195 research outputs found

    Limnological parameters in Sôya Coats lakes between the 53rd and 55th  Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions in 2012–2014 —Long-term monitoring study—

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    The annual heat balance of Lake Untersee in Dronning Maud Land

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions : [OB] Polar Biology, Wed. 4 Dec. / Entrance Hall (1st floor) , National Institute of Polar Researc

    Limnological parameters in Skarvsnes lakes between the 49th and 50th Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions in 2008-2009 -Long-term monitoring study-

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    Limnological parameters in Skarvsnes lakes between the 50th and 51st Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions in 2009-2010 -Long-term monitoring study-

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    Limnology and ecology of lakes along the Sôya Coast, East Antarctica

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    The Sôya Coast in East Antarctica has several ice-free areas where many small (<1 km2) and shallow (<50 m depth) glacial lakes display various limnological features. Geological, biological, and ecological studies conducted by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions since 1957 are reviewed herein. Most of the lakes along the coast are oligotrophic; however, water quality is highly variable depending on differences in lake morphology and history. Geophysical and paleolimnological studies suggest that most of the lakes appeared after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and have since maintained a lacustrine condition. The ubiquitous occurrence of benthic microbial assemblages with low phytoplankton biomasses is a common feature of other Antarctic lakes. However, diverse benthic assemblages such as moss pillars and large pinnacle microbial structures are found in the lake basins. Frequent and continuous limnological studies have revealed three typical water circulation patterns, underwater light climate features (too much light, which includes UV radiation during the ice free season), and the structure of benthic assemblages based on their photosynthetic physiology. The phenomenon of mass floatation of benthic assemblages was observed in a lake during the ice-covered season; this was explained by seasonal environmental conditions. Thus, a hypothesis was formulated based on ecological matter cycling, eutrophication, and lake succession processes

    Limnological parameters in Skarvsnes lakes between the 51st and 52nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions in 2010–2011—Long-term monitoring study—

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    Utilizing the Effective Xanthophyll Cycle for Blooming of Ochromonas smithii and O. itoi (Chrysophyceae) on the Snow Surface

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    Snow algae inhabit unique environments such as alpine and high latitudes, and can grow and bloom with visualizing on snow or glacier during spring-summer. The chrysophytes Ochromonas smithii and Ochromonas itoi are dominant in yellow-colored snow patches in mountainous heavy snow areas from late May to early June. It is considered to be effective utilizing the xanthophyll cycle and holding sunscreen pigments as protective system for snow algae blooming in the vulnerable environment such as low temperature and nutrients, and strong light, however the study on the photoprotection of chrysophytes snow algae has not been shown. To dissolve how the chrysophytes snow algae can grow and bloom under such an extreme environment, we studied with the object of light which is one point of significance to this problem. We collected the yellow snows and measured photosynthetically active radiation at Mt. Gassan in May 2008 when the bloom occurred, then tried to establish unialgal cultures of O. smithii and O. itoi, and examined their photosynthetic properties by a PAM chlorophyll fluorometer and analyzed the pigment compositions before and after illumination with high-light intensities to investigate the working xanthophyll cycle. This experimental study using unialgal cultures revealed that both O. smithii and O. itoi utilize only the efficient violaxanthin cycle for photoprotection as a dissipation system of surplus energy under prolonged high-light stress, although they possess chlorophyll c with diadinoxanthin

    Limnology and ecology of lakes along the Soya Coast, East Antarctica

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OB] 極域生物圏11月17日(火) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305

    Internal waves observed under an ice-covered Antarctic lake

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第33回極域生物シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 統計数理研究所 3階リフレッシュフロ