1,698 research outputs found
Testing of Stratified Cluster Sampling Technique to Produce Unbiased Estimator for Parameter of Population
This research is done based on the importance testing of sampling technique before the real survey is done. The aim of this research is to test stratified cluster sampling technique in producing unbiased estimator of population. Based on theory, stratified cluster sampling technique is able to produce unbiased estimator. The reserch method used survey technique where the subjects are the whole the twelveth grade ofSenior High School in lubuklinggau and Musi Rawas. The calculation sample shows that the real number of population is 54,45 % whereas the result of sample is 55,5 %with sampling error 0,0464,therefore the samples have estimated parameter of population accuratly
ABSTRACTThe aim of this research is to determine the effect of location-specific arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and oil palm empty fruit bunch compost (OPEFB) as well as the interaction between AMF and OPEFB compost in ultisol on the growth of oil palm. The experiment was carried out at Alur Tani II Village, Tamiang Hulu District, Aceh Tamiang Regency, from June 2015 to May 2016. The soil of the location was ultisol. The research design used was randomized block design (RBD) with a 4 x 3 factorial design with three replications. There were two tested factors: First, location-specific AMF dose (F), consisting of F0 = 0 g/plant, F1 = 50 g/ plant, F2 = 100 g/ plant, F3 = 150 g/ plant; second, OPEFB compost dose (K), consisting of K1 = 30 kg/ plant, K2 = 40 kg/ plant, K3 = 50 kg/ plant. The observed variables were plant height, number of fronds, trunk diameter, N, P and K nutrients absorption, number of spores, and root colonization. The research findings indicated that the location-specific AMF doses did not have any significant effect on plant height, number of fronds, trunk diameter, N, P and K nutrients absorption, and root colonized roots, though it did significantly affect the number of spores. The OPEFB compost doses affected plant height, number of fronds, N absorption, and number of spores but did not influence trunk diameter, P and K absorption, and root colonization. There was no interaction between the location-specific AMF and OPEFB compost doses on every observed parameter.Keywords: Dose, Spores, Root colonization, Glomus sp 1, Ultisol.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan fungi mikoriza arbuskular (FMA) spesifik lokasi dan pupuk kompos tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) serta interaksi antara FMA dan kompos TKKS pada tanah Ultisol terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kampung Alur Tani II Kecamatan Tamiang Hulu Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Penelitian berlangsung dari Bulan Juni 2015 sampai dengan Mei 2016. Lokasi penelitian memiliki jenis tanah Ultisol. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial dengan 3 ulangan, ada dua faktor yang diteliti yaitu fungi mikoriza arbuskular (FMA) spesifik lokasi dan pupuk kompos tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS). Faktor dosis FMA spesifik lokasi terdiri empat taraf yaitu: 0, 50, 100 dan 150 g/tan dan faktor dosis pupuk kompos TKKS yang terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu : 30, 40 dan 50 kg/tan. Peubah yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah pelepah daun, diameter batang, serapan unsur hara N, P dan K, jumlah spora dan kolonisasi akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis FMA spesifik lokasi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah pelepah daun, diameter batang, serapan unsur hara N, P dan K dan akar terkolonisasi, tetapi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah spora. Pemberian dosis pupuk kompos TKKS mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman, jumlah pelepah daun, serapan unsur hara N dan jumlah spora, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap diameter batang, serapan hara P dan K dan kolonisasi akar. Tidak terdapaat interaksi antara pemberian dosis FMA spesifik lokasi dan pupuk kompos TKKS terhadap semua parameter pengaamatanKata kunci : Dosis, Spora, Kolonisasi Akar, Glomus sp 1, tanah Ultisol
