15 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing ICT Usage Among Malaysian Small and Medium Agribusinesses: Conceptual Framework and Structural Model

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) adoption studies have identified ICT as a tool capable of spurring innovative business development in small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) if used wisely. Adopting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model approach with adjustments by integrating two externally derived constructs (SME Managerial Creativity and SME Organisational Size as predictors), this study investigated factors that influence ICT usage among Malaysian agro-based SMEs. A pre-tested survey instrument consisting of 132 items was administered to 400 purposively selected workers from 43 agro-based SMEs that were randomly selected at Selangor. The study was aimed to identify the predominantly used ICTs by the agro-based SMEs in their businesses, to determine factors that influence ICT usage among the agro-based SMEs and to determine the relationship between the six predictors: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, SME organisational size and SME creativity and innovativeness and the dependent variable: ICT usage. Objective 4 was to determine the moderating effect of gender, age and experience on the relationship. Factor analysis was run to reduce the voluminous data; a new, robust model was designed using Structural Equation Modelling. The study concludes that integrating firm and management characteristic constructs into UTAUT model provides a scale capable explaining ICT usage behaviour of Malaysian agro-based SMEs better. Keywords: Agribusinesses, Agro-based SMEs, ICT Usage, SME Management Characteristics, SME Organisational Size, UTAU

    Description of Spiritual Coping in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer at the Wound Care Clinic In Makassar City

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    Intoduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of a non-infectious disease that increases from year to year. One complication that occurs in DM is Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU). DFU patients cause not only physical effects but also to have psychological effects. One of which is stress. If the patient stress, it can cause one of them is high blood sugar levels, which can affect the wound healing process. To overcome this problem, we using coping, which in this study looks at how Spiritual Coping with DFU patients. This study aims to determine the overview of Spiritual Coping in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer at the Wound Care Clinic in Makassar City. Method: This was s cross-sectional approach. Samples for this research is 52 respondents with consecutive sampling technique. This research was conducted for one month, from September to October 2019. The instrument used for this study was the BRIEF RCOPE questionnaire. Results: Our finding confirmed mainly participant living with DFU has a definite spiritual coping. Conclusion: Overall, patient living with DFU has adopted positive spiritual coping

    Parents’ influence on children's online usage

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    Children nowadays has unlimited access to the Internet that possibly will harm them, thus parents’ roles in mitigating their children online risks is crucial.Previous studies show a positive parent-child attachment may reduce the risks. A survey was conducted and a total of 387 participants aged 9 to 16 have been recruited to completed a 14-item questionnaire form.The instrument consists of three sub-scales, namely trust, communication and alienation.Results showed that almost 80% of children in this study trust their parents, feel their parents’ concern (75%), and depend on their parents (74%).Malaysian children are actually very in need to be safe during online due the facts that they knew regarding the Internet effects.They also show a willingness to do the right things by letting their parents involve into their online live activities

    Kepimpinan JKKK: Peranan ke arah kesejahteraan desa

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    Well-being is not only referring to the aspect of health and safety, but it brought to a vey wide view, including the question of prosperity to the socio-economic and community development of the local people.In this issue, as the village-level organisation, the Village Development and Safety Committee (VDSC) had a very important role to bring the development and advancement to the people in terms of economy, infrastructure, cultural, religious, and so on.For this purpose, the YDSC's leadership plays an important role as the main agent to ensure the government's development programmes being beimplemented effectively and to achieve its goals in improving people's living standard.Therefore, the quality of VSDC leadership should be enhanced to ensure that it remains as a relevant role in formulating the people S well-being and free from the shadows of partisan politics

    Check Up Diabetic Foot, Deteksi Dini Risiko Luka Kaki Diabetes Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus di Makassar: Uji Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas

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    The first step to detect the further risk of foot ulcer in diabetic patients is checking the diabetic food by using the Doppler Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and monofilament test. However, these tools are not available yet in Indonesia. Therefore, it is needed the alternative of Doppler ABI and monofilament test. This study aims to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Ipswich test and palpation of the Dorsal Pedal and Posterior Tibial pulses. The current study was observational by using cross-sectional design and quantitative approach. The data collection is conducted through direct observation and questionnaire. In addition, the data analyses done are a description of the data while data interpretation based on the result of sensitivity and specificity test. The result showed that from four Community Health Center (Puskesmas) namely, Puskesmas Mangasa, Puskesmas Antang, Puskesmas Sudiang, and Puskesmas Jumpandang Baru, the sensitivity of Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT) to Monofilament Test ranged from 72.7% to 100%. In addition, the specificity test of IpTT to Monofilament Test was 33.3% to 100%. Meanwhile, the result of palpation of the Dorsal Pedal and Posterior Tibial pulses compared to Doppler ABI results 100% in sensitivity but the specificity was not available. This study shows that checkup with diabetic foot alternatively can be used to detect the risk of foot ulcer which simple, practice, and without special competency in usage.Keywords: checkup diabetic foot, Ipswich touch test, palpation, diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot ulce

