162 research outputs found

    The Big Five, Mindfulness, and Psychological Well-being

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    The Big Five, Type A Personality, and Psychological Well-Being

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    The aim of this research was to investigate how the Big Five and Type A personality variables relate to psychological well-being. Additionally, the study examined the effect of age on psychological well-being. Various social media sites such as Facebook were used to recruit 286 Participants (209 males, 74 females) from the community population. The sample was broad with an age range 18-85. Participants completed a demographic measure as well as the Ryff’s Psychological Well-being scale, the International Personality Item Pool- Big Five Scale, the Framingham Type A Behavior Scale and a Social Desirability Scale. Pearson’s product correlations and a hierarchical multiple regression were performed to determine the ability of the personality variables and Type A personality scores to predict psychological well-being. The results indicated that the personality variables (the Big Five) predicted psychological well-being but that the addition of variance from the Type A personality variable added insignificantly to the prediction. Psychological well-being was negatively correlated with age. Further studies on personality and psychological wellbeing are needed, including the role of mindfulness in contributing along with personality variables to psychological well-being.</jats:p


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    Calistung merupakan kemampuan dasar yang wajib bagi manusia sebagai makhluk sosial dansebagai alat untuk memperoleh berbagai pengetahuan. Calistung mulai diajarkan pada usia 4Tahun hingga awal masuk Sekolah Dasar. Telah banyak upaya yang dilaksanakan parapraktisi pendidikan untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar Calistung. Salah satu upaya yangdapat dilaksanakan agar siswa bisa Calistung yaitu dengan alat peraga Pohon Berhitung danKotak Energi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya perubahan dalam antusiasme dansemangat siswa dalam belajar. Hasil dari aktivitas Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah adanyapeningkatan antusiasme siswa serta semangat untuk belajar dalam Calistung serta adanyakeseimbangan antara bermain dengan belajar, dan tanpa disadari mereka bermain itu adalahtermasuk belajar

    The Big Five, Mindfulness, and Psychological Well-being

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    How do personality variables and mindfulness relate to psychological well-being? Research relates personality variables and psychological well-being and distress (as in depression, anxiety and stress); and mindfulness and psychological well-being - especially since mindfulness became a fashionable area to study from the 2000s.  However, few studies have linked personality (the Big Five), mindfulness and psychological well-being though they would appear to be related. We examined the relationships in our study which used a community sample of 286 participants who completed biographical details, Ryff’s Psychological Well-being scale, the International Personality Item Pool- Big Five Scale, an adaptation of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-Short Form, and a Social Desirability Scale. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated that both mindfulness and personality predicted psychological well-being and that both together contributed significantly increased levels of variance to psychological well-being. This pilot study appears to be one of the first to show that mindfulness significantly adds to personality in predicting psychological well-being and supports attention to developing programs in mindfulness to help increase psychological well-being

    The Recruitment of Intuitive Managers

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    French scientist, Alexis Carrel said, “All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.” Studies among leaders confirm this and underscore the value of developing intuition. Business is all about rational, orderly systems for strategic planning, decision-making, forecasts, operations, budgeting, supervision and control, production and practically every other facet of an organisation. Under rising pressure and ambiguity, rational thinking may not perform satisfactorily. In the context of management decision-making, research conducted by Nutt (1999) reveals that rational/logic based strategies struggle to reach the fifty percent success mark. Business leaders the world over are acknowledging that many important decisions, and career choices are increasingly based on intuition or gut feel. The recruitment of highly intuitive managers can enable organisations to tackle contexts and issues thrown up by the challenges of this century. To identify managers with high levels of intuition is, therefore, a necessary step. Validated and reliable tests are available to measure intuition in managers. The paper further suggests ways to fine tune the process to recruit intuitive managers. Keywords: Intuition, Recruitment, Management, Intuitive thinking, Intuitive decision making, CSI, REI

    Structural and biochemical characterization of Cas4 containing adaptation complexes in type I-C and I-G CRISPR-Cas immune systems

