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    Seseorang dapat disebut sebagai pahlawan apabila orang tersebut telah berjasa untuk masyarakat, bangsa, dan negaranya. Pahlawan mendapatkan tempat yang terhormat di mata masyarakat, sebab masyarakat dapat menilai secara objektif kontribusi apa saja yang diberikan pahlawan kepada masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Pengorbanan dan perjuangan seorang pahlawan dapat memberikan kontribusi berupa nilai-nilai moral kepada masyarakat. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisa seorang tokoh cowboy di Amerika yang dianggap sebagai pahlawan masyarakat Amerika. Untuk menganalisa hal ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan eksponensial dan antropologi. Dalam film Lucky Luke menggambarkan dengan jelas seorang cowboy yang memiliki peranan penting sebagai seorang sherif di kotanya. Perjuangan dan usahanya dalam menjalankan tugasnya menjadi seorang sherif membawanya menjadi sosok pahlawan yang dikagumi. Karakter seorang pahlawan memberikan nilai-nilai moral yang baik kepada masyarakat. Sehingga, pesan-pesan atau nilai moral dari seorang tokoh pahlawan biasanya dapat disampaikan melalui cerita rakyat, dongeng, maupun legenda. Karena cerita rakyat, dongeng maupun legenda merupakan cara yang mudah dalam menyampaikan nilai-nilai moral dan budaya dari kehidupan seorang tokoh pahlawan


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    The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu quite less. The purpose of this research was to analysis the E-book quality. In this research the researcher analyze the E-book feasibility of E-book. The feasibility aspects were Availability, Customization Display, Portability and Usability. The research was using descriptive quantitative method according to theories of E-book standard quality. The analysis of E-book passed through: (1)Implementation of E-book and (2)Analysis of E-book. This research was held from December 5th up to December 17th 2011. The data were collected in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu. The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer and Network Engineering. Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a 5 scale answer. The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted into qualitative description value. The average score of students interpretation was 3.91 and this E-book was a Good E-book. Keyword: E-book, E-book standard qualit


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    Parents with children diagnosed with autism are vulnerable to parenting stress. Stress in parents occurs because of different demands from the environment and the resources and coping mechanisms that parents have to change their children to their original condition. Filial Therapy is a therapeutic intervention that aims to improve parent-child relationships and provide parenting skills through non-directive play. The research subjects were mothers of children with ASD who have a more significant parenting role. This research aims to see the impact of filial Therapy on parenting stress in mothers with children with ASD. The research design will be quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design approach. The number of subjects in the study was ten mothers who had children with ASD with moderate parenting stress. Research subjects were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=5) and the control group (n=5). The instruments used were the Indonesian version of the parenting stress scale and the autism spectrum rating scale (ASRS). The data analysis technique used was the Wilcoxon test to determine differences in pretest-posttest results in each research group and the Mann-Whitney test to determine differences between groups after the intervention. The study results showed a decrease in parenting stress in the experimental group after the filial therapy intervention. This intervention is effective to decrease in parenting stress in mother with the children who diagnosed autism spectrum disorder

    Uji daya antimikroba dalam ekstrak daun ceremai (phyllanthus acidus l) terhadap pertumbuhan candida albicans

