8 research outputs found

    Research of the surge voltage protection by means of Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator

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    The article considers the simulation of surge voltage protection. A functional diagram of this protection model and the means by which the researches were made are presented. The results are the oscillograms of the surge voltage protection operation for the generator

    Intelligent Electric Power Systems with Active-Adaptive Electric Networks: Challenges for Simulation Tools

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    The motivation of the presented research is based on the needs for development of new methods and tools for adequate simulation of intelligent electric power systems with active-adaptive electric networks (IES) including Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices. The key requirements for the simulation were formed. The presented analysis of simulation results of IES confirms the need to use a hybrid modelling approach

    Application of Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator for Designing and Researching of Relay Protection and Automation

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    Development, research and operation of smart grids (SG) with active-adaptive networks (AAS) are actual tasks for today. Planned integration of high-speed FACTS devices greatly complicates complex dynamic properties of power systems. As a result the operating conditions of equipment of power systems are significantly changing. Such situation creates the new actual problem of development and research of relay protection and automation (RPA) which will be able to adequately operate in the SGs and adapt to its regimes. Effectiveness of solution of the problem depends on using tools - different simulators of electric power systems. Analysis of the most famous and widely exploited simulators led to the conclusion about the impossibility of using them for solution of the mentioned problem. In Tomsk Polytechnic University developed the prototype of hybrid multiprocessor software and hardware system - Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim). Because of its unique features this simulator can be used for solution of mentioned tasks. This article introduces the concept of development and research of relay protection and automation with usage of HRTSim

    Method for basic measurement adjustment of commutator profiles

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    The possibility of error minimization as a result of noncontact measurement of the distance between eddy-current converter and commutator has been shown. The problem was solved by means of adjustment in transfer constant of the device measuring channel in the process of measuring distance to arbitrary taken commutator bar according to the method proposed

    Simulation of automatic frequency and power regulators

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    The motivation of the presented research is based on the need for development of new methods and tools for adequate real time simulation of automation control frequency and power regulators of generator played an important role in the planning, design and operation of electric power system. This paper proposes a Hybrid real time simulator of electric power system for simulation of automation control frequency and power regulators of generator. The obtained results of experimental researches of turbine emergency control of generator demonstrate high accuracy of the simulator and possibility of real-time simulation of all the processes in the electric power system without any decomposition and limitation on their duration, and the effectiveness of the proposed simulator in solving of the design, operational and research tasks of electric power system

    Software and Hardware Complex for Setting of Automatic Excitation Regulators of Turbogenerators

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    The motivation of the presented research is based on the needs for development of new methods and tools for research setting problem of automatic excitation regulators of turbogenerators. Simulation tools must meet the requirements of reproduction processes reliability in all elements of electric power system. The developed block diagram of the adequate mathematical model of automatic excitation regulator is presented. The simulation results of electric power system scheme confirm the adequacy of the reproduction processes of functioning of automatic excitation regulator and a generator

    Energy-Saving Vibration Impulse Coal Degradation at Finely Dispersed Coal-Water Slurry Preparation

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    Theoretical and experimental research results of processes of finely dispersed coal-water slurry preparation for further generation of energetic gas in direct flow and vortex gas generator plants have been presented. It has been stated that frequency parameters of parabolic vibration impulse mill influence degradation degree. Pressure influence on coal parameters in grinding cavity has been proven. Experimental researches have proven efficiency of vibration impulse mill with unbalanced mass vibrator generator development. Conditions of development on intergranular walls of coal cracks have been defined

    Study of influence of thyristor controlled reactors on the regimes of power supply systems of Elga coal mining complex

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    The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to develop new methods and means of improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises. The main aim of the study is to create on the basis of Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim) a platform for developing and testing methods and tools for optimization of operating regimes, as well as energy efficiency of Elga coal mining complex in the framework of the pilot project on the creation of intelligent electric power system of Russia - the project «Elgaugol». The methods used in the study. Solution of the tasks determined the necessity to use a wide range of theoretical and experimental methods and techniques of research: the theory of linear and non-linear electrical circuits with lumped and distributed parameters, automatic control and control theory, the theory of precision and sensitivity of computing devices, sampling methods of the theory of ordinary differential equations, continuous implicit methodically precise integration of differential equations, the circuitry on integrated circuits, IT-technologies, FACTS technologies etc. The results. To solve the problem of the research the unique test platform based on the HRTSim was developed. The platform allows allregimes studying of power supply system of the Elga mining enterprise. In addition, the model of the automatic control system (ACS) of thyristor controlled reactors (TCR) is integrated into the HRTSim. A considerable amount of researches has been carried out. The fragments of these researches are introduced in the paper. It was possible to identify a significant impact of TCR under the control of ACS and developed within the project «Elgaugol» active-adaptive voltage and var control system (AAVVCS) in the operating regimes of power supply system of the Elga coal mining complex. In particular, it was found that at incensement of loads in power system and, as a consequence, a significant reduction of voltages on the bus-bars of a number of substations in the area of the mining enterprise, the developed system prevents the stop of motors driving the various kinds of pumps, fans and other equipment of the Elga coal mining complex. In addition, it was possible to identify a significant impact of TCRs on the dynamic stability of power system, as well as energy efficiency by reducing the losses of active and reactive power. These simulation results were the basis for the actual design solutions within the framework of the project «Elgaugol»