This study aims to determine the factors that influence (i) individual characteristics of entrepreneurial competencies, (ii)human resources towards entrepreneurship competencies, (iii) entrepreneurial orientation towards entrepreneurshipcompetencies (iv) environment towards entrepreneurship competencies and (v) entrepreneurial competencies towardsbusiness performance. This research belongs to the category of explanatory research (explanatory research). The studywas conducted on small and medium businesses spread across Sidrap Regency. The research population is small andmedium enterprises in the economic sector of textile entrepreneurs and apparel entrepreneurs based on 2013-2014 data.The number of SMEs experienced a reduction of 1.85% and 5.36% respectively in 2013 and 2014. The samplingtechnique uses a sample technique (stratified random sampling), (stratified random sampling), i.e. taking stratifiedrandom samples (groups) with the number a sample of 300 entrepreneurs. In this study, contextual factors, as independent variables, are tested as potential predictors of the dimensions of each predictor for the components of entrepreneurial performance. The contextual factor is business performance (Y1) as the dependent variable and entrepreneurial competence as an intervening variable (Y2). Conceptual factors as independent variables are (X) consisting of individual characteristics (X1), human resources (X2), entrepreneurial orientation (X3) and environmental factors (X4). The results of this study indicate that the variables of individual characteristics, human resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the environment together with each of their dimensions indicate that there is a significant influence between exogeng variables and endogenous variables simultaneously and partially on entrepreneurial competence and on business performance.Keyword - Personality, Environment, Entrepreneurship Competence and Business Performanc
This research is aimed to investigate in this research to know how the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Amparita, The support and inhibiting factors and how the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in learning PAI at the school. This research is a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection in this research is the observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and triangular. While analyzing data is obtained by the researcher using reduction data, presentation data and verification data. The result of the research shows that the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Amparita is done by 1) Giving an opportunity to all students to follow the teaching of religion based on their religion, 2) Creating a tolerant climate in each lesson ( learn the different, creating an mutual trust, maintaining an mutual understanding, Revering an mutual love). 3) Make deeper related the material ( values of tolerance). The supporting factors including The government policy that has given the rules about embed the values of tolerance among religions, There is adequate facilities, the establishment of cooperation between the school community in religious activities. As for the inhibiting factors including the level of ability, The students have a different an emotional maturity, the school lacks educators Hinduism, the school lacks facilities (instructional media), limited time in learning. The success of the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning is all the students who Moslem able to work together without discriminating against religion. The students have a high faith (religious), the students and teachers can be tolerance for each other, the students and teachers have a democratic character, The creation of harmony and good solidarity
Optimasi Penentuan Nilai Parameter Himpunan Fuzzy dengan Teknik Tuning System
Dalam membangun suatu sistem atau aplikasi berbasis fuzzy, tentunya langkah pertama yang mesti dilakukan adalah merancang pembentukan variabel dan himpunan fuzzy. Namun didalam implementasinya, kebanyakan peneliti pada saat pembentukan proses ini tidak melakukan atau melewati langkah yang sangat penting yaitu proses tuning pada penentuan nilai parameter himpunan fuzzynya. Misalnya saat menentukan nilai parameter dengan mengambil nilai sembarang tanpa dilakukan evaluasi untuk optimasi. Sehingga solusi yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan proses tuning system secara berulang-ulang pada saat pembentukan parameter himpunan fuzzy sampai menemukan nilai yang terbaik. Hasil terbaik diambil berdasarkan semakin seringnya nilai output fuzzy berubah ketika proses perubahan nilai input dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini, proses tuning system fuzzy diterapkan pada contoh kasus Sistem Fuzzy Diagnosa Penyakit Telinga, Hidung dan Tenggorokan (THT). Dalam proses pembentukan variabel dan himpunan fuzzy-nya menggunakan enam model alternatif dengan nilai paramater yang diambil secara random. Hasil tuning system menunjukkan bahwa model 3 (tiga) dengan paramater nilai himpunan Rendah (0 0 20 50), Sedang (20 50 80) dan Tinggi (50 80 100 100) memiliki tingkat akurasi output lebih tinggi dari ke 5 model lainnya dari data uji coba sebanyak 60 sample. Sehingga model ini direkomendasikan untuk digunakan sebagai nilai parameter himpunan fuzzy pada kasus Fuzzy THT
