46 research outputs found

    Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Productivity Improvement in the Production Line

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    Lean manufacturing addresses the growing need for all types of organizations that drive process change and performance improvements in their organization environment and supports the evolution toward demand-driven supply networks. Lean principles are derived from the Japanese manufacturing industry. It is the set of "tools" that give contribution in the identification and steady elimination of waste (muda). As waste is eliminated, quality improves while production time and cost are reduced. The key to lean manufacturing is to compress time by eliminating waste and this continually improving the process. Ohno (1988) defines waste as all elements of production that only increase cost without adding value that customer is willing to produce. The total productive maintenance (TPM) is mostly regarded as an integral part of Lean. TPM originated in Japan in 1971 as a method for improved machine availability through better utilization of maintenance and production resources. TPM uses an overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) index to indicate equipment and plant effectiveness. The technique works to eliminate the six big losses indicated by Nakajima, as down time (caused by equipment failure, set-up and adjustment), speed losses (owed by idling, minor stoppage and reduced speed) and defects (caused by process defects and reduced yield). The Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance promoted TPM which includes the OEE in 1971. In 1988, Nakajima introduced the TPM to the U.S. OEE has since gained a lot of attention as the ultimate performance measure of a piece of equipment. Sohal et al., (2010), from survey results, found that OEE typically advances from a base measure for efficiency (as its initial purpose), to being a tool to improve effectiveness for analyzing data to support continuous improvement objectives. It’s through the identification and elimination of six big losses, namely (i) breakdowns, (ii) setups and changeovers, (iii) running at reduced speeds, (iv) minor stops and idling, (v) quality defects, scraps, yields, reworks, and (vi) start-up losses. The first two affect Availability rate (A), the second two affect Performance efficiency (P), and the last two affect Quality rate (Q). These three OEE elements, since being introduced by Nakajima until this research was conducted, already experienced several improvements involving a weight calculation method for OEE elements. This study proposes a procedure to obtain weight settings of each OEE element and OEE estimation for productivity improvement in the production line. The first research proposal is sought to offer a procedure to cover the drawbacks of weighting OEE elements. The research motivation was initiated by several researches of OEE improvement, which met difficulty when determining the proper weight for each OEE element. The calculation results of OWEE and PEE by STP also showed better results than the original OEE for the simulation model case study. From the result analysis, it can be concluded that the outcome of this research experiment can be implemented in OEE with a weighted method, among others; for example, in PEE (Production Equipment Effectiveness) as well as OWEE (Overall Weight Equipment Effectiveness). A simulation model was chosen because it is able to mimic a real production line and therefore act as a suitable experiment tool. This study provide a lean overview followed by a description of how simulation is being used to enhance lean performance. This study offering simulation as the lean way to implement and accelerate the TPM. The STP (Simulation Taguchi method Procedure) provided characteristic mapping of OEE elements through a response table. Naturally, even though STP seems to be difficult to implement, the outcome is worthwhile. Moreover, the company will have obvious data to consider when making decisions for the improvement of priorities in their production line. The second research proposal offers OEE enhancement scheme, which provides a company with the appropriate information for decision-making on priority improvement in the production line. By using the Taguchi method and simulation as an experimental tool, this scheme can measure and estimate the contribution for each OEE element to an OEE score. This procedure can be implemented in a specific WS or in a production line if the factory is made up of more than one manufacturing line. They provide measurements for each OEE element in order to observe the extent of the influence the simulation experiment has on the OEE elements and scores. All of those research proposals are to improve the OEE as a KPI in the factory. In order to meet the objective of the TPM itself, increasing the sustainability of the company by continuous improvements

    A simulation-based approach to decision support for lean practitioners

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    In today’s global competition, having a lean production system is a must for companies to remain competitive. By identifying and eliminating waste throughout a product’s entire value stream by means of a set of LM tools, companies are able to produce and assemble any product range in any order or quantity. In order to do these, personnel needs to have the expertise in deciding which LM tool to implement at the right time and on the right place. However, this expertise is not always available. Therefore, this paper proposes a simulation-based decision support (SDS) tool to assist the decision making in LM tool implementation. The SDS tool provides five functions through an interactive use of process simulation. The functions are layout, zoom-in/zoom-out, task status, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) status and R.A.G (Red, Amber and Green) status (quantifying waste). These functions are incorporated into a process model of coolant hose manufacturing (CHM) factory which was developed in this study. Layout function provides a bird’s eye view of the whole process model and shows how the manufacturing process runs with the flow of materials and products. Zoom-in/zoom-out function provides a detail view of manufacturing processes of the factory. For KPI and RAG status functions, examples of LM tool implementations are used to show how different parameters affect the outcome of manufacturing process. Bar charts of KPIs are also available during simulation. Feasibility study showed how SDS tool enhance the visual perception and analysis capabilities of lean practitioners through availability of specific functions in the simulation model. Hence, decisions in LM implementation could be made correctly and with increased confidence by lean practitioners

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Laboratorium Komputasi Industri Universitas Merdeka Malang Berbasis Web

