6 research outputs found


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    This article would like to discuss the neglected role of Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in one of the biggest Muslim country in the world.  As a case study of Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS), South Kalimantan - Indonesia, both of primary and secondary data were obtained from the local HSS government, IBS stakeholders and the HSS’s community. This study used Focus Group Discussion, in depth interview, and collect secondary data. Using the descriptive qualitative approach, this study is attempted to examine the role of IBS in national education system. This study tries to answer some question e.g. why the education index has been stagnant around 6 years, what are the differences between two types of IBS, how the Policy Affirmation of IBS graduate can improve the system, and what is the implication of the school formalization. Hence, as the research result, this paper proposes the Flowchart Design of IBS Education

    The Development of River School as a Community Empowerment Facility at Tegaltirto, Berbah, Sleman Regency

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    river as one of the providers and buffers of life must always be preserved. The sustainability of the river ecosystem is necessary so that water availability can be maintained over time both in quantity and quality. Attention to community behavior is the main target to guarantee the conservation of river water. River pollutants are increasing in quantity due to both domestic and production activities. Community empowerment aspect should always be improved especially in taking care of maintenance and utilization sustainability of the river for human life in particular and ecosystem in general. Tegaltirto Village which is crossed by the Opak River is very important to be preserved especially in proper river management. Community service in the form of institutional development of river school is needed. The scheme is appropriate to educate, assist, and initiate a proper and sustainable community empowerment forum. The research methods in the empowerment of a river school institution are focused on the participatory empowerment aspect. Data collection was done through interviews, documentation, and focus group discussions. The knowledge and skills of the river school institution are transferred through training and an intensive facilitation program. The preparation of the followup plan was done through assistance by UGM Team. This was to realize the organizational structure that was responsible for the management and utilization of river resources. The implementation of a river school institution in Tegaltirto Village cannot be separated from the community participation and the observer of river conservation in the spirit of building the village. Conservation and sustainability of water and river utilization become the implementation motivation for the river school activity in Tegaltirto village.

    Eksplorasi dan Karakterisasi Tanaman Genjer (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buch) di Kabupaten Pangandaran Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi dan Agronomi

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    Genjer merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh liar di area persawahan, rawa, atau sungai yang keberadaannya sering dianggap sebagai gulma. Tanaman genjer memiliki banyak manfaat, diantaranya sebagai bahan penyerap logam berat dalam tanah dan sebagai obat yang memiliki banyak kandungan gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi karakter morfologi dan karakter agronomi untuk mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan tanaman genjer antar daerah di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Pangandaran pada Mei sampai Oktober 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksplorasi purposive sampling pada 77 aksesi genjer yang diambil dari Kabupaten Pangandaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat keragaman fenotipik yang luas pada karakter morfologi ujung daun, warna batang, tekstur daun, warna daun, panjang lekukan bawah daun, warna kelopak bunga dan warna bunga. Karakter agronomi yang mempunyai keragaman yang luas ialah tinggi tanaman, jumlah batang per rumpun, panjang daun, lebar daun, jumlah daun, jumlah bunga dan diameter batang. Tanaman genjer di Kabupaten Pangandaran memiliki kekerabatan yang jauh dengan rentang jarak Euclidian 0,48 sampai 10,17. Aksesi yang memiliki hubungan kekerabatan paling jauh yaitu Ciakar (001) dengan jarak Euclidian 10,17, sedangkan yang memiliki hubungan kekerabatan paling dekat yaitu Cikalong (003) dan Cikalong (004) dengan jarak Euclidian 0,48. Genjer or Yellow velvetleaf is a plant that grows wild in lowland area, swamp or river which existence is considered as a weed. Genjer has a lot of benefits, such as material absorbent for heavy metals in the soil and medicine that has a lot of nutrition. This study aimed to determine the variety of morphological and agronomic characters of Genjer in Pangandaran Regency and to determine the genetic relationship of genjer between regions in Pangandaran. The research was conducted in the Pangandaran Regency on May to October 2015. The method used purposive sampling exploration method in 77 accession genjer collected from Pangandaran Regency. The results showed there were extensively phenotypic variation in tip of leaf, stem color, leaf texture, leaf color, length curve of bottom leaf, petal color and flower color. While agronomic characters for plant height, stem amount, leaf length, leaf width, leaf amount, flower amount and diameter of the stem had wide variation. Relationship between genjer in Pangandaran Regency had Euclidean distance with a range of 0.48 to 10.17. The accession which had the farthest distance was Ciakar (001) with Euclidean distance of 10.17, while those with the closest relationship were Cikalong (003) and Cikalong (004) with Euclidean distance of 0.48


