilakukan oleh BlueBird sehingga mampu bersaing dengan teknologi yang awalnya kurang hangat dan akrab Metode menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Kepemimpinan adalah faktor kunci dalam membawa perusahaan mampu melewati masa kritis, hanya saja bukan kepemimpinan yang sebatas ‘Out of the box” namun saatnya mengenalnya “No Box Leadership”

    Flexing, The Fake Rich Phenomenon

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    Of course everyone wants to be rich and to achieve it, but fake rich is a phenomenon that is now unconsciously holding young people hostage, this term is more appropriate is "flexing", there are several motives that will be discussed in this journal and what characteristics are included in a lie. The term Crazy Rich has been familiar for several months, they even got a place in netizens because they are like the British hero 'Robin Hood', distributing money to the poor from corruptors, but their musk was finally exposed one by one, even some of them had to face the police because of this,  the opposite situation is "financially impoverished by the police" becausethe situation is not like the story of Robin Hood's hero but they get the money from the results of "money game (cheating)" its members are lured by bonuses of billions, in other words, more and more people become its members, more and more will fail and failure is money for them. This journal also provides tips on how we should respond it in this VUCA era.Keywords: Flexing, unreal rich, fake ric

    21 Days to be Transhuman for Quality Life

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    Quality life starts with the way of thinking, how to act, how to maintain habits, and make the situation comfortable and good for 21 days. In the world of change, humans have 2 strong memories, the first is 'brain memory' and 'muscle memory. Both can be a way for someone to have a quality life, current research is carried out with a qualitative approach by activating great habits for 21 days through "muscle memory". This secret is carried out by athletes, professionals, singers, and all successful people in their fields, it turns out that they have a great habit for 21 days without breaking. The main results of the study found that those who have consistent habits will become successful and high-quality individuals, while those who only rely on "Brian Memory" will be easily defeated by uncontrollable circumstances. This study concludes that everyone who has a consistent habit for 21 days will have a different future, taking the term of this research "from good to great". From this research, it can be concluded that everyone can be the best, it's just that they are willing to shape their personality and habits for 21 days without breaking up.Requires 3 M to start, namely Mentor, a teacher or mentor who has strong self-discipline, the task of a coach or Mentor is to pave the way, even though in the end each of them will run the program, the second is Method (how), a step which starts from the first step and the first day which is carried out continuously for 21 days, the last is Milieu (learning environment), getting stronger and supporting each other in the learning process making a 21-day program easy and can be applied by anyone.Keywords: 21 days, great habits, consistent, quality of life, above-average succes

    Managing Blessings Dr.(H.C) Drs.H. Darsono

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    In the VUCA era, of course, the management that we have known and understood so far sometimes often finds difficult steep paths, even with Covid 19 causing the collapse of big businesses that have existed so far, companies like Matahari and Giant have to accept a bitter reality that has not been imagined. In the world of educational institutions and campuses there are also many who have to stop and even sell to other parties. However, in contrast to Dr.(H.C) Drs.H.Darsono, Manager of UNPAM who is the Chairman of the Sasmita Jaya Foundation, it is increasingly shining, it is proven that UNPAM built the UNSUT (Sutomo University) campus in Serang with a project value of 2 trillion. This paper aims to find the secret answers to success owned by Dr.(H.C) Drs.H.Darsono. Blessing management carried out by him is no longer as Out of the box but No Box. The indicator is (1). Feeling Enjoyment and Doing Good deeds (2). Consistent in Kindness, (3). Feeling Longing for Allah, (4). Always Patience Facing Tests.Keywords : Managing success, unexpected fortune, Dr.(H.C) Drs.H. Darson

