41 research outputs found


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    Brankas merupakan sesuatu alat untuk menyimpan barang maupun surat berharga dan harta bernilai tinggi. Pada umumnya brankas konvensional masih menggunakan pengaman mekanis dengan password. Terdapat beberapa kelemahan yaitu  sulit memasukkan password karena harus diputar bolak balik sistem password mekanisnya. Sistem yang dirancang bertujuan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut agar lebih praktis dan efisien yaitu sistem pengaman dan akses pintu brankas dengan E-KTP dan verifikasi password melalui smartphone. Sistem dikendalikan oleh sebuah Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno dengan sensor RFID dan adapter bluetooth. RFID menerima input dari e-ktp sedangkan verifikasi password diterima dari smartphone melalui adapter bluetooth. Jika kedua tingkat verifikasi berhasil maka pintu brankas baru akan terbuka , Sistem juga dilengkapi dengan display LCD untuk memberikan pesan atau status dari pengaman tersebut. Arduino akan menerima masukan dari sensor RFID kemudian mengidentifikasi kode dari E- KTP tersebut. Jika kode adalah benar ,Arduino akan melanjutkan verifikasi ke tingkat selanjutnya yaitu password. Password dikirim oleh user dari smartphone melalui perantara bluetooth adapter. Jika password yang diberikan juga benar maka Arduino akan mengaktifkan motor untuk membuka kunci brankas

    Pengaruh kepemimpinan transaksional, budaya organisasi dan motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja karyawan (studi kasus cv. usaha konstruksi kudus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan transaksional, budaya organisasi, dan motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja karyawan pada CV. Usaha Konstruksi Kudus secara parsial maupun berganda. Jenis penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif statistik dengan menguji hipotesis. Pengumpulan datanya dengan kuesioner. Sampel sebanyak 111 responden. Uji instrumen menggunakan validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis menggunakan menggunakan analisis regresi secara parsial dan berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian menghasilkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel kepemimpinan transaksional, budaya organisasi, dan motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja karyawan pada CV. Konstruksi baik baik secara parsial maupun berganda dibuktikan dengan probabilitas signifikansi SPSS (P-value) < 5%

    Perancangan Simulasi Sistem Kontrol 2 Pompa Air Bersih Otomatis Berdasarkan Sensor Floatless

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    Dalam makalah ini menjelaskan tentang alat pengatur ketinggian air/cairan menggunakan metode Floatless, pada umumnya pemasangan sistem Automatis pompa menggunakan alat pelampung,dan ini adalah cara yang paling banyak kita jumpai. Dalam Rancang Bangun kali ini dapat memasang sistem Automatis pompa tanpa pelampung sehingga lebih simple dan praktis, sensor Floatless dapat di gunakan dalam Rancang Bangun kali ini, Floatless sendiri dapat bekerja hanya dengan menggunakan 3 kabel sensor yang ditenggelamkan langsung ke dalam tempat penampung air, dengan tingkat ketinggian air 50% pompa motor air akan bekerja bersamaan, tingkat air 75% pompa motor 2 akan mati lalu di lanjutkan dengan pompa motor 1 hingga ketinggian air mencapai 100% maka pompa motor 1 dan 2 akan berhenti secara otomatis. Dalam perancangan kali ini pompa motor 1 dan 2 juga dapat di operasikan secara manual dengan cara mengarahkan selector switch ke arah manual kontrol lalu menekan push button merah (start) dan menekan push button hijau (menghentikan). Rancang bangun ini menggunakan 2 Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) 1 phase 20A, 2 MCB 2 phase 6A, 6 rele, 2 sensor Floatless, 2 kontaktor, 2 Thermal Overload, serta menggunakan kabel NYAF 1,5mm. Sensor Floatless memiliki tingkat sensitif yang baik dalam memberi sinyal ketinggian air, dapat dibuktikan dalam rancang bangun kali ini. Hasil dari sistem kontrol 2 pompa air otomatis ini adalah terjadi kurangnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan karena masalah ketersediaan air dan juga mempermudah kegiatan dalam pengendalian air


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    Protection to the circulation of consumption goods already regulated by government which there is a institution or department which handle about industrial and commercial. One of the task of the institution is supervising the goods that are consumed by society. In this case, there are some consumption goods such as foods and baverages like junkfood, in packing and bottle. One of baverage is supervised by Industrial and Commercial Department is aperatif. In Pekanbaru, aperitif sales necessary orderly which aims to protect the society from aperitif. Based on Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 20 Tahun 2014, as the kinds of aperitif products which may merchantability approriate with its place, such as types A, B, and C. The aims of this research are identifying and explaining about supervision circulation of aperitif by Industrial and Commercial Department in Pekanbaru. To knowing obstacle factors in supervising of aperitif by Industrial and Commercial Department in Pekanbaru. Phenomenon that shows lack of supervision conducted by Industrial and Commercial Department in circulation of aperitif, as much circulation of aperitif which is not approriate its place. Still a lot of aperitif sales above 5% are sold independently in society. There are some shops or stalls which sell aperitif that not use a license as by the government. This research use qualitative method. Head of Trade from Industrial and Commercial Department of Pekanbaru as key informant and seller of aperitif as informant. Data collection respondent was done by conducting interviews with informant. Documentation and observation was conducted to see the results of Supervision of Idustrialand Commercial Department in Distribution of Aperitif in Pekanbaru A Case Study at Marpoyan District, Pekanbaru