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    ABSTRAK Candida albicansmerupakan spesies cendawan patogen yang menyebabkan berbagai penyakit pada manusia seperti sariawan.Sariawan atau juga disebutkandidiasis merupakan salah satu penyakit rongga mulut.Tumbuhan ceremai selain digunakan sebagai obat sariawan ternyata memiliki khasiat sebagai obat diare. Bagian yang digunakan adalah daunnya yaitu dengan cara dihancurkan dan dikunyah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) Apakah ekstrak daun ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus L.) berpengaruh dalam menghambat pertumbuhanCandida albican.(b) berapakah konsentrasi yang optimal dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (a) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus L.) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans.(b) untuk mengetahui konsentrasi ekstrak daun ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus L.) yang optimal dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Ekstrak daun ceremai (Pyllanthus acidus L.) diperoleh dengan cara ekstrak sederhana yaitu menggunakan pelarut alcohol 96%. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun ceremai (Pyllanthus acidus L.) yang digunakan adalah S1 (50%), S2 (60%), S3 (70%), S4 (80%), S5 (90%), S0 (0%) yang digunakan sebagai kontrol. Teknis analisis data menggunakan Anava ( Analisis Variansi) dan uji lanjut menggunakan BNT (Beda Nyata Terkecil). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Fhitung < Ftabel pada α = 1% untuk perlakuan 1x24 jam, 2x24 jam, 3x24 jam dan 4x24 jam, hal ini berarti ada pengaruh yang Sangat Nyata dari konsentrasi ekstrak daun ceremai (Pyllanthus acidus L.) terhadap pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Perlakuan konsentrasi yang optimal terlihat pada taraf S3 (70%). ABSTRACT Candida albicansis as pathogen of mushroom species which caused many diseases to human such as ulcer. Ulcer or sometimes can be mentioned as candidacies where as one of oral cavity diseases. Ceremai plant except used as ulcer medicine, it is also has function as diarrhea medicine. The part which can be used is its leaf where can be destructed and chewed. The problems of the study are (a) Does the ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) give effect in obstructing the growth of Candida albicans. (b) How much optimal concentrates are needed to obstruct the growth of Candida albicans. The aims of the study are (a) to know the effect of ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) in obstructing the growth of Candida albicans. (b) to know the optimal concentrates of ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) that needed to obstruct the growth of Candida albicans. This study is an experimental research. The design of the study that used is Complete Random Design (RAL) by using 6 treatments and 4 times repetition. The ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) obtainable by simple extracting of using alcohol solvent of 96%. The ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) that used is S1 (50%), S2 (60%), S3 (70%), S4 (80%), S5 (90%), S0 (0%) that used as control. Data analysis technique used Anava (Analysis Varians) and further testing used BNT (Smallest Real Difference). The result of the study shown that Ftest ≤ Ftable on α = 1% on the treatment of 1 x 24 hours, 2 x 24 hours, 3 x 24 hours and 4 x 24 hours, it is meant that there is significant effect of ceremai leaves extract (Pyllanthus acidus L.) toward the growth of Candida albicans. The treatment of optimal concentration was shown on S3 (70%)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan membaca permulaan anak melalui permainan kartu gambar pada anak kelas B TK Dharma Wanita Pulutan Wetan Wuryantoro Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011. Penelitian ini bersifat kolaboratif antara peneliti dan guru kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah diskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan teknik alur, yang terdiri dari tiga alur yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) anak-anak mengalami peningkatan kemampuan membaca, 2) anak dapat menceritakan gambar yang ada dikartu gambar, 3) anak dapat menunjukkan kartu gambar sesuai dengan kartu kata, 4) anak dapat memasangkan kartu gambar dengan kartu kata, anak dapat membaca kata sederhana, 5) anak dapat mengidentifikasi huruf. Dalam prosentase keberhasilan membaca permulaan dengan permainan kartu gambar pada penelitian ini, yakni sebelum tindakan 21%, siklus I mencapai 52,6%, siklus II mencapai 78,9%. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan kartu gambar ini juga didukung dengan metode lain yaitu percakapan, praktek langsung dan pemberian tugas. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah permainan kartu gambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan pada anak TK

    Pengaruh Dosis Ragi Terhadap Kualitas Fisik Tempe Berbahan Dasar Biji Cempedak (Arthocarpus champeden) Melalui Uji Organoleptik