    No Box Leadership

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    The vuca era today puts business and all aspects of life under severe pressure, strategies and leadership the old ways and styles will find it difficult to adapt to uncontrolled change. One by one the binoculars fell out and disappeared no matter how long the business had stood. The pandemic seems to be dividing us into two katagori, the first of which is those who invented the "one minute awareness" and spends much of it discovering one minute non sense. Those who have invented the one minute awareness will have no box leadership, a leadership style and a sense of leadership that is new and purposeful. With the method approach DIKW  (data, information, knowledge and wisdom) so "no box leadership" leadership is not just how to be an effective leader but achieve divine greatness. How does one get “No box leadership” and how is the traits of NO Box leadership decompose in this paper. Keywords: VUCA, NO BOX Leadership, T7AMode, One Minute Awareness,DIKW Metod

    No Management Box Nokia : The History of Yesterday

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    The VUCA era is a sign of unexpected changes in the times, in the world of business and management new methods are needed that were previously unimaginable. Currently in the world of management and business it is not only "out of the box" but "No Box", methods that were not even tried or carried out before. The aim of this research is to obtain scientific information about NOKIA's defeat in the current era even though it was once a king of telecommunications, the results of this research were found to be 3 causes of NOKIA becoming history, namely (1). The loss of NOKIA's technology to new competitors, (2). The arrogance of top managers (3). An uncomfortable and even tense work culture. The conclusion of the research is strategy and innovation are two keys to success that cannot be ignored, NOKIA's class can disappear, especially small businesses around us, but with NO BOX methods there are certainly new opportunities for success. The research uses a qualitative approach. Keywords: Nokia, Strategy, Innovation, No box, No managemen box

    Desain dan Analisis Elemen Hingga Model Wrist Hand Orthosis Berbasis Metode Pemodelan Reverse Engineering

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    Salah satu treatment untuk spasticity efek pasca stroke, fracture karena kecelakaan, injury karena cedera olahraga, dan musculoskeletal disorders karena pekerjaan kantoran pada pergelangan tangan selain dengan operasi yaitu dengan penggunaan wrist hand orthosis. Umumnya pembuatan medical device tersebut menggunakan metode konvensional yang mempunyai kekurangan. Hadirnya teknologi reverse engineering (RE) dapat diaplikasikan dalam bidang medis seperti pembuatan alat prosthetic atau orthosis. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain wrist hand orthosis berbasis reverse engineering dan menganalisisnya menggunakan metode elemen hingga. Metode penelitian meliputi 3D scanning, CAD modelling, model analysis, dan post processing. Material model yang digunakan adalah ABS dengan variasi ketebalan 5 mm, 6 mm, dan 7 mm, serta besar nilai pembebanan mulai dari 5 N sampai 25 N. Hasil analisis equivalent stress menunjukkan model ketebalan 5 mm mampu menahan load 25 N dengan maximum equivalent stress sebesar 13.52 MPa yang masih tergolong aman dengan nilai safety factor 2.11 dengan area kritis di ujung punggung telapak tangan model antara ibu jari dan jari telunjuk. Hasil equivalent elastic strain dan deformation juga mempunyai tren grafik yang sama dengan nilai maximum pada model ketebalan 5 mm yaitu masing-masing sebesar 0.0057 mm dan 0.616 mm. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model wrist hand orthosis berlubang voronoi yang memiliki bentuk seperti surface tangan manusia dengan ketebalan minimalis 5 mm mampu bekerja dengan baik memfiksasi tangan pasien untuk proses rehabilitasi

    The Great Automotive Industry Transformation Following the Immediate Era of Electric Vehicles in Indonesia

