105 research outputs found
Pengaruh Electoronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Kepercayaan Dan Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Produk Fashion Followers аKun Instagram Erigostore)
This research aims to describe the effect of electronic word of mouth to trust, the effect of trust to the purchase decision the effect of electronic word of mouth to the purchase decision. This type of research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Variables in this research areelectronic word of mouth, trust, and purchase decision. Population in this research are the consuments fashion products of followers Instagram account Erigostore, who buy,were and know Eriostore products. Throught recommendations from other consumers.This research use 116 people as samples which are chosen by purposive sampling, and use questionnaire as data collection methods. This research also use descriptive analysis and path analysis methods to analyze the data.The result of path analysis shows that electronic word of mouth (X) has the significant influence to the trust (Y1) and purchase decision (Y2), Trust (Y1)has the significant purchase decision (Y2). Based on the results of this study, Erigostore should provide more detail information about the products offered, so it will increase the consumer trust, therefore bring electronic word of mouth among consumer. Keywоrds : Electtrоnic Wоrd оf Mоuth, Trust, Purchаse Decisiоn АBSTRАK Penelitiаn ini bertujuаn untuk menjelаskаn pengаruh electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth terhаdаp kepercаyааn, pengаruh kepercаyааn terhаdаp keputusаn pembeliаn, pengаruh electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth terhаdаp keputusаn pembeliаn. Jenis penelitiаn yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh explаnаtоry dengаn pendekаtаn kuаntitаtif. Vаriаbel dаlаm penelitiаn ini yаitu electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth, kepercаyааn, dаn keputusаn pembeliаn. Pоpulаsi penelitiаn ini аdаlаh Kоnsumen prоduk fаshiоn fоllоwers аkun Instаgrаm Erigоstоre yаng membeli, memаkаi prоduk Erigоstоre dаn mengetаhui prоduk Erigоstоre melаlui rekоmendаsi dаri kоnsumen lаin. Sаmpel yаng digunаkаn dаlаm penelitiаn ini sebаnyаk 116 respоnden yаng diаmbil dengаn menggunаkаn purpоsive sаmpling dаn metоde pengumpulаn dаtа menggunаkаn аngket. Аnаlisis dаtа yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh аnаlisis deskriptif dаn аnаlisis jаlur (pаth аnаlisis). Hasil analisis jalur (path analisis) menunjukkan bahwa electronic word of mouth (X) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan (Y1) dan keputusan pembelian (Y2), kepercayaan (Y1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y2). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Erigostore dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih detail mengenai produk yang ditawarkan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk sehingga memunculkan electronic word of mouth antar konsumen. Kаtа Kunci: Electrоnic Wоrd оf Mоuth, Kepercаyааn, Keputusаn Pembeliа
Kompetensi Program Studi Diploma Teknik Perkapalan dalam Industri Maritim Indonesia
Mohd Ridwan, Eko Yulianto, in paper competency of naval architecture diploma program on Indonesian maritime industry explain that Shipbuilding engineering professionals is part of the leading maritime industry is expected to become the motor of development of national maritime fleet in the implementation of cabotage (Impres No.5, 2005), this will reduce foreign exchange spending nearly 99 trillion rupiah per year due to the use of foreign fleets, and the creation of new jobs as a supporter of the maritime industry. So the presence of workers who have competence in the field of shipbuilding (ship building, naval architecture, marine engineering enginerring and maritime transportation) is urgently needed and their capability to compete with other countries that previously controlled the sea as a source of national income should be the Indonesian government's attention
Ekstraksi Asam Lemak Bebas dari Minyak Nabati dengan Metanol Kajian Perpindahan Massa
Wahyuningsih, Moh Endy Yulianto, in this paper explain that extraction of free fatty acids from vegetable oils with methanol performed in batch stirred tank, in a variety of conditions. Variables experiments in liquid-liquid extraction including temperature, solvent ratio and rotational speed stirrer. This study aims to develop a correlation coefficient of mass transfer in extraction of free fatty acids from vegetable oils methanol. Rresearch was conducted in two phases. Was the first stage liquid-liquid extraction experiments in laboratory. Second step is the development of an empirical correlation for the mass transfer coefficients in the form of numbers not berdemensi results showed that the greater the temperature, turn the mixer speed and solvent-feed ratio of the mass transfer koffisien gained greater. Mass transfer coefficient expressed in Sherwood number and correlated against the Reynolds number, Schmitd, (dP / dT) and (L / S), the results obtained: Sh = 4,669 x 10-5 Re 0,462 Sc0,5 (dP/dT)0,308 (L/S)0,187 If used to calculate the mass transfer coefficients, have an average error of 8.79% for the regression line. This equation was developed in the Re number range 3169 to 11 750; numbers Sc 6321 to 9896, (dp / dT) from 0.0007 to 0.0013 and (L / S) of 0.333 to 1
