459 research outputs found

    Pseudogap Formation in Models for Manganites

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    The density-of-states (DOS) and one-particle spectral function A(k,ω)\rm A({\bf k}, \omega) of the one- and two-orbital models for manganites, the latter with Jahn-Teller phonons, are evaluated using Monte Carlo techniques. Unexpectedly robust pseudogap (PG) features were found at low- and intermediate-temperatures, particularly at or near regimes where phase-separation occurs as T\rm T\to0. The PG follows the chemical potential and it is caused by the formation of ferromagnetic metallic clusters in an insulating background. It is argued that PG formation should be generic of mixed-phase regimes. The results are in good agreement with recent photoemission experiments for La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7\rm La_{1.2} Sr_{1.8} Mn_2 O_7.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 pages, Revtex, with 4 figures embedde

    Spin-flux phase in the Kondo lattice model with classical localized spins

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    We provide numerical evidence that a spin-flux phase exists as a ground state of the Kondo lattice model with classical local spins on a square lattice. This state manifests itself as a double-Q magnetic order in the classical spins with spin density at both (0,π)(0,\pi) and (π,0)(\pi,0) and further exhibits fermionic spin currents around an elementary plaquette of the square lattice. We examine the spin-wave spectrum of this phase. We further discus an extension to a face centered cubic (FCC) lattice where a spin-flux phase may also exist. On the FCC lattice the spin-flux phase manifests itself as a triple-Q magnetically ordered state and may exist in γ\gamma-Mn alloys.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Robust D-wave Pairing Correlations in a Hole-Doped Spin-Fermion Model for Cuprates

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    Pairing Correlations are studied numerically in the hole-doped spin-fermion model for cuprates. Simulations performed on up to 12x12 clusters provide robust indications of D-wave superconductivity away from half-filling. The pairing correlations are the strongest in the direction perpendicular to the dynamic stripe-like inhomogeneities that appear in the ground state at some densities. An optimal doping, where the correlations reach a maximum value, was observed at about 25% doping, in qualitative agreement with hight T_{c} cuprates' experiments. On the other hand, pairing correlations are suppressed by static stripe inhomogeneities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Resonating valence bond wave function for the two dimensional fractional spin liquid

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    The unconventional low-lying spin excitations, recently observed in neutron scattering experiments on Cs2CuCl4{\rm Cs_2 Cu Cl_4}, are explained with a spin liquid wave function. The dispersion relation as well as the wave vector of the incommensurate spin correlations are well reproduced within a projected BCS wave function with gapless and fractionalized spin-1/2 excitations around the nodes of the BCS gap function. The proposed wave function is shown to be very accurate for one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems, and remains similarly accurate in the two-dimensional model corresponding to Cs2CuCl4{\rm Cs_2 Cu Cl_4}, thus representing a good ansatz for describing spin fractionalization in two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Systems Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom

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    A new Monte Carlo method is proposed for fermion systems interacting with classical degrees of freedom. To obtain a weight for each Monte Carlo sample with a fixed configuration of classical variables, the moment expansion of the density of states by Chebyshev polynomials is applied instead of the direct diagonalization of the fermion Hamiltonian. This reduces a cpu time to scale as O(Ndim2logNdim)O(N_{\rm dim}^{2} \log N_{\rm dim}) compared to O(Ndim3)O(N_{\rm dim}^{3}) for the diagonalization in the conventional technique; NdimN_{\rm dim} is the dimension of the Hamiltonian. Another advantage of this method is that parallel computation with high efficiency is possible. These significantly save total cpu times of Monte Carlo calculations because the calculation of a Monte Carlo weight is the bottleneck part. The method is applied to the double-exchange model as an example. The benchmark results show that it is possible to make a systematic investigation using a system-size scaling even in three dimensions within a realistic cpu timescale.Comment: 6 pages including 4 figure

    Charge transfer in heterostructures of strongly correlated materials

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    In this manuscript, recent theoretical investigations by the authors in the area of oxide multilayers are briefly reviewed. The calculations were carried out using model Hamiltonians and a variety of non-perturbative techniques. Moreover, new results are also included here. They correspond to the generation of a metallic state by mixing insulators in a multilayer geometry, using the Hubbard and Double Exchange models. For the latter, the resulting metallic state is also ferromagnetic. This illustrates how electron or hole doping via transfer of charge in multilayers can lead to the study of phase diagrams of transition metal oxides in the clean limit. Currently, these phase diagrams are much affected by the disordering standard chemical doping procedure, which introduces quenched disorder in the material.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Invited article for a special issue of JPCM on Metal Oxide Thin Films; minor changes in the tex

    Anomalous enhancement of spin Hall conductivity in superconductor/normal metal junction

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    We propose a spin Hall device to induce a large spin Hall effect in a superconductor/normal metal (SN) junction. The side jump and skew scattering mechanisms are both taken into account to calculate the extrinsic spin Hall conductivity in the normal metal. We find that both contributions are anomalously enhanced when the voltage between the superconductor and the normal metal approaches to the superconducting gap. This enhancement is attributed to the resonant increase of the density of states in the normal metal at the Fermi level. Our results demonstrate a novel way to control and amplify the spin Hall conductivity by applying an external dc electric field, suggesting that a SN junction has a potential application for a spintronic device with a large spin Hall effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, To be published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review