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    In 2030, more than 14 countries and 20 cities will prohibit the sale of fossil (diesel) vehicles. England begins as a figure of support for the Green Revolution in 2030, with the goal of reducing emissions by 2050. While Canada, Japan, and China respond in 2035, Germany goes even further, prohibiting the use and sale in 2035. The United States, China, Dubai, and India are all competing to announce that diesel cars will be banned beginning in 2035. As in this case, it will be fascinating to see how conflict resolution works between fossil car manufacturers (diesel) and electric car manufacturers such as Tesla. Even Toyota's founder, Akio Toyoda, who has yet to find a replacement, openly opposes government policies, Electric vehicles (EV), in his opinion, will harm the environment. a lot bigger than before President Jokowi's attitude and decision towards KBL (Electricity-Based Vehicles) in Indonesia is very clear and focuses on the fact that diesel-based vehicles must gradually be abandoned and replaced with electricity, given the impact of pollution, which is already difficult to control. President Jokowi's directive was delivered in 2020 in the grand ballroom of The Ritz Carlton Pacific Place (PP) Jakarta, as reported by CNN under the headline "Jokowi's Directions, the New Exclusive Capital for Autonomous Electric Vehicles." It will be interesting to see how the government and the automotive industry prepare to respond to the president's new policy to become a strong questioning force that will be the focus of this paper. From the assessment carried out, the country is of great to become one of EV leaders in the World due to skill labors advantages as well as abundant natural resources to support EV manufacturing in Indonesia. Keywords: Car Transformation, Automotive Industry, E

    Motivasi Untuk Membangkitkan Semangat Pelaku Umkm Kelurahan Buaran Yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid 19

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    Data yang didapatkan adanya BI meluncurkan hasil riset kepada UMKM dan hasilnya adalah 87,5 % UMKM berdampak langsung Covid 19, sementara 12, 5 % yang kebal terhadap dampak Covid 19 ini, hal ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata UMKM belum siap menghadapi pandemi yang belum selesai ini, salah satunya adalah UMKM yang berada di Wilayah Tangerang Selatan.  Motivasi, hadir dari dalam diri dan hati setiap insan. Ialah kemauan untuk melakukan sesuatu bukan hanya berdasar pada faktor ekternal seperti imbalan atau pujian, melainkan muncul karena seseorang insan memang benar-benar ingin melakukan suatu tindakan. Tanpa adanya dorongan ataupun paksaan dari luar sekalipun, ia akan tetap terus berusaha demi mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diperoleh adalah bertambahkan keilmuan bagi para pelaku UMKM di kelurahan Buaran Kec. Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan agar memiliki pandangan yang lebih baik bagaimana menerapkan ilmu manajemen khususnya dalam membangkitkan motivasi diri, sehingga Motivasi Untuk Membangkitkan Semangat Pelaku UMKM Kelurahan Buaran Yang Terdampak Pandemi COVID 19 dapat berjalan dengan baik. Ilmu yang diperoleh pada pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini diharapkan mampu memberikan semangat baru bagi kita dalam menyampaikan materi dan motivasi serta berkontribusi bagi para UMKM, untuk kemajuan usahanya.Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Covid 19, UMKM, Manajeman SDM The data obtained by BI launching research results to UMKM and the results are that 87.5% UMKM have a direct impact on Covid 19, while 12.5% are immune to the impact of Covid 19, this shows that on average UMKM are not ready to face a pandemic that has not yet occurred. After this completion, one of them is UMKM in the South Tangerang Region. The existence of motivation in a person is very important, especially for employees. Strength and willingness to do something such as work can usually appear on its own when Motivation can also be called a reason, which is formed from two sources, namely oneself and the environment or internal factors and external factors. Of the two, the strongest motivation comes from oneself. The will to do something is not only based on external factors such as rewards or praise, but arises because someone really wants to do an action. Even without any external encouragement, he will keep trying to achieve the desired goal The results of community service obtained are increasing knowledge for UMKM in the Buaran sub-district, Kec. Serpong, South Tangerang City in order to have a better view of how to apply management knowledge, so that the motivation to awaken the spirit of Entrepreneurship in Buaran Village Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic can run well. The knowledge gained in community service this time is expected to be able to provide new enthusiasm for us in conveying material and motivation as well as contributing to UMKM, for the progress of their business.Keywords: Motivation, UMKM, Management, Human Resource, Covid 1

    Jejak-jejak Makna Masrizal Koto

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    xxxiii.169 hal.;ill.;23 c