3 research outputs found

    Aplikasi M-Commerce Berbasis Android Pada Phone Comp Service

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    Perkembangan bisnis di era modern ini memicu persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Sistem penjualan atau marketing pun ditingkatkan guna mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pemasaran produk. Sistem penjualan yang dengan teknologi modern akan menjadi alternatif penjualan yang baik. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi smartphone, sistem akan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan dan pemrograman perangkat lunak yang berorientasi objek (OOP). Untuk pengembangannya digunakan aplikasi Eclipse Juno dan Dreamwever. Aplikasi ini berbasis Mobile Application (Android) menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan MySQL sebagai databasenya dan PHP sebagai web servernya. Metode pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan Metode Prototype. Yang nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah apliksi m-commerce dengan memanfaatkan sistem aplikasi android pada smartphone. Aplikasi ini nantinya akan sangat berguna untuk toko Phone Comp Service. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan ini berupa aplikasi mobile atau m-commerce yang akan dijalankan pada smartphone android. Dengan aplikasi nantinya akan memudahkan konsumen untuk melakukan pemesanan atau transaksi pada toko Phone Comp Service, sehingga akan lebih mudah efesiensi waktu. Aplikasi ini juga akan meningkatkan omset penjualan toko

    The Medical Waste Management in Health Centers as the City of Pekanbaru

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    The amount of medical waste comes from health facilities are expected more increasing. Based on Indonesia Health Profile 2008, amount of health centers reached 8,548 units. Management of medical waste from hospitals, health centers, clinics and medical laboratories in Indonesia is still under professional standards. In Pekanbaru city does not have accurate data on medical waste management in health centers, and therefore it necessary related research to see the extent of medical waste management health centers. This study aims to determine the medical waste management in health centers as the city of Pekanbaru. Type of research is descriptive qualitative, study was conducted in 20 health centers in Pekanbaru. The number of informants in this study were 21 people consisting of 20 holders of environmental health programs each health center and 1 holder of the environmental sanitation program at the City Health Office. Instrument research using in-depth interviews and observation sheets. Results reveal that a health center of Pekanbaru city has done a medical waste management ranging from segregation, collection, storage, transportation, yet at the stage of annihilation still less than the maximum. Constraints faced was funding the operation and maintenance personnel as well as there is no incinerator machine is not functioning properl

    Factors Associated with the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Health Center Islands Selatpanjang Meranti

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    Incidence og dengue in the region of the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti as 129 cases. Of 2 and 6 rural villages, urban villages, especially the city Selatpanjang RW 09 and RW 10 and RW particular village east Selatpanjang 01 and RW 02 includes areas with the highest cases of health centers in the region of Selatpanjang. The purpose of the study to determine the factors associated with the incidence of dengue in Selatpanjang Meranti Islands. Quantitative research conducted with cross-sectional research design. The sample in the study of 167 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires and direct observation. Test statistics with chi square test at 95% confidence level. The results showed no relationship between respondents knowledge of dengue, the presence of aedes aegypti larvae in containers, the shelter is closed on the availability of water and frequency of draining water reservoirs daily use with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Meranti Selatpanjang 2012. While the habit of hanging clothes no association with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti of 2012. It is expected that further intensify the health center larva periodic inspection activities, as well as for the community to pay more attention to the activities and the implementation of PSN plus 3M-DBD independently and regularl