7 research outputs found

    Stringy Models of Modified Gravity: Space-time defects and Structure Formation

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    Starting from microscopic models of space-time foam, based on brane universes propagating in bulk space-times populated by D0-brane defects ("D-particles"), we arrive at effective actions used by a low-energy observer on the brane world to describe his/her observations of the Universe. These actions include, apart from the metric tensor field, also scalar (dilaton) and vector fields, the latter describing the interactions of low-energy matter on the brane world with the recoiling point-like space-time defect (D-particle). The vector field is proportional to the recoil velocity of the D-particle and as such it satisfies a certain constraint. The vector breaks locally Lorentz invariance, which however is assumed to be conserved on average in a space-time foam situation, involving the interaction of matter with populations of D-particle defects. In this paper we demonstrate that, already at the end of the radiation era, the (constrained) vector field associated with the recoil of the defects provides the seeds for a growing mode in the evolution of the Universe. Such a growing mode survives during the matter dominated era, provided the variance of the D-particle recoil velocities on the brane is larger than a critical value.Comment: 30 pages latex, three pdf figures incorporate

    The D-material universe

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    In a previous publication by some of the authors (N.E.M., M.S. and M.F.Y.), we have argued that the "D-material universe", that is a model of a brane world propagating in a higher-dimensional bulk populated by collections of D-particle stringy defects, provides a model for the growth of large-scale structure in the universe via the vector field in its spectrum. The latter corresponds to D-particle recoil velocity excitations as a result of the interactions of the defects with stringy matter and radiation on the brane world. In this article, we first elaborate further on the results of the previous study on the galactic growth era and analyse the circumstances under which the D-particle recoil velocity fluid may "mimic" dark matter in galaxies. A lensing phenomenology is also presented for some samples of galaxies, which previously were known to provide tension for modified gravity (TeVeS) models. The current model is found in agreement with these lensing data. Then we discuss a cosmic evolution for the D-material universe by analysing the conditions under which the late eras of this universe associated with large-scale structure are connected to early epochs, where inflation takes place. It is shown that inflation is induced by dense populations of D-particles in the early universe, with the role of the inflaton field played by the condensate of the D-particle recoil-velocity fields under their interaction with relativistic stringy matter, only for sufficiently large brane tensions and low string mass scales compared to the Hubble scale. On the other hand, for large string scales, where the recoil-velocity condensate fields are weak, inflation cannot be driven by the D-particle defects alone. In such cases inflation may be driven by dilaton (or other moduli) fields in the underlying string theory.Comment: 42 pages latex, one pdf figure incorporated, uses special macro

    The necessity of dark matter in MOND within galactic scales

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    To further test MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) on galactic scales -- originally proposed to explain the rotation curves of disk galaxies without dark matter -- we study a sample of six strong gravitational lensing early-type galaxies from the CASTLES database. To determine whether dark matter is present in these galaxies, we compare the total mass (from lensing) with the stellar mass content (from a comparison of photometry and stellar population synthesis). We find that strong gravitational lensing on galactic scales requires a significant amount of dark matter, even within MOND. On such scales a 2 eV neutrino cannot explain this excess matter -- in contrast with recent claims to explain the lensing data of the bullet cluster. The presence of dark matter is detected in regions with a higher acceleration than the characteristic MONDian scale of ∼10−10\sim 10^{-10}m/s2^2. This is a serious challenge to MOND unless the proper treatment of lensing is qualitatively different (possibly to be developed within a consistent theory such as TeVeS).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table Amended version to match publication in Phys. Rev. let

    Can TeVeS avoid Dark Matter on galactic scales?

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    A fully relativistic analysis of gravitational lensing in TeVeS is presented. By estimating the lensing masses for a set of six lenses from the CASTLES database, and then comparing them to the stellar mass, the deficit between the two is obtained and analysed. Considering a parametrised range for the TeVeS function mu(y)mu(y), which controls the strength of the modification to gravity, it is found that on galactic scales TeVeS requires additional dark matter with the commonly used mu(y)mu(y). A soft dependence of the results on the cosmological framework and the TeVeS free parameters is discussed. For one particular form of mu(y)mu(y), TeVeS is found to require very little dark matter. This choice is however ruled out by rotation curve data. The inability to simultaneously fit lensing and rotation curves for a single form of mu(y)mu(y) is a challenge to a "no dark matter" TeVeS proposal.Comment: Four pages LaTeX, three eps figures incorporate

    Incompatibility of Rotation Curves with Gravitational Lensing for TeVeS

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    We constrain the one-parameter class of TeVeS models by testing the theory against both rotation curve and strong gravitational lensing data on galactic scales, remaining fully relativistic in our formalism. The upshot of our analysis is that -- at least in its simplest original form, which is the only one studied in the literature so far -- TeVeS is ruled out, in the sense that the models cannot consistently fit simultaneously the two sets of data without including a significant dark matter component. It is also shown that the details of the underlying cosmological model are not relevant for our analysis, which pertains to galactic scales. The choice of the stellar Initial Mass Function -- which affects the estimates of baryonic mass -- is found not to change our conclusions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Confronting MOND and TeVeS with strong gravitational lensing over galactic scales: An extended survey

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    The validity of MOND and TeVeS models of modified gravity has been recently tested by using lensing techniques, with the conclusion that a non-trivial component in the form of dark matter is needed in order to match the observations. In this work those analyses are extended by comparing lensing to stellar masses for a sample of nine strong gravitational lenses that probe galactic scales. The sample is extracted from a recent work that presents the mass profile out to a few effective radii, therefore reaching into regions that are dominated by dark matter in the standard (general relativity) scenario. A range of interpolating functions are explored to test the validity of MOND/TeVeS in these systems. Out of the nine systems, there are five robust candidates with a significant excess (higher that 50%) of lensing mass with respect to stellar mass, irrespective of the stellar initial mass function. One of these lenses (Q0957) is located at the centre of a galactic cluster. This system might be accommodated in MOND/TeVeS via the addition of a hot component, like a 2 eV neutrino, that contribute over cluster scales. However, the other four robust candidates (LBQS1009, HE1104, B1600, HE2149) are located in field/group regions, so that a cold component (CDM) would be required even within the MOND/TeVeS framework. Our results therefore do not support recent claims that these alternative scenarios to CDM can survive astrophysical data.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; amended version to match publication in PR