4 research outputs found


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    . Judul postingan ini adalah “Resiko Pembatalan Perjanjian Sewa-Menyewa Secara Sepihak” Tujuan Pasal ini adalah penentuan akibat hukum dari wanprestasi menyewa sepeda motor Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif yaitu, pendekatan yang membahas hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Kesimpulan dari dokumen ini dibentuk oleh konsekuensi hukum dari kelalaian Menurut KUH Perdata, itu mengikat pembeli Pembayaran kerugian yang diderita oleh kreditur (Pasal 1234), penarikan kontrak jika tugas saling menguntungkan (Pasal 1266), pengalihan risiko (Pasal 1237) dan Pemutusan kontrak dan kompensasi (Pasal 1267)

    Analisis Kepailitan PT Istaka Karya Sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara

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    Overlapping regulations regarding SOE bankruptcy have resulted in inconsistencies in Judges' decisions in deciding SOE bankruptcy cases. The bankruptcy case that befell PT Istaka Karya (Persero) was due to debts in the form of promissory notes that had not been paid. In the Cassation Decision, PT Istaka was declared bankrupt, but in the Judicial Review Decision, PT Istaka's bankruptcy statement was canceled. The writing of this law is intended to find out the legal consequences of canceling a bankruptcy statement at a State-Owned Enterprise (Persero) for paying off its debts to creditors and to find out the reasons for the Supreme Court Review Decision canceling the Cassation Decision in the bankruptcy case of PT. Istaka Karya (Persero). Based on the results of the study, the cancellation of a bankruptcy statement at BUMN (Persero) does not eliminate the obligation of BUMN (Persero) to pay its debts to creditors. Debtor debt problems to creditors after the cancellation of the bankruptcy decision were resolved in a way outside the bankruptcy institution which was agreed upon by both parties. The reasons for the Supreme Court Review decision annulled the Cassation Decision in the bankruptcy case of PT. Istaka is the elimination of the element "there is one debt that has matured and can be collected" in the submission of PT Istaka's bankruptcy application so that PT Istaka's bankruptcy statement was canceled by the Panel of Judicial Review Judges.Keywords: Legal Consequences; Cancellation; Bankruptcy; BUMN (Persero) AbstrakPengaturan mengenai kepailitan BUMN yang masih tumpang-tindih mengakibatkan inkonsistensi pada putusan Hakim dalam memutus perkara kepailitan BUMN. Kasus kepailitan yang menimpa PT Istaka Karya (Persero) disebabkan karena adanya utang berupa surat sanggup yang belum terbayar. Pada Putusan Kasasi PT Istaka dinyatakan pailit, namun pada Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Pernyataan pailit PT Istaka dibatalkan. Penulisan hukum ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum pembatalan pernyataan pailit pada Badan usaha Milik Negara (Persero) terhadap pelunasan hutang-hutangnya kepada para Kreditur serta untuk mengetahui Alasan Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung membatalkan Putusan Kasasi dalam perkara kepailitan PT. Istaka Karya (Persero). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pembatalan pernyataan pailit pada BUMN (Persero) tidak menghapuskan kewajiban BUMN (Persero) dalam membayar utang-utangnya kepada para Kreditor. Permasalahan utang Debitor kepada para Kreditor pasca dibatalkanya putusan pailit diselesaikan dengan cara diluar lembaga kepailitan yang disepatkati oleh kedua belah pihak. Alasan putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung membatalkan Putusan Kasasi dalam perkara kepailitan PT. Istaka adalah hapusnya unsur “adanya satu utang yang telah jatuh waktu dan dapat ditagih” dalam pengajuan permohonan pailit PT Istaka sehingga pernyataan pailit PT Istaka dibatalkan oleh Majelis Hakim Peninjauan Kembali. Kata Kunci: Akibat Hukum; Pembatalan; Pailit; BUMN (Persero