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    Penelitian ini digandengi adanya era globalisasi yang membawa dampak positif dan negatif terutama dalam bidang keuangan, karena jika uang tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi diri sendiri maupun negara. Di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini mahasiswa dituntut agar bisa mengelola uangnya dengan bijak dan berkelanjutan untuk masa depan seperti berinvestasi. Jika investasi suatu negara mengalami peningkatan maka akan berdampak pada kuatnya perekonomian suatu negara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji secara simultan dan parsial pengaruh literasi keuangan, inklusi keuangan, uang saku, dan pola asuh orang tua terhadap perilaku investasi mahasiswa manajemen keuangan syariah UIN SATU Tulungagung angkatan 2019-2020. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada mahasiswa manajemen keuangan syariah UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung angkatan 2019-2020. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala likert dengan tingkat lima preferensi jawaban, dan sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji regresi linier berganda, uji koefisien determinasi, uji simultan, uji parsial, uji heteroskedasitas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji normalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) literasi keuangan, inklusi keuangan, uang saku, dan pola asuh orang tua berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku investasi mahasiswa, (2) literasi keuangan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku investasi mahasiswa, (3) inklusi keuangan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku, (4) uang saku berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku investasi mahasiswa, (5) pola asuh orang tua berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku investasi mahasiswa. Kata kunci : literasi keuangan, inklusi keuangan, uang saku, pola asuh orang tua, perilaku investasi


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    This research become important because RRI is the public radio which cooperate with APBN financing and have to carry out the activities based on national guidance. Meanwhile, RRI charged to fulfill the various public needs. To keep their existence, branding is required. RRI is in the process to fix their image considering that RRI previously become the people�s radio as the government�s tool yet become independent public radio faced with the rivalry of private radio that have their own innovations. To find out that problem, researcher uses indicator made by Kotler to reveal the identity and brand maintaining have been done by RRI. Afterwards, the opinion about RRI�s brand image from the respondents including RRI listener and non-RRI listener is showed. The result of this research reveals that the branding that have been done by RRI Yogyakarta is not maximum enough because of several factor such as limitedness of the fund, unsupported ambience of work, weak mentality of its employee, and the young generation�s amorousness for RRI is not good enough. Their image in the people�s mind do not appropriate with brand image that they need. Therefore, to improve their current branding, they need to fix some particular element such as the internal organization

    The Responsiveness and the Ability of “Kampung Tangguh Bencana” in Handling Flood in Yogyakarta City

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    Yogyakarta City is passed by three rivers, i.e. Winongo River, Code River, and Gajahwong River. Due to that geological condition, Yogyakarta City is prone to annual flood more often than the other types of disaster. Dealing with the risk, the Yogyakarta City Government introduces Kampung Tangguh Bencana or disaster resilient villages (DRV). DRV is a village which has an ability to identify hazards in its environment and is able to organize the human resources in reducing the susceptibility as well as increasing the capacity to reduce the disaster risks. These abilities are carried out in development planning and capacity enhancement in restoration after the emergency condition. Thus, it is important for DRVs to understand the responsiveness and the ability to become autonomous in flood counter-measurement in Yogyakarta City. In order to find out the responsiveness of DRVs in handling the flood, a research using qualitative approach was performed through a set of interviews with key persons. Information was gained from related stakeholders, such as the local government officers, community, and local agency for disaster management (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah or BPBD) as the organizer of the program. Triangulation method was performed to find out the synchronization between stakeholders. The villages observed in this research were Karanganyar, Warungboto, and Wirobrajan which were located on the river bank. The result of this research covered the description in handling flood through DRVs, the form and identity of DRVs, the contract-expand model action in the management phases of disaster, as well as the advantages and weaknesses of DRVs. The data gained was analyzed in depth by comparing the responsiveness and the ability to become autonomous in the three villages. The recommended formulation was given to the DRVs, the local government, and the local community to carry out the DRVs effectively and sustainably