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    Tempe merupakan produk pangan yang sangat populer di Indonesia yang diolah dengan proses fermentasi kedelai dalam waktu tertentu menggunakan jamur Rhizopus oligosporus. Secara umum tempe mempunyai ciri berwarna putih karena pertumbuhan miselia-miselia jamur yang menghubungkan antara biji-biji kedelai, sehingga terbentuk tekstur tempe yang kompak. Tempe umumnya dibuat dari bahan baku biji kedelai, namun seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah kebutuhan pangan, maka beragam upaya yang dilakukan melalui sejumlah penelitian untuk mencari kemanfaatan biji-bijian yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku alternatif dalam pembuatan tempe dengan kandungan nutrisi yang hampir setara, salah satunya adalah biji cempedak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis ragi terhadap kualitas fisik tempe berbahan dasar biji cempedak (Arthocarpus champeden) melalui uji organoleptik dan mengetahui dosis ragi yang tepat untuk menghasilkan tempe biji cempedak yang berkualitas berdasarkan kualitas fisik dan organoleptik tempe. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan memberikan perlakuan berupa dosis ragi sebagai variabel bebasnya, yang selanjutnya dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas fisik melalui uji organoleptik tempe sebagai variabel terikatnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dosis ragi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kualitas fisik tempe dan organoleptik tempe berbahan dasar biji cempedak dengan taraf dosis ragi 0,5 gram, 1 gram, 1,5 gram, 2 gram, 2,5 gram, dan 3 gram.Nilai F hitung untuk parameter warna yaitu 12,41. Nilai F hitung untuk parameter cita rasa yaitu 8,36. Nilai F hitung untuk parameter tekstur yaitu 48,08. Nilai F hitung untuk parameter aroma yaitu 58,52. Secara keseluruhan dapat dinyatakan bahwa perlakuan dosis ragi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kualitas fisik tempe. Dosis ragi yang tepat untuk kualitas warnaadalah 1 gram dengan indikator putih cerah,sedangkan untuk kualitas tekstur, cita rasa dan aroma adalah 0,5 gram dengan indikator tekstur kompak, cita rasa enak dan menimbulkan selera makan. English Tempe is a very popular food substance in Indonesia which is made from fermentation process of soy in particular time using Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Generally tempe characterized by white color as the result of the growth of fungus misallies bounding all the soy seed into one producing solid texture of tempe. In general, tempe is made of soy. However, in order to deal with the increase of food substance needs, efforts to find alternatives through researches are taken to find potential seeds with almost similar nutrition to soy, one of the seeds is cempedak seed. The study aims at examining the effect of yeast dosage on cempedak (Arthocarpus champeden) seed tempephysical quality through organoleptic test and to determine the appropriate dosage of yeast in producing qualified cempedak seed tempe based on the tempe physical quality and organoleptic. It is an experimental study, are taken from treatment in the form of yeast dosage as independent variable, then the effect is examined toward physical test on the tempe organoleptic as dependent variable. The result of the study shows significant effect of yeast dosage on cempedak (Arthocarpus champeden) seed tempephysical quality and organoleptic with the dosage of yeast at 0,5 gram, 1 gram, 1,5 gram, 2 gram, 2,5 gram, and 3 gram. The F value for the tempe color perimeter is 12, 41. The F value for tempe taste perimeter is 8, 36. The F value for tempe texture perimeter is 48, 08. The F value for tempe smell perimeter is 58, 52. In summary, the treatment of yeast dosage significantly affects the tempe physical quality while the appropriate dosage of the color quality is 1 gram with indicator white color, where as the texture, taste, and smell quality is 0,5 gram for solid texture, delicious taste and create eating feel


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk: (1) mengetahui penerapan Team Teaching pada pembelajaran produktif pada siswa kelas XI jurusan TAV di SMK N 2 Klaten, (2) mengetahui dampak penerapan Team Teaching pada pembelajaran produktif pada siswa kelas XI jurusan TAV di SMK N 2 Klaten. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Subyek penelitian adalah Guru mata Pelajaran Produktif. Obyek penelitian adalah Penerapan Team Teaching pada Pembelajaran Produktif. Responden penelitian adalah Guru mata Pelajaran Produktif. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) dalam penerapan Team Teaching, guru bekerjasama, berkomitmen, bertanggung jawab, berkomunikasi, aktif mengevaluasi, dan saling terbuka dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran teori dan praktek. 2 orang guru membimbing siswa dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek. Guru mengajar sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dimiliki dalam pembelajaran teori; (2) dampak penerapan Team Teaching yaitu peningkatan nilai dan pemahaman siswa. Guru melaksanakan evaluasi selama pembelajaran berlangsung dan pada akhir pembelajaran, jika ada siswa belum mencapai KKM dan menguasai pembelajaran guru memberikan bimbingan di luar kelas, remidial, dan pengayaan. Siswa yang memiliki kemampuan, kemauan, dan kesenangan dalam belajar lebih mudah menguasai pemahaman kompetensi. Kata kunci: Team Teaching, dampak penerapan Team Teaching, peningkatan nilai dan pemahaman