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    Tanah bagi kehidupan manusia mempunyai kedudukan yang sangat penting. Hal ini disebabkan hampir seluruh aspek kehidupannya terutama bagi bangsa Indonesia tidak dapat terlepas dari keberadaan tanah yang sesungguhnya tidak hanya dapat ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi saja, melainkan meliputi segala kehidupan dan penghidupannya. Tanah mempunyai multiple value, maka sebutan tanah air dan tumpah darah dipergunakan oleh bangsa Indonesia untuk menyebutkan wilayah negara dengan menggambarkan wilayah yang didominasi tanah, air, dan tanah yang berdaulat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis penyelesaian sengketa antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah terhadap Kawasan Hutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu metode penelitian hukum doktrinal dengan cara menelaah dan 6menelaah ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku sebagai dasar untuk kemudian menganalisa masalah yang diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa pentingnya peranan tanah dalam kehidupan manusia, tanah menjadi objek yang rawan terjadi perselisihan atau perselisihan antar manusia, hal ini terjadi karena kebutuhan manusia akan tanah semakin meningkat, tanah dapat menimbulkan gangguan dan melibatkan masyarakat secara luas, sehingga dituntut untuk menanganinya secara tepat. Para pihak yang terlibat dan berwenang untuk menangani persoalan di kawasan hutan masyarakat menyelesaikannya dengan berbagai cara. Metode penyelesaian sengketa yang ditempuh selama ini adalah melalui pengadilan (litigasi). Seiring berjalannya waktu, penyelesaian sengketa melalui musyawarah semakin banyak dilakukan. Sengketa tanah yang lebih banyak menyangkut masalah kepentingan atau kepentingan para pihak relatif lebih mudah diselesaikan melalui musyawarah sepanjang kedua belah pihak saling terbuka dan menginginkan penyelesaian yang terbaik bagi semua pihak.Land for human life has a very important position. This is due to the fact that almost allaspects of life, especially for the Indonesian people, cannot be separated from theexistence of land, which in fact cannot only be viewed from an economic aspect, butcovers all life and livelihoods. Land has multiple values, so the terms homeland andhomeland are used by the Indonesian people to refer to the territory of the country bydescribing areas dominated by sovereign land, water and land. This study aims toexamineandanalyzethesettlementofdisputesbetweenthecommunityandthegovernmentregardingForestAreas.Theresearchmethodusedin thisresearchisnormative juridical research, namely the doctrinal law research method by examiningand studying the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations as a basis for thenanalyzing the problem under study. Based on the results of the study that the importantrole of land in human life, land is an object that is prone to disputes or disputes betweenpeople, this happens because human needs for land are increasing, land can causedisturbancesandinvolvethewidercommunity,sothey arerequiredtohandleitappropriately . The parties involved and authorized to handle problems in communityforest areas solve them in various ways. The dispute resolution method adopted so far isthrough the courts (litigation). Over time, dispute resolution through deliberations isincreasingly being carried out. Land disputes that involve more issues of interest or theinterests of the parties are relatively easier to resolve through deliberations as long asbothpartiesare opentoeachotherandwant the bestsolution forallpartiesLand for human life has a very important position. This is due to the fact that almost allaspects of life, especially for the Indonesian people, cannot be separated from theexistence of land, which in fact cannot only be viewed from an economic aspect, butcovers all life and livelihoods. Land has multiple values, so the terms homeland andhomeland are used by the Indonesian people to refer to the territory of the country bydescribing areas dominated by sovereign land, water and land. This study aims toexamineandanalyzethesettlementofdisputesbetweenthecommunityandthegovernmentregardingForestAreas.Theresearchmethodusedin thisresearchisnormative juridical research, namely the doctrinal law research method by examiningand studying the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations as a basis for thenanalyzing the problem under study. Based on the results of the study that the importantrole of land in human life, land is an object that is prone to disputes or disputes betweenpeople, this happens because human needs for land are increasing, land can causedisturbancesandinvolvethewidercommunity,sothey arerequiredtohandleitappropriately . The parties involved and authorized to handle problems in communityforest areas solve them in various ways. The dispute resolution method adopted so far isthrough the courts (litigation). Over time, dispute resolution through deliberations isincreasingly being carried out. Land disputes that involve more issues of interest or theinterests of the parties are relatively easier to resolve through deliberations as long asbothpartiesare opentoeachotherandwant the bestsolution forallparties

    Land Dispute Arrangements in Indonesia

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    Land conflict is a process of interaction between two (or more) or groups each fighting for their interests over the same object, namely land and other objects related to land, water, plants, mines, as well as the air that is above the land. concerned. Various land disputes in Indonesia need to be examined why these disputes have not been resolved and have even been protracted and widespread in all corners of the land in Indonesia. It is necessary to find the root causes of the disputes that have occurred in Indonesia, so that it is necessary to discuss what is the cause of land disputes in Indonesia. This research method uses normative juridical research methods, carried out based on the main legal materials by examining theories, concepts, legal principles, online news references and laws and regulations related to land regulations. The conclusions obtained that the causes of land disputes in Indonesia are: 1.dualism of agrarian law, 2.differences in interpretation of an object, namely cooperation agreements regarding the management of land rights, 3.land mafia, 4.inaccurate and incomplete land data plus Incorrect land data, 5.Actions of applicants for land rights with a background of group interests or political indications, 6.Unbalanced land tenure and ownership structures, 7.Law enforcers do not yet have the commitment to consistently and consistently implement laws and regulations.Keywords: Causes; disputes; lan