Otorhinolaryngology is a group of diseases that infect many people including Indonesians, especially in West Lombok Regency in West Nusa Tenggara. This disease is very dangerous because it disrupts the respiratory area such as polyp and sinusitis in the nose.This research is discuss about the making of expert system by fuzzy logic concept to diagnose the otolaryngology. The amount of otolaryngology that used to be sample for this research is 18 type of disease which consisted of 10 diseases in ear, 5 diseases in nose and 3 diseases in throat. While the patients who used to be test cases are 50 people. Inference system method that used in this research is Mamdani with deffuzifcation process by centroid method. From the results of the test system with the number of patients of 50 people, the results concluded that the level of match between the application result and doctor’s diagnosis achieve an accuracy of 82% for this type of disease analysis. As many as 64,85% of the 82% of the application test data are in accordance with the doctor’s analysis namely disease’s name and degree 34,15% of them match the disease’s name but there is a difference between the applications values with doctor’s analysis. Trial data that do not match doctor’s analysis is 18%
Desain Model Penjadwalan Pelajaran dan Media Ajar Berbasis Komputer pada Pondok Pesantren Al-Intishor Mataram
Pada Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al-Intishor, pembuatan jadwal belajar masih dikerjakan secara semi manual menggunakan microsoft excel sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Biasanya dalam menyusun jadwal membutuhkan waktu satu mingguan karena pada Ponpes ini terdiri dari dua lembaga pendidikan yaitu Madarasah Aliyah (MA) dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Penjadwalan menjadi tambah rumit ketika guru yang akan dijadwalkan mengajar di kedua madrasah, apalagi dengan jam ngajar yang lumayan banyak. Selain penjadwalan, rata-rata guru di ponpes ini hampir tidak pernah menggunakan perangkat teknologi informasi dalam menyampaikan materi ke para siswa. Hal ini tentunya bisa membuat siswa menjadi bosan dan tidak menarik. Terutama untuk beberapa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan simulasi dalam bentuk animasi, audio maupun video. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa pengumpulan data, analisa masalah, perumusan masalah dan solusi, implementasi dan evaluasi hasil. Dari hasil rumusan masalah didapatkan solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu menggunakan aplikasi FET untuk penjadwalan dan penggunaan Ms. Power Point untuk pembuatan media ajar berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu ponpes Al-Intishor berhasil membuat jadwal dengan berbagai model hasil menggunakan aplikasi FET, serta para guru mampu membuat media ajar berbasis TIK menggunakan Power Point. Dengan diterapkannya penjadwalan dan pembuatan media ajar berbasis TIK diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kinerja ponpes Al-Intishor dalam menghasilkan pelayanan pendidikan yang berkualitas
memungkinkan pengelola proyek untuk memilih salah satu metode pelaksanaan konstruksi tertentu dari beberapa alternatif metode pelaksanaan konstruksi yang ada. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan oleh pengelola proyek adalah mengganti cara-cara konvensional menjadi lebih modern. Hal ini memunculkan inovasi sistem pelat menggunakan boundeck sebagai alternatif lain dari sistem pelat konvensional. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa perbandingan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) antara pekerjaan pelat beton dengan sistem konvensional dengan pekerjaan pelat beton sistem boundeck, pada Pembangunan Gedung Kuliah Bersama Politeknik Negeri Fakfak. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh anggaran biaya pekerjaan pelat beton dengan sistem konvensional sebesar Rp. 5.174.957.000,00 sedangkan anggaran biaya pekerjaan pelat beton dengan sistem boundeck sebesar Rp. 5.476.603.000,00. Selisih anggaran biaya dari kedua metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan pelat beton sebesar Rp. 301.646.000,00, dimana anggaran biaya pekerjaan pelat beton dengan sistem konvensional lebih ekonomis dibandingkan dengan anggaran biaya pekerjaan pelat beton dengan sistem boundec
This research is done based on the importance testing of sampling technique before the real survey is done. The aim of this research is to test stratified cluster sampling technique in producing unbiased estimator of population. Based on theory, stratified cluster sampling technique is able to produce unbiased estimator. The reserch method used survey technique where the subjects are the whole the twelveth grade ofSenior High School in lubuklinggau and Musi Rawas. The calculation sample shows that the real number of population is 54,45 % whereas the result of sample is 55,5 %with sampling error 0,0464,therefore the samples have estimated parameter of population accuratly
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