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    It has been done ultrafiltration of dutch eggplant fruit juice using ceramic membrane thickness variation. Result showed that aquadest flux value in 25 minutes for membrane 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5 mm is 42,82; 26,75; 25,87; 23,68; 11,84 L/h.m2 whereas flux value of dutch eggplant fruit juice at the time for membrane 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 mm is 4,82; 4,4; 1,82 L/h.m2. For membrane 3,0 and 3,5 mm it have not been done because flux value are too small that indicate fouling. Membrane rejection coefficient value on turbidity high relative whereas on absorbers, reducing sugar and vit c small relative. Sample with 2 mm thickness (s2) is optimum membrane to eggplant juice filtration because the content of reducing sugar and vit c can still be maintained with better colour and turbidity levels to be reduced

    Kepuasan Pelamar Dalam Proses Penerimaan Calon Aparatur Sipil Negara (Casn) Sistem Computer Assisted Test (Cat) Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Lingga

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    This study aims to determine the extent of applicants satisfaction and services quality in the process recruitment civil state apparatus using the CAT system in the district government lingga. Research variables used Reliability, Tangibles, Responsivines, Assurance and Empathy this research is quantitative research, while qualitative research only as supporting data. Population and sample in this research is the applicants pass and do not pass the selection CASN recruitment process. Sampling technique used in determining the individual sample is Cluster Sampling (Area Sampling). The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis technique used is the calculation of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on the calculation CSI obtained a score of 82,45% or at the level very satisfied, on the Cartesian diagram IPA there are two indicators in quadrant I, 7 in quadrant II, 11 in quadrant III and 1 in quadrant IV


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    The study attempt to know the level of objective practice PDAM services (Regional Water Company) Tirta Siak the city of Pekanbaru and its impact on costumer satisfaction. The indicators of the quality of services to use covering reliability, responsiveness, competence, acces, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, understanding knowing the costumer, tangible. Type research located in office PDAM Tirta Siak the city of Pekanbaru this is survey descriptive, namely prioritise list interview as a means of data collection an data collected with this device then used as the main raw to analyze the condition empiris for obyektivitas the existence of a purpose research on location minutely. There are two gropus of the population and samples to research is employes, a total of 5 people and costumers, the number 5 costumers in this case is those who are subscription water in PDAM Tirta Siak City of Pekanbaru. Engineering sampling to use in setting individual is sampling purposive sample. Type and engineering collecting data which used consisting of, primery data collected by used technique interview and secondary data collected used technique observation. While analysis techniques used data is to have technique descriptive analysis. Based on technique this analysis reserachers judging and inferring that pledge of PDAM services (Regional Water Company) Tirta Siak this city of Pekanbaru and its impact on costumer satisfaction be at intervals good enough. Recommendations need to be considered especially with respect to improvement a quality of water that always muddy and colored the quality of pipes who has not be used in order to create customer satisfaction


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    This study aims to determine the objective level Implementation Coordination Control of Patients with Mental Disorders Cooperative Study of Dinas Sosial and Pemakaman with Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Pekanbaru Ciy]ty . Indicators used include the coordination of research policies, plans , procedures and work , meetings and briefings , and a joint decree .This type of research is mrnggunakan tenik Diskriptif Survay data collection such as interviews , questionnaires , and document review , and analyze the data that has been prepared on the object of research and comparing with the theory related to the problem . Then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively for comparing reality with references that have to do with the analysis related to research in the form of concise and clear description perpetually . the location was used in tfis study is the Dinas Sosial and Pemakaman with satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Pekanbaru city.Based on this analysis technique that implements selected research concludes Coordination of Dinas Sosial and Pekakaman with Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Pekanbaru City is in the interval Good Enough . This Kesimplan accordance with the measurement technique that has been set that is done categories Good Enough is of five indicators used have not all done well

    Analysis of Age Transformer Due to Annual Load Growth in 20 kV Distribution Network

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    Distribution transformer is a component in distributing electricity from distribution substations to consumers. Damage to distribution transformers causes continuity of customer service to be disrupted (power cut or blackout occurs). The length of the PLN electricity network requires a transformer to distribute electricity to serve consumers and how to maintain the transformer. The daily load curve of a peak load for housing, shops and factories / industries varies. Load served 200 kVA distribution transformer cannot serve the load on housing, shops and factories / industry. The method used is the replacement of a distribution transformer with a capacity of one stage greater or the replacement of a distribution transformer with a capacity of two levels larger. The distribution transformer carried out by the research is a capacity of 200 kVA replaced by 250 kVA. The ability of a distribution transformer cannot accommodate a load which will increase as an area is advanced. Observations made by calculating the age of the transformer by assuming the annual load growth (r) = 3% = 0.3. Annual peak load (P) = 1.8 p, u increase in oil temperature at peak load (θo = 96.21 0C; 84.16 0C). The increase in the hottest temperature above the oil cover, the increase in the temperature of the hottest place above the oil (θg = 20 0C; 20 0C). The ratio of the load loss to the nominal load excitation loss (Q = 3; 30). By assuming the values of these methods it can be estimated that the life of a distribution transformer is 20 kV, a capacity of 200 kVA is 18 years

    Analisis Vegetasi Gulma pada Kebun Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L.) di Balingka, Agam, Sumatera Barat

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    The vegetation analysis of weed from Coffee Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) traditional farm in Balingka, Agam has been conducted from February to May 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and structure of weed on the farm. Vegetation was sampled systematically using square plot (1x1 m2) with a total 32 plots. The results found that composition of the weed in the farm were 11 families, 21 genera and 25 species. A total number of individuals were 3114. Borreria laevis dominated at the coffee farm with the highest SDR (Summed Dominance Ratio) (22.809%). Diversity index (H') of the weed in coffee farm was 2.04. Keywords: weed, Coffea arabica L., composition, structur