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    CRISPR-Cas systems protect prokaryotes against mobile genetic elements by storing short fragments of DNA called spacers as memories of invasions. Spacers are transcribed to crRNAs that form complexes with effector proteins to target and degrade foreign nucleic acids. Spacers are added between tandem repeat sequences within a CRISPR array via a multistep process. The CRISPR array is preceded by an AT rich leader sequence that carries the promoter for transcription of the CRISPR array and other sequence elements that ensure accurate integration. Adaptation proteins capture prespacers with a PAM sequence, a 2-5 bp sequence used by effector proteins to scan the invading genome before initiating target unwinding and degradation. The PAM is removed prior to integration of the prespacer into the CRISPR array. Addition of new spacers must occur directionally to ensure that the transcribed crRNA is complementary to the target. The non-PAM end must be integrated at the leader proximal end of the first repeat and the PAM end at the junction of the first repeat and spacer. Cas1 and Cas2 proteins are universally conserved proteins that perform spacer integration and many DNA targeting systems also encode Cas4 as an accessory protein. Our lab previously showed that Cas4 from the type I-C system in Alkalihalobacillus halodurans is responsible for selection of prespacers with a PAM and cleaves the PAM in the presence of Cas1 and Cas2. This dissertation focuses on understanding the mechanisms of new spacer acquisition in Cas4 encoding systems type I-C and type I-G. To gain insights into how type I-C system achieves removal of PAM and directional integration, we determined the structure of the Cas4-Cas1-Cas2 complex from the type I-C system using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). We show that Cas4 recognizes the PAM in a sequence specific manner. Interactions with both Cas1 and Cas2 are important for activation of Cas4 for PAM cleavage. Cas4 provides partial protection of the non-PAM end such that trimming of the non-PAM end by exonucleases leaves an optimal length of overhang for integration by Cas1. Additionally, tight binding of Cas4 at the PAM end enhances integration of the non-PAM end at the leader-side, ensuring directional integration. Cas4 can also be encoded as a fusion with Cas1 in some systems like type I-G. Using biochemical assays, we show that a Cas4/1 fusion from Methanosarcina barkeri, can process both PAM and non-PAM ends of prespacers independent of any host exonucleases. While Cas4 cleaves the PAM in a sequence specific manner for integration at the spacer side, the Cas1 domain processes the non-PAM end in a sequence non-specific manner for integration at the leader side. Our results thus show that Cas4/1-Cas2 in the type I-G system is self-sufficient for prespacer processing and integration


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    Kedelai merupakan  salah satu komoditas pangan penting, sehingga perlu ditingkatkan produksinya. Diantara  upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai adalah melalui penggunaan benih bermutu,  tetapi keberadaan patogen tular benih sering menurunkan mutu benih. Patogen terbawa benih kedelai yang jarang dilaporkan antara lain adalah bakteri patogen, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri terbawa benih kedelai secara morfologi dan fisiologi dengan metode liquid assay. Benih kedelai yang digunakan pada penelitian  adalah varietas Anjasmoro, Detam 4, dan Dering 1. Sebanyak 1000 butir benih dari masing-masing varietas dicuci dengan NaOCl 1% dan dibilas aquades steril. Masing-masing benih ditambah aquades steril dan dihancurkan menggunakan grinder. Ekstrak benih yang diperoleh diencerkan secara berseri dan dituang pada media Nutrient Agar. Koloni yang tumbuh dikelompokkan berdasarkan warna dan dihitung jumlah koloninya. Setiap koloni bakteri dimurnikan pada media selektif King’s B dan Yeast Dextrose Calcium Agar (YDCA). Karakterisasi fisiologi meliputi uji reaksi gram, uji katalase, uji fluoresen, uji oksidase, uji hidrolisis pati, dan uji aktivitas arginin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih kedelai varietas Anjasmoro memiliki jumlah populasi bakteri yang lebih banyak dibandingkan varietas lain. Bakteri yang berhasil diidentifikasi dari ketiga varietas benih adalah Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas glumae, dan Xanthomonas sp. Kata kunci: karakter fisiologi, mutu benih, Pseudomonas sp., Xanthomonas sp

    Exploring experiences of children who migrate to Delhi: understanding gender and space

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    This study explored the experiences of migrant street children in Delhi, India, including the reasons for their migration, their lives on the streets, and their exit from the streets, as well as the impact of gender and space in street situations. In doing so, it contributes to the existing body of literature on the complex phenomenon of migrant street children. It also hopes to inform policies, legislation and programmes that seek to support these children and enhance their wellbeing. The fieldwork for this study was undertaken over a period of eight months from May to October 2019 with (former) migrant street children aged between 10 and 18 years in the residential homes operated by Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) in Delhi. Data were generated through participant observation, group discussions involving participatory activities, and semi-structured interviews with children. Interviews were also held with various stakeholders several (from NGOs, social workers, and government agencies). During and after the fieldwork, I also identified relevant documents and texts from NGOs and government agencies, which I have used to compare and contrast the experiences and conditions of migrant street children. This information was also supplemented by a literature review. The study found that children migrate away from their homes to the city for various reasons, including poverty, neglect, abuse and violence, and peer pressure. On the streets of Delhi, they formed social networks, which acted as family, and employed various strategies to survive. Some eventually shifted from street life to a residential home, a move that many found difficult, but that children were motivated to make to access opportunities that were not available to them on the streets and in hope of a better future. This study also found that gender and space intersect to affect the experiences of migrant children in street situations differently depending on gender. Similarly, the study found that space is used differently, and has different meanings assigned to it by children due to their gender. Other intersectional factors, including age, culture, family background, and social network, were all observed to contribute to the definition of gender and space at a particular time. The findings of this study highlight the fact that more research is needed to understand the experiences of migrant street children, the services they need, and how they can be supported to transition from the streets. In particular, there is a need for more ethnographic, multi-sited, multiple perspectives and longitudinal research. Such data is needed to inform policies and programmes, so that they can more effectively target and address the needs of migrant street children