5 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic transformation of oasis landscapes in Khorezm Province, Uzbekistan: A geoecological analysis

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    This geoecological analysis of Khorezm Province, Uzbekistan, unveils the intricate dynamics of anthropogenic transformations in oasis landscapes. Examining land cover changes, socio-economic influences, hydrological challenges, and biodiversity decline, the study provides comprehensive insights for sustainable development. Urban expansion, driven by factors like population growth and economic development, necessitates strategic urbanization policies, incorporating green infrastructure and mixed-use zoning. Adaptive water management is imperative to address escalating groundwater depletion and declining surface water quality, emphasizing improved irrigation practices and technological integration. Biodiversity conservation initiatives, especially in critical habitats like riparian zones and wetlands, are vital to counteract ecological decline. Predictive modeling facilitates informed decision-making, allowing stakeholders to anticipate and proactively address future landscape changes. Interdisciplinary collaboration is paramount, weaving together perspectives from ecology, hydrology, sociology, and economics to navigate the delicate balance between development and conservation. These findings position Khorezm Province as a potential model for sustainable development, providing valuable insights applicable to regions facing analogous challenges

    Literature analysis of international experiences in studying the theoretical and methodological framework of GIS-based demographic mapping processes

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    This research conducts a comprehensive analysis of GIS-based demographic mapping, synthesizing international literature to unravel evolving theoretical frameworks, spatial analysis techniques, and the integration of emerging technologies. The study reveals a convergence of Spatial Demography, Agent-Based Modeling, and Geodemographics, providing nuanced insights into population dynamics. Spatial clustering, gravity modeling, geostatistical analysis, and cellular automata modeling represent advancements in spatial analytics, enriching our understanding of migration patterns and population distribution. The integration of emerging technologies—LiDAR, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain—marks a transformative shift, enhancing accuracy in population density estimation and introducing novel dimensions of predictive modeling and data security. Ethical considerations, including anonymization techniques and algorithmic transparency, contribute to responsible GIS-based demographic mapping practices. Addressing challenges such as data quality issues, limited accessibility, and ethical considerations, the research proposes practical solutions, from citizen science integration to standardized GIS protocols. Future directions advocate for the adoption of 5G technology, spatial big data analytics, community-engaged mapping, and investigating the intersection of climate change and demography. The synthesis of these findings positions this research as a vital resource, guiding researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in navigating the dynamic landscape of GIS-based demographic analysis

    Evaluation of soil salinity level through NDVI in Syrdarya province, Uzbekistan

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    Traditional soil salinity assessments have been doing by collecting of soil samples and laboratory analyzing of collected samples for determining TDS and electro conductivity, but, GIS and Remote Sensing technologies provides more efficient, economic and rapid tools and techniques for soil salinity assessment and soil salinity mapping. Main goals of this research are to map soil salinity of Syrdarya province, to show relation of its result with soil quality index (arable land validity point) values of this field. The soil quality index data and map of 2019 year were digitized and transferred to ArcMap software format and investigated the soil quality index score. As a source of satellite images has been used Landsat OLI 8 Earth-observation satellite. Syrdarya province, every arable land validity point of different locations were measured by State Commite of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre was compared to our research conducted on satellite sensor and it can be said that the study have done correctly

    Advances in cartography: a review on employed methods

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    The creation of maps is the art and science of cartography, which has been a vital part of human history for millennia. Maps have been used to represent the world around us since prehistoric cave drawings through contemporary satellite imaging, assisting us in navigating, exploring, and comprehending our surroundings. Cartography has changed significantly over the past few decades as a result of technological advancements and the availability of data. Today's cartographers can produce maps that are more precise, comprehensive, and educational than ever before because to the availability of sophisticated technologies. This review article tries to give an overview of the most recent advancements in cartography, with an emphasis on the techniques that are used the most frequently. The following is how the paper is set up: First, we'll give a quick summary of cartography's history, highlighting some of the most significant turning points in the discipline. The influence of digital technologies on cartography will then be covered, with a focus on how GIS, remote sensing, and data visualization have transformed the discipline. The most popular techniques in contemporary cartography, such as GIS, remote sensing, data visualization, and web-based mapping, will next be thoroughly reviewed

    Land use and land cover change dynamics of Uzbekistan: a review

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    Land use and land cover change (LULCC) is a dynamic process that shapes landscapes, ecosystems, and human societies. In the context of Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia, LULCC has been driven by a complex interplay of socio-economic, political, and environmental factors. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical trajectories, drivers, and implications of LULCC in Uzbekistan. Through the synthesis of diverse data sources including remote sensing imagery, government reports, and peer-reviewed literature, we trace the evolution of land use patterns over time. Agricultural expansion and industrial development have reshaped land cover, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services. We discuss the intricate web of drivers behind these changes, encompassing demographic shifts, policy alterations, and economic priorities. Moreover, we explore the socio-economic consequences of LULCC, addressing both opportunities and challenges posed by urbanization and agricultural intensification. The interactions between LULCC and climate patterns are examined, underlining the need for climate-conscious land use planning. Drawing on these insights, we emphasize the importance of sustainable land management and evidence-based policy formulation to mitigate negative impacts and maximize benefits. This review underscores the need for continued research, adaptive strategies, and collaborative efforts to address the complex and evolving dynamics of LULCC in Uzbekistan