3 research outputs found


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    The location of the territory of Ukraine within the limits of several physical and geographical zones determines the high level of its biodiversity. At the same time, the biotic characteristics of some natural zones are too complex for explication, since in many cases the "boundary effect" triggered by the influence of neighboring regions works. The authors have recorded a similar fact at the Drohobych Highland in the transition area of the natural forest steppe zone in the mountainous country of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The purpose of our work was to study in detail flora and vegetation of the transitional band between the forest steppe and the Carpathians. A forest-steppe zone is a lower vegetation belt in the north-eastern mega slope of the Carpathians due to bordering with the forest-steppe from the east. Therefore, a logical question arose: where exactly is the boundary between the forest-steppe and the Carpathians and which types of phytocoenoses are characteristic of the natural forest-steppe zone, and which – for the mountainous Carpathian country. The object of our research was forest vegetation of Drohobych Forestry State Enterprise of Volya Yakubova Forestry. The natural conditions of the Carpathian Mountains caused the formation of forests of diverse composition and productivity. In order to obtain the most accurate results, we have applied various methods of vegetation studies based on the principles of dominant, forest-typological and ecological-floristic geobotanical schools, with their subsequent comparison. According to the dominant classification, the natural forest zone of the forest-steppe is represented by Quercetum roboris caricosum brizoidi, Q. r. c. remotae, Q. r. filipendulosum, Carpineto-Quercetum roboris caricosum pilosae, C.-Q. r. c. brizoidi, C.-Q. r. rubosum сaesii. Instead, the mountainous Carpathian country is characterized by the association of Abieto-Querceta roboris caricosum brizoidi. These findings are also confirmed by the syntaxonomy of vegetation based on floral grounds, as it is here that the phytocoenoses of the mountain associations of Abieto-Quercetum border with appropriate to the forest-steppe Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli association. We can find quite a bright confirmation of our research in almond tree features, as Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae from QUERCO-FAGETEA class is inherent to the mountainous country of the Ukrainian Carpathians, whereas the almond of Ribeso nigri-Alnetum association of ALNETEA GLUTINOSAE class is native in the forest-steppe.Наведено результати досліджень лісової рослинності Дрогобицької височини та зроблено спробу виокремити асоціації лісової рослинності, які розмежовують природну зону Лісостепу та гірську країну Українських Карпат. На прикладі лісів урочища Воля Якубова встановлено, що ознаки фізико-географічних зон проявляються у характерних рисах рослинних асоціацій. Застосовані різні методики досліджень лісової рослинності показали подібні результати. За домінантною класифікацією Лісостеп репрезентують асоціації Quercetum roboris caricosum brizoidi, Quercetum roboris caricosum remotae, Quercetum roboris filipendulosum, Carpineto-Quercetum roboris caricosum pilosae, Carpineto-Quercetum roboris caricosum brizoidi, а Українські Карпати – Abieto-Querceta roboris caricosum brizoidi. За класифікацією типів лісу Лісостеп представляють грабові, а Карпати – ялицеві діброви і судіброви. За еколого-флористичною класифікацією, окрім асоціацій широколистяних мезофільних лісів, розмежування природних зон добре репрезентують вільхові ліси з різних синтаксономічних класів – Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae (клас QUERCO-FAGETEA) є характерним для Українських Карпат, натомість Ribeso nigri-Alnetum (клас ALNETEA GLUTINOSAE) – для Лісостепу. Отже, на прикладі лісового урочища поблизу села Воля Якубова вдалося простежити закономірності зміни лісостепових фітоценозів на гірські

    Biochemical markers of vital biodestruction in common oak (Quercus robur)

