980 research outputs found

    A Criticality Analysis of the GBC-32 Dry Storage Cask with Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 Fuel Assemblies from the Viewpoint of Burnup Credit

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    AbstractNuclear criticality safety analyses (NCSAs) considering burnup credit were performed for the GBC-32 cask. The used nuclear fuel assemblies (UNFAs) discharged from Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 Cycle 6 were loaded into the cask. Their axial burnup distributions and average discharge burnups were evaluated using the DeCART and Multi-purpose Analyzer for Static and Transient Effects of Reactors (MASTER) codes, and NCSAs were performed using SCALE 6.1/STandardized Analysis of Reactivity for Burnup Credit using SCALE (STARBUCS) and Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code, version 6 (MCNP 6). The axial burnup distributions were determined for 20 UNFAs with various initial enrichments and burnups, which were applied to the criticality analysis for the cask system. The UNFAs for 20- and 30-year cooling times were assumed to be stored in the cask. The criticality analyses indicated that keff values for UNFAs with nonuniform axial burnup distributions were larger than those with a uniform distribution, that is, the end effects were positive but much smaller than those with the reference distribution. The axial burnup distributions for 20 UNFAs had shapes that were more symmetrical with a less steep gradient in the upper region than the reference ones of the United States Department of Energy. These differences in the axial burnup distributions resulted in a significant reduction in end effects compared with the reference

    A Study on Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot Using Haptic Feedback

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    Abstract. Haptic feedback force is often suggested to complement visual information through the sense of touch to improve efficiency and safety in the teleoperation of mobile robot. The efficiency and safety of teleoperation are strongly dependent upon how haptic feedback is presented to the operator. In this study a haptic feedback scheme for teleoperation of mobile robot is developed and its effectiveness is experimentally verified. Experimental results show that the developed scheme improves the quality of mobile robot teleoperation in terms of improvement in efficiency and safety

    A Study on Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot Using Haptic Feedback

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    Abstract. Haptic feedback force is often suggested to complement visual information through the sense of touch to improve efficiency and safety in the teleoperation of mobile robot. The efficiency and safety of teleoperation are strongly dependent upon how haptic feedback is presented to the operator. In this study a haptic feedback scheme for teleoperation of mobile robot is developed and its effectiveness is experimentally verified. Experimental results show that the developed scheme improves the quality of mobile robot teleoperation in terms of improvement in efficiency and safety

    Towards optimization of P3HT:bisPCBM composites for highly efficient polymer solar cells

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    The optimization of the polymer solar cells based on regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and the bisadduct of phenyl C(61)-butyric acid methyl ester (bisPCBM) is studied thoroughly as a role of solvent-annealing effect as well as different concentration of bisPCBM. In the case of P3HT: bisPCBM of 1 : 0.8 w/w, more balanced electron and hole mobilities are observed, resulting in better performance of the solar cells. Under the best balance conditions such as P3HT: bisPCBM of 1 : 0.8 w/w, the solvent annealing is employed to further clarify the optimization of the devices. Such a treatment leads to the formation of crystalline P3HT domains in the blend films, which is determined by X-ray diffraction, UV-vis spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. From our experiment, one can conclude that the best power conversion efficiency of 3.75% is achieved in a layered structure of P3HT: bisPCBM of 1 : 0.8 w/w for a solvent-annealing time of 24 h.close201