3 research outputs found

    Degos 病の関与が疑われた腸管気腫症の一例

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    症例は70歳代男性.既往に脳梗塞,パーキンソン病があり抗凝固薬を内服していた.デイサービス利用中に倦怠感および血圧低下を認め近医を受診し入院加療となった.入院2日目に40℃の熱発があり,腹部造影CT を施行したところfree air を認め外科的治療目的に当院へ救急搬送された.造影CT では肝彎曲部から脾彎曲部にかけての横行結腸に腸間膜気腫および腸管壁内ガスを認めた.明らかな腸間膜虚血および壊死を示唆する所見はなかった.消化管穿孔または腸管気腫症が考えられ緊急手術が検討されたが,腹部症状に乏しく液体成分など腸管内容の流出を示唆する所見がないことから一旦保存的加療を行った.また,体幹部を中心に小豆大までの皮膚潰瘍が多発していた.皮膚病理所見,既往および今回の病態からDegos 病と診断された.入院6日目に注腸造影および腹部CT を施行したところ,free air はほぼ消失しており,造影剤の腸管外漏出は認めず8日目に退院となった.Degos 病は皮膚の萎縮性丘疹を呈し,消化管の多発性潰瘍や穿孔,中枢神経系の出血や梗塞を特徴とし,病態としては末梢の血栓性血管炎が主体と考えられている.今回我々は,Degos病の関連が疑われた腸管気腫症の一例を経験したので文献的考察を加えて報告する.The patient was a 70 year-old-male. His past medical history was significant for cerebral infarction and Parkinson’s disease. He presented with malaise and hypotension and had been admitted to a local hospital three days ago. After admission,he had a fever of 40℃ and a computed tomography (CT) showed free air in the upper abdomen,he was referred to our hospital for an operation. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography also showed free air and pneumatosis intestinalis in transverse colon, with no evidence of mesenteric ischemia such as superior mesenteric artery occlusion (SMA) or non-occulusive mesenteric ischemia. Due to no abdominal pain and intraperitoneal fluid, we assessed that pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis was more probable than intestinal perforation. It was observed that the patient had many skin ulcers the size of red beans which were located around the chest and abdomen. A skin biopsy was performed,indicating Degos’ disease by a pathological exam. On day 6 of admission,we performed a barium enema exam and plain abdomen computed tomography (CT), it was seen that the free air almost disappeared and there was no leakage of the contrast medium. He was discharged on day 8. Patients with Degos’ disease present atrophic papula with perforation of intestinal or cerebral vascular accidents such as hemorrhage or infarction. This is considered a cause for bythrombotic angiitis of the peripheral vessels. We present a report with reference to the relevant literature