    Influences of Brand on Hospital Performance and Patient Behavioral Expectations

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    ABSTRACT Increasing number of Hospital in Asia at the present triggers hospital to build a marketing strategy. Hospital branding is one of the choosen way for marketing which giving benefits for internal and externals. This study aims to identify the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectations. The research method is literature review with 7 included studies. Research related to branding in the field of healthcare services was searched using valid keywords, including hospital branding, hospital, patient combined with keywords such as the effect dan the influence,dan melalui berbagai database. (mis. Google Scholar, Emerald, Scopus). A total 7 articles were selected to be studied in literature review. From these studies we have managed to categories the influences of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation and reported on three categories, including the influences of brand on hospital performance, on patient behavioral expectation, and medical team in referral. From these studies we have managed to categorize even practical considerations that is considered as influence of brand on hospital performance and patient behavioral expectation are influence of brand on hospital performance, influence of brand on patient behavioral expectation, Medical team in referral

    Compatibility Of Students’ Workbook For Second Year Student Of Sma In Surakarta And Basic Competencies Of Schools’ Curriculum Academic Year 2010/2011

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    This study is aimed at examine the compatibility of students’ workbook for second year student of SMA in Surakarta and basic competencies of schools’ curriculum academic year 2010/2011. The result of the study is expected to contribute to evaluate the compatibility of basic competence of the students’ workbook and basic competence of school curriculum academic year 2010/2011. The study was conducted by evaluate the compatibility of the material of the student’ workbook with the basic competence of content standard issued by Institution for National Standard of Education (BSNP). The researcher took 2 students’ workbook. The book is used by second year students of Senior High School on the first and second semester. The object of the research was the evaluation of the compatibility between basic competence of standard competence in school-based curriculum and basic competence of the students’ workbook. The researcher gets the data of this research from the document. The techniques of collecting data are observation and documentation. The result of the study shows that Students’ workbook is used by second year student of SMA in Surakarta is very good. It can be used to improve students’ English skill and help the students to develop their English knowledge. It means that the teacher and educator knew the quality of any workbook. They choose appropriate supplementary material to help them gain the aims of national education

    Efeito da bioatividade de extratos de Elephantopus Scaber Linn. em Spodoptera litura e na comunidade microbiana do solo

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    This study investigates the biopesticidal effects of Elephantopus scaber Linn. extract on mortality of Spodoptera litura, Plutella xylostella, and non-target organisms and investigate the impact on S. litura protein levels and soil microbial community structure. The experiment was performed using a completely randomized design. Methanol extracts from E. scaber leaves, at concentrations of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, and 12%, were tested for bioactivity against the 2nd-instar larva of S. litura, P. xylostella, and earthworms. Mortality rates of the larvae and worms were observed. The collected data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by probit and descriptive analysis. The results showed that methanol extracts of E. scaber (12%) influenced the highest mortality rates for both S. litura (93.35%) and P. xylostella (96.65%) with LC50 and LC80 of S. litura was 1.867 and 4.763; for P. xylostella were 4.488 and 7.92, respectively. However, the application of E. scaber biopesticide also influences earthworms’ mortality rate. The 6% E. scaber extract resulted in 60% death of earthworms during a 20-days period. In addition, higher concentrations of E. scaber extracts resulted in lower molecular weights and levels of S. litura proteins. The diversity and density of the soil microbial community also decreased by 6% concentration.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos biopesticidas de Elephantopus scaber Linn. extrair na mortalidade de Spodoptera litura, Plutella xylostella e organismos não-alvo e investigar o impacto nos níveis de proteína de S. litura e na estrutura da comunidade microbiana do solo. Experimento realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Extratos de metanol de folhas de E. scaber, nas concentrações de 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% e 12%, foram testados para bioatividade contra a larva de 2º ínstar de S. litura, P. xylostella e minhocas. Taxas de mortalidade de larvas e vermes foram observadas. Os dados coletados foram analisados ​​por meio de análise de variância (ANOVA), seguida de probit e análise descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que os extratos metanólicos de E. scaber (12%) influenciaram as maiores taxas de mortalidade para S. litura (93,35%) e P. xylostella (96,65%) com CL50 e CL80 de S. litura foi de 1,867 e 4,763; para P. xylostella foram 4,488 e 7,92, respectivamente. No entanto, a aplicação de biopesticida de E. scaber também influencia a taxa de mortalidade de minhocas. O extrato de 6% de E. scaber resultou em 60% da morte de minhocas durante o período de 20 dias. Para além disso, maiores concentrações de extratos de E. scaber resultaram em menores pesos moleculares e níveis de proteínas de S. litura. A diversidade e a densidade da comunidade microbiana do solo também diminuíram na concentração de 6%
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