    Evaluation of Family Knowledge in Detecting Risk of Diabetes Foot Ulcer in Public Health Center

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    Introduction: Diabetes Foot Ulcer (DFU) is one of the most common DM complications, due to several factors including lack of knowledge in foot care, maladaptive behaviors in preventing DFU, and inadequate of education to the community related to the detection of DFU. This study aimed to evaluate family knowledge in detecting the risk DFU in public health centres. Method: This is a quantitative research used descriptive research methods. The instrument used was a questionnaire that consisted of 10 question items. The sample in this study was 40 families and have been educated in the previous studies. Results: The result of this study stated that family knowledge related detection of risk of DFU more better in younger compare to elderly (25% vs 2.5%), and mainly house wife has a good ability in knowledge Conclusions: Family knowledge related to the detection of DFU consider good

    Keyboard warrior, online predator or cyber bully? The growing menace of child exposure to internet harm based on research evidence

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    The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A cyberbullying threat has become interesting areas of research over the years because of the importance of the concepts toward understanding children’s online behaviours and making the internet safe again for the kids to surf. Thus, this article seeks to provide a further understanding of the phenomenon by reporting the findings of a study performed in Selangor, a state of Malaysia. A questionnaire was administered to 375 respondents selected using stratified random sampling from a population of 6,671 primary and secondary school pupils aged 9 to 16 years. The key findings revealed that most children had been involved in the act of cyberbullying. Interestingly, most of them were aware of online threats but did not know that it was bad behaviour. However, most of them were rarely involved in a sex-related cyberbullying incident. A collective approach to guarantee the internet safety of children and balance their online prospects and risks is recommended to ensure children’s online safety

    Seeking of agriculture information through mobile phone among paddy farmers in Selangor

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    Introduction:Mobile phone is one of the communication tools that have always mattered in many fields included agriculture. The development of the agriculture sector in the rural area is significant to diminish poverty among farmers. Agricultural activities are known to provide opportunities for employment and generating income in the rural area. Poverty can be reduced through adequate investment and improvement in the agriculture sector. Enhancing the use of mobile phone will empower farmers with relevant agriculture information. Thus, agriculture production and profits as well as farmers’ food security and livelihood will increase. Methodology:This study uses a quantitative approach, where an adopted and adapted questionnaire was employed to obtain the data needed. Through purposive sampling, 400 respondents were surveyed. The respondents selected were those who are involved in paddy farming in Selangor. Results: The finding of the study reveals that paddy farmers in Selangor are comfortable using mobile phones in seeking agricultural information. The result for communication appsindicates that WhatsApp is the best choice to get information using a mobile phone as 279 respondents responded they were comfortable using WhatsApp to get and share information through a mobile phone. Whereas, the highest agriculture information the farmers sought are information on pest control, farm safety information, and information on pesticide/weed. Conclusion/Recommendation:Due to the well-received mobile phones usage among farmers, it is recommended that organizations such as the Department of Agriculture and Barat Laut Selangor Integrated Agriculture Development Area (IADA) to improve strategies indistributing information on paddy farming using mobile phones

    COVID-19 and The Impact of Online Learning on the Higher Institution Students’ Health

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on higher education institutions. Online teaching and learning have become a new norm, which may lead to lifestyle changes and impacting the university students' health. This study is conducted to investigate the impact of online learning on higher learning institution students’ health. A total of 384 students were recruited from a local university. All respondents were requested to complete an online survey for three months. The results indicated that majority of the respondents feel less satisfied with online learning. They reported to experienced several health issues as a result from online learning. Besides, online learning satisfaction level and health issue were found to be moderately positively correlated. This study can be a good rationale for the relevant parties to work cooperatively in improving the online learning satisfaction level as well as the students’ health condition

    The influence of media exposure on voters’ behavior during the Sumbawa 2020 local election (PILKADA)

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    During Indonesia's general elections, mass media was the most popular medium for transmitting political influence. However, the extent of media influence on voting behaviour is unknown, creating a problem that necessitates careful research. As a result, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of media exposure on voting behaviour among Sumbawa voters in Indonesia during the Pemilihan Kepala Daerah, or PILKADA 2020. A sample of 400 voters was chosen using a Multi-Level Random Sampling method. To better understand this phenomenon, a set of questionnaires was used as a data collection tool in the field. The collected data was then analysed using SPSS software version 26. Descriptive analysis revealed that the level of media exposure was divided into three categories: low, medium, and high. However, such exposure has only a minor impact on voter behaviour. While inferential analysis shows that non-mass media exposure has a significant influence on the voting behaviour of the Sumbawa community in PILKADA 2020. This strengthens the case that the media has a direct influence on voting behaviour, as opposed to previous theories that based their argument on social and cultural variables. In conclusion, this study concludes that, when compared to mass media, respondents in this area prefer online media and media such as billboards or banners, posters, calendars, or stickers as a source of political information