Peran Strategi City Branding Kota Batu Dalam Trend Peningkatan Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara (Studi Pada Dinas Pariwisata Dan Kebudayaan Kota Batu)
This study aimed to describe the implementation and impact of city branding strategy Batu City towards increasing trend of tourist arrivals in the Batu City. This type of research is qualitative research to describe and analyze the implementation of city branding strategy Batu City applied by the Department of Tourism Batu City. Research conducted at the office of Tourism and Culture Department Batu City, Jl. Sultan Agung No. 5, Kota Batu. Data collection techniques in this research through field research conducted to obtain information and data through interviews, data collection visits, and documentation. Results from this study indicate that the potential and advantages in agriculture, tourism, and education, Batu can have a strong identity as a tourist town. Implementation of City Branding Batu City had been carried out and meet the three main sectors, namely agriculture, tourism and education. City Branding is not just as a promotional tool only. But also as a unifying and binding of all parties who deal with tourism in order to further improve the quality Batu services or products in attracting foreign tourists to visit the Batu City
Pengaruh Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Harga Kopi Internasional Dan Produksi Kopi Domestik Terhadap Volume Ekspor Kopi Indonesia (Studi Volume Ekspor Kopi Periode 2009 – 2013)
This study aims to determine the Effect of Exchange Rate, Price Coffee International and Domestic Coffee Production. The independent variable in this research is the Exchange Rate, Price Coffee International and Domestic coffee production with the dependent variable is Coffee Export Volume Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach and explanatory research. Focusing researching Indonesian coffee export volume in 2009 up to 2013. The data used was obtained from the official website of the Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, and the World Bank. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression statistical analysis using SPSS 21. Results program (Test F) Test Together show that the rupiah exchange niali International price and domestic production significantly influence the volume of exports. and while the outcome is known (t test) Partial test shows that the variable Exchange Rate and Domestic Coffee Production significant influence on robust exports of Indonesian coffee. The result of partial test (t test) showed variable International Coffee Prices have insignificant impact on Coffee Export Volume Indonesia
Pengaruh Green Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya Malang Pelanggan Teh Kotak),
This Study aimed to determine: the effect of Green Marketing on Purchase Decision, The offect of Purchase Decision on Customers Loyality, and Green Marketing on customers Loyality. The type of reseach used was explanatory research with quantitative approach. The samples in this research were 116 Toward The Student of Brawijaya University, Malang on Customers Teh Kotak. Data were collected through questionare and were analyzed using descriptive and path analysis. The study Shows that: Green Marketing has direct effect and significant on Purchase Decision; Purchase Decision has direct effect and significant on Customers Loyality; Green Marketing has direct effect and significant Customers Loyality. It can be concluded that Green Marketing affect purchasing decision and Customers Loyality, directly and inderectly. Its advised that PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry and Trading Company Tbk. to continue maintain and improve the running Green Marketing program to innovate and create high quality and enviromentally friendly product
Kajian Model Matematis Koefisien Perpindahan Massa Pada Ekstraksi Inaktivasi Enzim Gaultherase Untuk Produksi Gaultherin Dari Gandapura
Gandapura merupakan spesies tanaman yang mengandung total
salisilat dengan konsentrasi sangat tinggi. Sebagian besar salisilat yang
terdapat pada tanaman gandapura berada dalam bentuk aktif yang disebut
gaultherin, merupakan konjugasi metil salisilat dengan disakarida. Ketika
jaringan tumbuhan tersebut rusak atau terkoyak, gaultherin akan
terhidrolisa secara enzimatis oleh enzim gaultherase menjadi metil salisilat
dan terlepas. Gaultherin memiliki sifat-sifat yang menjadikannya sebagai
kandidat terbaik natural aspirin, anti kanker, anti inflamatory dan
cardiopulmonary. Aktivitas gaultherase diyakini dapat terhambat dengan
penambahan senyawa polar. Oleh karenanya, perlu menela'ah produksi
gaultherin dari tanaman gandapura melalui teknologi bioekstraksi inaktivasi
enzim gaultherase dengan pelarut polar. Pelarut polar ini akan berfungsi
ganda, yaitu inaktivasi enzim sekaligus mengekstrak gaultherin. Bioekstraksi
ini memiliki keunggulan, karena dapat meringkas tiga tahapan proses
sekaligus, yaitu proses inaktivasi enzim gaultherase, proses ekstraksi, dan
proses dehidrasi osmosis. Namun demikian, keberhasilan proses ini masih
bergantung pada laju perpindahan gaultherin ke fasa etanol. Oleh
karenanya, perlu menela'ah penyusunan model empirik perpindahan massa
solut ke fasa pelarut proses inaktivasi enzim gaultherin.
Kata Kunci: perpindahan massa, inaktivasi, gaultherase, gaultherin,
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