5 research outputs found

    Insights into gene expression profiles induced by Socs3 depletion in keratinocytes.

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    Specific deletion of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (Socs3) in keratinocytes can cause severe skin inflammation with infiltration of immune cells. The molecular mechanisms and key regulatory pathways involved in these processes remain elusive. To investigate the role of Socs3 in keratinocytes, we generated and analyzed global RNA-Seq profiles from Socs3 conditional knockout (cKO) mice of two different ages (2 and 10 weeks). Over 400 genes were significantly regulated at both time points. Samples from 2-week-old mice exhibited down-regulation of genes involved in keratin-related functions and up-regulation of genes involved in lipid metabolism. At week 10, multiple chemokine and cytokine genes were up-regulated. Functional annotation revealed that the genes differentially expressed in the 2-week-old mice play roles in keratinization, keratinocyte differentiation, and epidermal cell differentiation. By contrast, differentially expressed genes in the 10-week-old animals are involved in acute immune-related functions. A group of activator protein-1-related genes were highly up-regulated in Socs3 cKO mice of both ages. This observation was validated using qRT-PCR by SOCS3-depleted human keratinocyte-derived HaCaT cells. Our results suggest that, in addition to participating in immune-mediated pathways, SOCS3 also plays important roles in skin barrier homeostasis

    Insights into gene expression profiles induced by Socs3 depletion in keratinocytes

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    Specific deletion of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (Socs3) in keratinocytes can cause severe skin inflammation with infiltration of immune cells. The molecular mechanisms and key regulatory pathways involved in these processes remain elusive. To investigate the role of Socs3 in keratinocytes, we generated and analyzed global RNA-Seq profiles from Socs3 conditional knockout (cKO) mice of two different ages (2 and 10 weeks). Over 400 genes were significantly regulated at both time points. Samples from 2-week-old mice exhibited down-regulation of genes involved in keratin-related functions and up-regulation of genes involved in lipid metabolism. At week 10, multiple chemokine and cytokine genes were up-regulated. Functional annotation revealed that the genes differentially expressed in the 2-week-old mice play roles in keratinization, keratinocyte differentiation, and epidermal cell differentiation. By contrast, differentially expressed genes in the 10-week-old animals are involved in acute immune-related functions. A group of activator protein-1–related genes were highly up-regulated in Socs3 cKO mice of both ages. This observation was validated using qRT-PCR by SOCS3-depleted human keratinocyte–derived HaCaT cells. Our results suggest that, in addition to participating in immune-mediated pathways, SOCS3 also plays important roles in skin barrier homeostasis

    Effective cofactor complex purification using nanobeads

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    ABSTRACT Drug target factor complex identification is necessary for evidence based drug discovery. Previous study showed that using small chemical immobilized magnetic nanobeads the chemical target factors were effectively purified and identified. Here we succeeded to purify the chemical target factor complex, so called cofactor(s). Arginine exhibits a variety of biological activities through a complex and highly regulated set of pathways that remain incompletely understood at both the whole-body and the cellular levels. The aim of this study is to develop and validate effective purification system for arginine target complex. New arginine target protein (arginine interacting factor 4, AIF4) was purified and identified. Using recombinant AIF4 protein and arginine-immobilized magnetic nanobeads, AIF4 cofactor, AIF4-BP1, were purified. Interaction of AIF4 and AIF4-BP1 was detected in arginine-dependent manner, suggesting arginine receptor complex formation. This nanobeads technology is more than 30-fold efficient purification efficient than general purification technology