3 research outputs found

    Using UTAUT model to determine factors affecting internet of things acceptance in public universities

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    This article aims to review the influencing factors and their relationships to the adoption of IoT technologies in the education domain among undergraduate students in Saudi public universities. The purpose of this study is to propose a framework using UTAUT to increase IoT acceptance. Previous studies found that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions have significant predictors of IoT acceptance. However, other studies found that not all UTAUT variables are significant predictors of IoT acceptance such as effort expectancy. There are three research gaps identified through previous studies, field issues, and theory and model. First, there is a lack of studies in consumers’ adoption of IoT technologies. Second, there is a lack of user acceptance of IoT technologies. Third, there is a lack of confident and uncertainty caused by new technologies. A quantitative method approach will be used. The online questionnaire survey well be sent to 300 undergraduate students of the selected public university. The Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) will be used to analyse the collected data

    A study on determining factors influence pricing competitive for airlines in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the factors influence pricing competitive dynamic airlines by passenger for the specific routes of Kuala Lumpur to Singapore between the Prime Carrier and Low-Cost Carrier. This research was derived in response of World’s Busiest International Air Routes report from OAG Aviation Worldwide that shows more than 30,000 flights frequency in both directions for international route Kuala Lumpur to Singapore during 12 months in 2018. This study will be understanding the influence in pricing competitive between forecast on demand, and product quality. A framework model has been proposed to determine the factors on competitive airlines pricing in Malaysia and the variables are Market Segmentation, Product Quality and Demand Forecast. This research used a quantitative data collection method to gather or to prompt information from respondents, in this case passenger who is using flights from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. A total of 424 passengers was sampled and the set of questionnaires were distributed using the non- probability sampling technique which is convenience sampling to obtain sample data to be analyzed. The analysis in this study was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis tools. – SPSS – version 23. Results from the multiple analysis demonstrate that product quality and demand forecast as factors influencing pricing competitive

    Human factors determinants of licensed aircraft engineers that influenced organizational safety performanc

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    The aim of this study is to discuss the relationship between human determinant factors which includes attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control for licensed aircraft engineers in an aircraft maintenance process. This is important as the aircraft maintenance process affects the safety performance for aircraft operations. Licensed aircraft engineers are the individual that certifies the maintenance release for all aircraft maintenance process that is a legal document and form part of the certificate of airworthiness. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) will play a significant role as the underpinning theory on the proposed model of the safety performance. It is needed as per the regulations to ensure that the aircraft is maintained accordingly and all systems are serviceable thus ensuring that the aircraft is fit for the intended flight. There are research gaps identified as per the literature review, as not many studies on aviation safety centered on licensed aircraft engineers. Emphasis are also given more on flight operations as compared to aircraft maintenance when it comes to aviation safety studies. As such this study is aimed at fulfilling those gaps and would contribute towards enhancing aviation safety