84 research outputs found

    Chern Number Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Monolayer Transitional Metal Oxides via Manipulating Magnetization Orientation

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    Although much effort has been made to explore quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) in both theory and experiment, the QAHE systems with tunable Chern numbers are yet limited. Here, we theoretically propose that NiAsO3_3 and PdSbO3_3, monolayer transitional metal oxides, can realize QAHE with tunable Chern numbers via manipulating their magnetization orientations. When the magnetization lies in the \textit{x-y} plane and all mirror symmetries are broken, the low-Chern-number (i.e., C=Β±1\mathcal{C}=\pm1) phase emerges. When the magnetization exhibits non-zero \textit{z}-direction component, the system enters the high-Chern-number (i.e., C=Β±3\mathcal{C}=\pm3) phase, even in the presence of canted magnetization. The global band gap can approach the room-temperature energy scale in monolayer PdSbO3_3 (23.4 meV), when the magnetization is aligned to \textit{z}-direction. By using Wannier-based tight-binding model, we establish the phase diagram of magnetization induced topological phase transition. Our work provides a high-temperature QAHE system with tunable Chern number for the practical electronic application

    Valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall effect in van der Waals heterostructures based on monolayer jacutingaite family materials

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    We numerically study the general valley polarization and anomalous Hall effect in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures based on monolayer jacutingaite family materials Pt2_{2}AX3_{3} (A = Hg, Cd, Zn; X = S, Se, Te). We perform a systematic study on the atomic, electronic, and topological properties of vdW heterostructures composed of monolayer Pt2_{2}AX3_{3} and two-dimensional ferromagnetic insulators. We show that four kinds of vdW heterostructures exhibit valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall phase, i.e., Pt2_{2}HgS3_{3}/NiBr2_{2}, Pt2_{2}HgSe3_{3}/CoBr2_{2}, Pt2_{2}HgSe3_{3}/NiBr2_{2}, and Pt2_{2}ZnS3_{3}/CoBr2_{2}, with a maximum valley splitting of 134.2 meV in Pt2_{2}HgSe3_{3}/NiBr2_{2} and sizable global band gap of 58.8 meV in Pt2_{2}HgS3_{3}/NiBr2_{2}. Our findings demonstrate an ideal platform to implement applications on topological valleytronics

    Second-Order Topological Insulator in van der Waals Heterostructures of CoBr2_2/Pt2_2HgSe3_3/CoBr2_2

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    Second-order topological insulator, which has (d-2)-dimensional topological hinge or corner states, has been observed in three-dimensional materials, but has yet not been observed in two-dimensional system. In this Letter, we theoretically propose the realization of second-order topological insulator in the van der Waals heterostructure of CoBr2_2/Pt2_2HgSe3_3/CoBr2_2. Pt2_2HgSe3_3 is a large gap Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological insulator. With in-plane exchange field from neighboring CoBr2_2, a large band gap above 70 meV opens up at the edge. The corner states, which are robust against edge disorders and irregular shapes, are confirmed in the nanoflake. We further show that the second-order topological states can also be realized in the heterostructure of jacutingaite family Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological insulators. We believe that our work will be beneficial for the experimental realization of second-order topological insulators in van der Waals layered materials

    Prompt-aligned Gradient for Prompt Tuning

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    Thanks to the large pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP, we can craft a zero-shot classifier by "prompt", e.g., the confidence score of an image being "[CLASS]" can be obtained by using the VLM provided similarity measure between the image and the prompt sentence "a photo of a [CLASS]". Therefore, prompt shows a great potential for fast adaptation of VLMs to downstream tasks if we fine-tune the prompt-based similarity measure. However, we find a common failure that improper fine-tuning may not only undermine the prompt's inherent prediction for the task-related classes, but also for other classes in the VLM vocabulary. Existing methods still address this problem by using traditional anti-overfitting techniques such as early stopping and data augmentation, which lack a principled solution specific to prompt. We present Prompt-aligned Gradient, dubbed ProGrad, to prevent prompt tuning from forgetting the the general knowledge learned from VLMs. In particular, ProGrad only updates the prompt whose gradient is aligned (or non-conflicting) to the "general direction", which is represented as the gradient of the KL loss of the pre-defined prompt prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the stronger few-shot generalization ability of ProGrad over state-of-the-art prompt tuning methods. Codes are available at https://github.com/BeierZhu/Prompt-align.Comment: Accepted by ICCV202

    Anderson Localization from Berry-Curvature Interchange in Quantum Anomalous Hall System

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    We theoretically investigate the localization mechanism of the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) in the presence of spin-flip disorders. We show that the QAHE keeps quantized at weak disorders, then enters a Berry-curvature mediated metallic phase at moderate disorders, and finally goes into the Anderson insulating phase at strong disorders. From the phase diagram, we find that at the charge neutrality point although the QAHE is most robust against disorders, the corresponding metallic phase is much easier to be localized into the Anderson insulating phase due to the \textit{interchange} of Berry curvatures carried respectively by the conduction and valence bands. At the end, we provide a phenomenological picture related to the topological charges to better understand the underlying physical origin of the QAHE Anderson localization.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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