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    The wood of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) has high mechanical strength, elasticity and resistance to fracture. However, constitutional stability is not always able to provide the plants with reliable protection from wood-decay fungi, and the initial stages of biodegradation are difficult to determine. Therefore, this study concerns research on appropriate biochemical markers for early diagnostics of wood defects. The total content of phenolic compounds in leaves and wood was determined by a spectrophotometer Optizen Pop using Folin & Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent; the flavonoid content in leaves – by adding solutions of aluminum chloride and sodium acetate to methanolic extracts; catechins content – by the reaction with vanillin reagent; the concentration of phenolic antioxidants – by Brand Williams; chlorophyll and carotenoids’ contents in leaves – by the formula for methanol extracts; the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds – by high performance liquid chromatography and highly effective thin-layer chromatography. During the planned felling of oak trees on the territory of the Boyar Forest Research Station, trees were found with signs of brown streak and biodestruction of wood. Brown streak in wood is caused by a polycondensation of phenolic compounds, which are deposited on the internal surfaces of tracheal elements. In cases of an increase in the total amount of oxidized polyphenols, the cell walls are also stained. Active oxidation processes in wood have a systemic nature for the plants and affect the physiological state of the assimilation apparatus. We determined that in leaves of the trees with signs of brown streak the total phenol content increases in comparison with the control by 1.6 times, as well as flavonoid and catechin content. Our research has shown that the complex of plastid pigments in common oak leaves does not significantly change in the early stages of destructive processes. Increase of brown streak and appearance of rot in wood are associated with slight increase in chlorophyll a to b ratio in leaves. Chromatographic profiling of the leaves showed that the presence of brown streak changes the content of individual phenolic compounds. The trees with brown rot have more substances with UV spectrum characteristic for kaempferol glycosides compared to the control. The results have shown that the biochemical profiles of the trees with signs of brown streak and brown rot differ from the control by the composition of low and medium polar compounds. The absence or presence of some individual phenolic components and their ratio in the leaves are considered as biochemical markers of hidden wood defects

    Залежність показників крон від морфолого-таксаційних параметрів дерев інтродукованих видів сосен в умовах Західного регіону України

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    The paper presents the results of the study of the crowns of introduced pine trees in the conditions of the Western region of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the dependence of the crowns on the morphological and taxonomic parameters of the introduced species of pine trees in the conditions of the Western region of Ukraine and to perform their modeling. In the course of the study the calculation of the main forest estimated features of test plots was performed according to generally accepted methods in forest taxation. The volume of tree crowns is determined using software modules of GIS Field-Map technology. Basic statistical data and correlation ratios between certain individual features are performed in compliance with the recommendations for statistical data analysis in biological objects. Having conducted the research, we have obtained the following results. Firstly, tree stands with the participation of black pine, eastern white pine, jack pine, pitch pine, and for control of Silver pine. The regularities between the morphological and taxonomic parameters of separate trees and morphological indices of their crowns are analyzed. The average values of the average diameter and height of the tree trunk, crown diameter and height, crown spread, its projection, the volume and area of its surface, as well as trunk volume, have been assessed. The basic statistics of the studied morphological and taxonomic parameters and tree indices are also calculated. In addition, a correlation analysis of the series of corresponding parameters and indicators was made. The selection for the possibility of modeling the dependence of the morphological indicators of crowns on the morphological and taxonomic parameters of trees of the studied species was performed. Therefore, we have drawn the following conclusions. The indicators of pine tree crowns are characterized by considerable variability. The size of the crown is affected by the forest estimated features and morphological and taxonomic parameters of the separate tree, in particular, the most influential ones are the trunk diameter and the crown diameter. Field-Map technology allows performing measurements of crown parameters directly on the plot and calculating its morphological and taxonomic indicators, including volume. The developed dependency models adequately describe empirical material with high level of approximation and are characterized by sufficient statistical reliability. In order to simulate the values of the crown projection area, its volume and the crown surface area, we found trunk diameter and crown diameter of the studied pine species are found to be the most suitable.Наведено результати дослідження крон соснових інтродуцентів в умовах Західного регіону України. Досліджено деревостани з участю сосни чорної, сосни Веймутова, сосни Банкса, сосни жорсткої та сосни звичайної (контроль). Удосконалено методику таксації крон дерев мішаних деревостанів з використанням ГІС Field-Map. Проаналізовано закономірності між морфолого-таксаційними параметрами окремих дерева та морфологічними показники їхніх крони. Здійснено розрахунок середніх значень середнього діаметра та висоти стовбура дерева, діаметра крони, висоти її початку, протяжності крони, її проекції, об'єму та площі поверхні, а також об'єму стовбура. Розраховано основні статистики досліджуваних морфолого-таксаційних параметрів і показників дерев. Крім того, здійснено кореляційний аналіз рядів відповідних параметрів і показників та здійснено відбір для можливості моделювання залежності морфологічних показників крон від морфолого-таксаційних параметрів дерев досліджуваних видів сосен. Встановлено, що для моделювання значень площі проекції крони, її об'єму та площі поверхні крони найпридатнішими є діаметр стовбура та діаметр крони досліджуваних видів сосен. Розроблені моделі залежностей адекватно описують емпіричний матеріал з високим рівнем апроксимації та характеризуються достатньою статистичною достовірністю. Отримані моделі можуть бути основою для створення нормативно-довідкових матеріалів для оцінення щільності компонентів фітомаси крони з використанням відповідних перевідних коефіцієнтів