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    Laboratorium Komputasi Industri merupakan salah satu laboratorium yang berada di Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri Universitas Merdeka Malang. Selama kegiatan operasional berjalan terdapat beberapa kendala terkait penjadwalan penggunaan laboratorium. Kegiatan perkuliahan terkadang bersinggungan dengan kegiatan praktikum yang sedang berlangsung. Kegiatan yang bersinggungan di Laboratorium Komputasi Industri disebabkan oleh belum adanya penjadwalan penggunaan ruangan laboratorium yang terdokumentasi. Untuk mengatur penjadwalan penggunaan laboratorium agar dapat terdokumentasi dengan baik, maka diperlukan perancangan sistem informasi penjadwalan. Sistem informasi penjadwalan dapat mempermudah penjadwalan penggunaan laboratorium. Sistem informasi penjadwalan dapat mendokumentasikan jadwal yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan laboratorium. Perancangan sistem informasi dilakukan memalui beberapa tahapan yaitu dimulai dengan perancangan sistem menggunakan alat bantu berupa context diagram dan data flow diagram. Kemudian melakukan perancangan database sistem menggunakan alat bantu berupa entity relationship diagram. Setelah dilakukan perancangan, maka rancangan yang ada diwujudkan dalam tahapan pembuatan program aplikasi. Pembuatan program aplikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan DBMS (Database Management System) MySQL. Ssistem informasi penjadwalan yang telah dirancang dapat mempermudah civitas akademika dalam mengakses jadwal peminjaman laboratorium yang telah terdokumentasi, sehingga tidak perlu menunggu terlebih dahulu jadwal peminjam lain untuk melakukan peminjaman laboratorium

    Gagasan Kampung Oksigen Pandanwangi sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan di Kota Malang

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    Population growth in Indonesia always increases every year. This has resulted in an increase in life support needs such as buildings, transportation and others. If it is not balanced with the concept of sustainable development, it will cause problems for the environment. Indicators of environmental problems caused by population growth in each region are always diff erent. Malang City is one of the cities experiencing population growth. One indicator of environmental problems in the city of Malang is an increase in the number of suff erers of acute respiratory infections (ARI) every year. Pandanwangi Village is one of the villages with the highest ARI disease spread apart from Kedungkandang and Mulyorejo. The solution to overcome these environmental problems is by carrying out “Kampung Oksigen” Oxygen Village Planning in Pandanwangi Village. The concept of a “Kampung Oksigen” that is realized is by multiplying plants such as Sansevieria and grapevines that have the ability to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide produced by vehicles. The result of this service is in the form of a “Kampung Oksigen” gate equipped with a set of supporting plants to be a pilot for community eff orts to participate in creating a healthy and beautiful environment

    Overall equipment effectiveness estimation for priority improvement in the production line

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    The objective of this research is to propose an enhancement of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) by including information on OEE estimation, value added (VA) cost, and non-value added (NVA) cost through simulation and the Taguchi experimental method. This additional information can enhance the original OEE as a key performance indicator (KPI) and act as a guide for a company in deciding on the priority improvement required. If a company relies solely on the ordinary OEE calculation, it can only arrive at a decision for priority improvement through the lowest score measured and will be in the dark as to the level of improvement required in the production line. Decision-makers in the company need to consider information other than the OEE score if their intention is to see a profound improvement in the performance of the production line. This research proposes a procedure which employs simulation and the Taguchi experimental method


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    Lean Manufacturing (LM) is a philosophy aiming at detecting and eliminating waste throughout a product’s value stream by means of a set of synergistic tools and techniques. Examples of LM tools and techniques are Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Kanban, 5-S, Value Stream Mapping, Preventive Maintenance, Cellular Manufacturing (CM), Standardised Work, Heijunka, and Poka Yoke. Although these tools could resolve many manufacturing issues, it is difficult to quantify the benefits of implementing LM before it is actually implemented. Therefore, this study focused on a process simulation approach to see the effectiveness of LM tools before their implementation. A process model of a coolant hose manufacturing (CHM) factory was designed and its simulation model was then implemented. Subsequently, this paper presents the implemented simulation model and shows how it could be used to see the effect of LM tools using an example of SMED LM tool and Cellular Manufacturing LM tool. Keywords: lean manufacturing, simulation, key performance indicator

    Tracing potential CBD land uses along roads in historic areas: A study of space syntax using isovist and connectivity attributes along Kayutangan street Malang, Indonesia

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    Urban sustainability is an interesting discussion on every development concept in all cities in the world. The issue in urban development that is the focus in several cities is sustainable urban form. Every urban development pays attention to the distribution of land use, which will directly impact the city's sustainability. One of them is related to an area in the city that has a particular historical value. This study examines the relationship between connectivity and visuals in specific road segments with historical significance. Connectivity is measured using a space syntax approach associated with isovist studies as visual analysis. The study location is along Jalan Kayutangan in Malang, Indonesia, with a high historical value as a Dutch colonial area. The determination of the isovist study is carried out at specific points along the Kayutangan road, then measured using DepthMapX, a spatial syntax tool to calculate spatial syntactic attributes. The results of this study are expected to assist in determining the best potential for the CBD area along roads that have historical value. It is hoped that this study will help preserve historical buildings and road corridors so that a sustainable city form can be achieved by understanding the potential of spaces along roads that have historical valu